© 2023 Agnès Lazar and Guy Perron
© 2023 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Agnès Lazare-Guy Perron
Most of us know that UBIS has existed since 1999. What technological changes since then! It is up to us to use them wisely. At the beginning, all exchanges were made by email. Now, since 2014, UBIS has been using the Moodle platform, which has since been updated. This new means of communication has opened up many additional possibilities for us, including more lively contact between students; and although we come to class according to our availability and everything is done virtually, for those who are well engaged in this sharing process, we increasingly have the impression of being in class with others in a space somewhat outside of time, which gives us real foretastes of benefiting from the personality circuit of our Universal Father.
This new platform has also made it possible to expand the course offerings in other languages, initially in Spanish and French, followed by Portuguese and since last year, Hungarian, German and Polish. Since its beginnings, the French section has been used as a laboratory, a caring space where new ways of doing things have been put forward. One of the first additions to some French courses was to offer meetings on Zoom to get to know our classmates better and improve and personalize the relationships between us. For a few years now, Agnès and I have decided to offer these meetings every week. In the context where we facilitate courses on an experiential basis, these weekly meetings have become, according to the vast majority of participants, an essential part of these UBIS experiences that allow us to really deepen the association of our personalities. We all feel that this union of souls is truly the breeding ground that supports the spiritual progression of the group and consequently of each individual thanks to our individual and collective goodwill to unite our perspectives on temporal existence enhanced by the living contact maintained with true spiritual forces and by generously sharing our inner life. At the beginning of our meetings, one of the members of the group, most of the time a woman, invites us to internalize ourselves through a guided worshipful meditation followed by a moment of silence and short individual prayers.
Each of us has been able to experience the increase in our spiritual values by assimilating much of the insights of other group members. In this way we can feel that collaboration is alive and competition is nonexistent and that we are enriched morontially by pooling our respective spiritual possessions.
At the same time, we maintain daily contact with each other through our exchanges on the Telegram platform. The use of this other virtual means has further amplified our increasingly personal exchanges. We can observe the profound transformations that God is making in us in our willingness to ask to be changed by Him, to accept these changes and to welcome them with joy, humility, appreciation and gratitude. The power of this group working in coordinated harmony supported by our common spiritual goal of getting closer to God and communicating better with our Adjusters amplifies the courage, determination, perseverance, and consistency of each one.
In September 2022, we offered the first part of the Thought Adjuster trilogy which covered Papers 107 and 108, a two-period course lasting 6 weeks. Even before the end of this first course, almost everyone who participated expressed their desire to follow the other two parts and asked if it was possible to continue our Monday Zoom meetings between sessions supported by our exchanges on Telegram.
In January 2023, the second part of the trilogy was offered. Throughout this course, we shared our experiential understanding of what the Solitary Messenger reveals to us in Papers 109 and 110 that enlighten us on the relationships between the Adjusters and us, humble ascending mortals. The course is now complete and we continue our Monday Zoom meetings and our Telegram sharing in the continuation of this beautiful union of souls and all the breakthroughs and advances that come from it. Each member of this group has the deep feeling of benefiting from this morontia momentum maintained by the involvement of each one.
THE experience of dynamic religious living transforms the mediocre individual into a personality of idealistic power. Religion ministers to the progress of all through fostering the progress of each individual, and the progress of each is augmented through the achievement of all.
Spiritual growth is mutually stimulated by intimate association with other religionists. Love supplies the soil for religious growth—an objective lure in the place of subjective gratification—yet it yields the supreme subjective satisfaction. And religion ennobles the commonplace drudgery of daily living. (UB 100:0.1-2)