© 2006 Chris Ragetly
© 2006 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Here is an injunction from the Father that was relayed by Jesus when he was teaching his apostles on Tuesday evening, April 4, 30 A.D., on Mount Olivet. “…My Father asks all his children to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth…” (UB 176:3.5). Growing in grace takes on a special meaning here, this word means beauty, charm and harmony, this on an intellectual and spiritual level. This grace of the mind and spirit goes hand in hand with the knowledge of the truth, one does not go without the other. We are taught that truth is one of the characteristics of divinity: “Divinity is intelligible to creatures as truth, beauty and goodness…” (UB 0:1.17) and: “The successive planetary revelations of divine truth invariably encompass the highest existing concepts of spiritual values as a part of the new and enhanced coordination of planetary knowledge…” (UB 0:12.12). Once again we see that our mind is 100% solicited. The same phenomenon occurs with all the acquisitions that we gain through our own efforts, whether through revelation or evolution. Each time an acquisition is obtained, it elevates all the previous ones and this overall result brings us one step closer to God. Consider the following quote: “…To everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundantly; but from him who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away…” (UB 176:3.5). It perfectly illustrates our point, but in addition it has a warning: “…but from him who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away…” In other words, he who does not advance goes backwards, and there, failure is assured, because even what has been given to him will be taken away! “…One cannot remain stagnant in the affairs of the eternal kingdom…” (UB 176:3.5).
"…You who know these truths must produce an increase in the fruits of the spirit and manifest an increasing devotion to the selfless service of your companions who serve with you. Remember that, to the extent that you serve the humblest of my brothers, it is to me that you render service._
“So you ought to be about the Father’s business, now and henceforth, and forever…” (UB 176:3.5-6) To show increasing dedication to selfless service to our companions is to demonstrate growth on the mental and spiritual level. To be about the Father’s business is selfless service. Even the humblest of mortals has a right to our selfless service. Oh, it is not always easy, we often come across people who are not at all interested in their mental progress and even less in their spiritual progress. This is where Jesus’ way of appealing to the curiosity of his interlocutor is useful, at first it is difficult, but little by little this attitude becomes a habit. These interventions are and must always be personal. We do well to get used to being about the Father’s business, even at our tiny level, because this will now be our occupation for eternity.
When we speak to one another of our experiences, it is not to preach to the converted, but to edify and satisfy one another. Every knowledge of the truth makes us grow in grace and inspires us to be about the Father’s business.
(Quotes from The Urantia Book are in italics)
C. M. Ragetly