© 2005 Chris Ragetly
© 2005 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 34 — Summer 2005 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 34 — Summer 2005 | Theoretical Explanation of Creation |
God is eternally and infinitely perfect, he cannot personally know imperfection as his own experience, but he does share the consciousness of all the experience of imperfectness of all the struggling creatures of the evolutionary universes of all the Paradise Creator Sons. The personal and liberating touch of the God of perfection overshadows the hearts and encircuits the natures of all those mortal creatures who have ascended to the universe level of moral discernment. In this manner, as well as through the contacts of the divine presence, the Universal Father actually participates in the experience with immaturity and imperfection in the evolving career of every moral being of the entire universe. (UB 2:2.6)
Here we are again confronted with moral discernment. The Urantia Book teaches us that it is a universal level to which we must rise, and that once reached, it frees us, but from what? Consciously or not, it seems to me that this contact frees us from the feeling of loneliness that assails us during our immature and imperfect experiences (see: UB 2:2.6). Personal contact with God is this “…beneficial shadow that covers the hearts of all mortals who have risen to the universal level of moral discernment…”. “The beneficial shadow” is not used here by chance, (the original English term is “overshadows”), the translation seems appropriate to me; it reflects a feeling of calm, tranquility, peace, rest and serenity at the same time as an assurance and certainty of being under absolute protection. It is this assurance that prevents us from sinking into the despair of solitude.
What do you want to happen to us when we are protected by the benevolent shadow of God? The only inconveniences can only be temporary, (they are part of the experiences essential to our evolution)
We must discern what is meant by: “…and puts in circuit their nature…” This is the nature of mortals. But what does it mean to put in circuit the nature of a mortal? The potentials of the nature of each mortal are waiting to be activated, to put them in circuit is simply to give them the chance to become realities with spiritual value. But who is the judge to know if this or that potential which has become real is worthy of becoming spiritual? It is the Thought Adjuster, the fragment of the Father which inhabits each of us, who makes this decision. There can be no better judge, can there? He who knows us so well, who shares all our experiences.
“…Meditation establishes the contact of the mind with the spirit; relaxation determines the capacity for spiritual receptivity…” (UB 160:3.1) These are Rodan’s observations. The meditation to which Jesus devotes himself is an active meditation united with relaxation. When discernment, faith and meditation are combined, they allow us to establish contact with God, the “eyes” of the mind wide open, to finally become his friend. This is how little by little we can live an experience which, when we speak about it with other people who share our convictions, can only satisfy them and thus edify us mutually.
C. M. Ragetly
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 34 — Summer 2005 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 34 — Summer 2005 | Theoretical Explanation of Creation |