© 1996 François Dupont
© 1996 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Reflection: They tell us... | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 1 — Summer 1996 | When a little peace descends upon us |
Conducted in parallel with the L.U., readers of the writings of the great minds of our century and previous centuries, prove to be sources of astonishing richness, revealing unknown or complementary aspects of our Divine Monitor.
Throughout time, men have felt an inner presence, different from their ego, and have shared this with their contemporaries.
Today, we are going to stroll through the books of C.G. JUNG presented by Marie-Louise Von FRANZ: “C.G. JUNG, his myth and his time”, Ed. Buchet Castel 1975.
We trust that other L.U. readers will contribute to expanding the Urantia picture of the Adjuster, through discoveries gleaned left and right.
Given the importance of the subject, we believe that comments have no reason to exist. It is up to each of us to lovingly meditate on the following extracts and to nourish ourselves spiritually from them.
p. 41: “…He himself (C.G.Jung) was convinced in the depths of his being of the existence of a powerful, mysterious, unknowable and hidden God, speaking to each person from the very depths of his soul and revealing himself in the forms and in the manner he chose.”
p 54: “… yet there always existed in the background the feeling that there was something other than myself - a little as if I had been touched by a breath from the vast world of stars and infinite spaces or as if an invisible spirit… would be continually present even in the distant future, in the timeless.”
p. 91: “…the scintillae animae (spark of the soul), the circle whose center is everywhere and the circumference nowhere…”.
p. 92: “…the experience of the Self gives rise to the feeling that one stands on firm ground deep within oneself, on an element of inner eternity over which physical death has no hold”.
p. 106: “… The mysterious director and poet of dreams is none other than the spirit, that is to say the active, dynamic aspect of the psyche. It is, strictly speaking, the civilizing element in us”.
p. 108: “The creative function of psychic dynamism, producer of images, always appears in isolated individuals. It is only there that it produces new thoughts, artistic inspirations, spontaneous constructive ideas which can on occasion be received and imitated by the group.”
p. 128: “There are things in the soul that I do not do, but which happen by themselves.”
p. 162: “The Indians of Labrador teach that each man carries in his heart “the great man” dispenser of dreams and immortal core of the soul.”
p. 165: “…We must immerse ourselves in non-willingness and non-knowledge. We thus arrive at ”the most interior man“, it is ”the hidden, elevated, noble and deiform man“. ”It is formed of a pure and naked substance of the soul. It is the kingdom of God; it is there that God resides and operates."
p. 176: “Jung “chose” to serve the most intimate depths of the soul, “the unknowable greatness in the depths of the soul” which he called the Self and which manifests itself in today’s man in the form of a “great man embracing all things” or in the form of a mandala.
p. 259-260: “In the act of sacrifice, the self with its natural egoistic claims decides against itself, by subordinating itself to an authority which stands above egoism”… “Sacrifice is in a way the moment when the unconscious God becomes conscious in us and, at the same time, becomes man. From the diffuse state of unconsciousness, the Self gathers itself in the act of self-knowledge accomplished by man and it appears as a unity. To the extent that the Self pre-existed the Self, it is the father of the latter, but to the extent that it is only through the act of the self that it can be manifested, it is our son…”.
p. 291: “…It is only at the level of the Self that man can relate to his neighbor without ulterior motives, while the feelings of the self are almost always obscured by conscious or unconscious egocentric motivations of all kinds. This is the reason why it is only in the supracosmic anthropos that the freedom and dignity of the individual man are anchored”.
Francois Dupont
Reflection: They tell us... | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 1 — Summer 1996 | When a little peace descends upon us |