© 1996 Anne-Marie Ronfet
© 1996 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
The Adjuster according to C.G. Jung | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 1 — Summer 1996 | Urantia on the Internet |
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
A very difficult word to apply… The most elementary precepts of Christianity seem to many to be an almost ridiculous utopian idealism. And the skeptics smile mockingly at the fact of turning the other cheek if the first is struck… We live in a world totally opposed to the precepts of Christ.
Where is love hidden in our hesitant hearts? Most of the time, we are afraid of tomorrow, of sneaky illness, of threatening unemployment and of death which appears as an abyss, as a void, as a non-existence if we do not have faith.
And yet a little something sometimes descends on us like a source of freshness, a calming effect. We try to understand what is happening. We say to ourselves, “Hey, there is Something that makes me feel good. Is this Something external, internal? In any case, I feel more serene…”
It seems to me that Jung, in “My Life” expressed this well. He recounts that in his youth, he had been wrongly accused by his master of having copied one of his essays. Furious, indignant, he protested violently. “My sadness and my fury threatened to exceed the limit. But then something happened that I had already observed several times: a silence suddenly fell within me, as if a soundproof door had been closed, isolating me from a noisy enclosure; a cold curiosity arose within me…”… He says further: “…there always existed in the background, the feeling of a participation of something that was not me, a little as if I had been touched by a breath coming from the astral universe and infinite spaces or as if an invisible spirit had entered the room; a spirit long since disappeared but which would be continually present in the timeless and even in the distant future…”
Fear grips us. Anger too, and often, let’s admit it. We don’t understand what’s happening in ourselves or in others, and we react with force, as if for survival.
A little awareness makes us more peaceful. Because we understand better what is happening in ourselves and in others. We become aware of the violence of our reactions through a higher thought. A somewhat cold step back occurs which puts a distance between our heart and the object of our anxieties. And this distance is caused by the force of an idea, by a new feeling… which comes upon us like a flash of lightning, or like a slight growing wave… Everything depends on our inner functioning. … What acts like this in us? The Adjuster, the gift of the Father soothes us. Or a form of Spirit working in a more external way? How can we know precisely? But It acts.
The consciousness poured out in small doses in us by the Spirit helps us to build our knowledge of ourselves and others. “Know thyself” said the Sages… And when we know ourselves a little, we understand more the human being that we all are. And we become a little more tolerant, compassionate… We learn every day throughout our lives, to “see” ourselves, as if another gaze were slowly growing within us. We are helped by the Father, who sometimes protects us from the worst as we do with a child, and sometimes pushes us forward, spurs us on. Necessity obliges. And all this is bathed in Solicitude. We have just what we need to move forward.
So when we finally understand that peace is offered to us both as a soothing haven and a force to conquer, we sometimes have a surge of gratitude for the one who so urgently asks us for it…
Anne-Marie Ronfet
The Adjuster according to C.G. Jung | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 1 — Summer 1996 | Urantia on the Internet |