© 2005 Jean-Claude Romeuf
© 2005 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
They want to take us for fools!
They wanted us to believe that God created the sky and the earth, the day and the night, etc.
They want us to believe now that universal reality appeared during an original Big Bang. This would suggest:
Would it not be easier to believe that the Universe evolves under the control of an infinite and unique Mind? This Divine Mind-Spirit would be expansive of itself, it would delegate to others the responsibility of participating in its Creation.
God, the First Central Source decided that the Central Island of Light in which he dwelt, would be the model of habitable spheres. He made his Eternal Son the archetype of all personality and delegated the Holy Spirit to the arrangement of the works. This Trinity then functioned in unity and coordination.
At the Triune Deity level, past, present and future have no meaning. But it was decided that the potential (the future) would be separated from the actual (the present including the past). The Absolutes of potentiality were mandated to serve as a reservoir for all that was not yet created. The Unqualified Absolute was the receptacle of all future matter while the Deity Absolute would be the bottomless pit of future mental personalities. The mental action of the Deity would always precede and trigger the reaction of the Unqualified, thus bringing it to the Universal and to Reality.
It was thought that the various levels of creation would then be unified under the plans and administration of the Architects of the Master Universe.
They placed themselves under the lower edge of Paradise to preserve it as a model, according to the desire of the Universal Father, but the problem which now arose was how to build a Universe without the slightest trowel and without a bag of cement.
We then remembered that the Unqualified Absolute was not just wind! It possessed within it the pre-real power of space. The Primary Master Organizers were able to modify it and transformed it into primordial force. We still remember in Paradise the joy that reigned at the moment when the power of space emerged from the Unqualified Absolute in the form of pure energy!
Through the action of the primary force organizers, the pure energy passed through two successive phases. At first it was like an immense cataclysm which still resonates in the depths of the universe. It was necessary that this powerful energy be freed from the hold of Paradise. When this was done, the secondary associated force organizers were then called upon, who managed to make this energy sensitive to the circular gravity of the Nuclear Island. Indeed, if this were not the case, the liberated energy would no longer be able to return to its original origin, which is the power of space; and it is planned by the Architects that it will return there in a quasi-eternal time. Gravitational energy, which is the active ancestor of all matter in the universe and which has the potential for sensitivity to linear gravity, as we know it on Urantia, thus made its appearance. It was then that the Associated Transcendental Force Organizing Masters withdrew. They were replaced by the Universe Power Directors.
It is the latter, who with the help of the centers and controllers of physical energy, take care of the domains of universe power, domains of the Paradise Sons and Daughters. The planets are formed; by evolution and thanks to the Life Carriers, they become habitable and finally shelter beings such as us, able to survive in eternity and to sing the glory of their Original Creator Father. We are living proof that chance does not exist!
Linear gravity is the one that allows us to stand on the earth, it is the one that allows the planets to revolve around the sun and the Milky Way to revolve around its center. But, if there were only gravity, the planets and nearby suns would end up, despite the phenomenon of rotation, by crushing against each other. There must therefore exist an antigravitation system. The physicist-astronomers of Urantia are convinced of this and are looking for a “Dark Energy” that would be responsible for it. Now, let us advise them to take the time to read our Book. They will read there, on page 473, that the power centers and the physical controllers exercise their power of antigravitation. I do not think that this will be able to convince them. However, in the space closest to the void, there still exists the equivalent of one electron, or one hundred ultimatons, per sixteen cubic centimeters. They are the physical ones responsible for antigravitation, the very ones that astronomers are looking for!
Jean Claude Romeuf