© 2011 Chris Ragetly
© 2011 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
In The Urantia Book, the term “Deity” is applied to various divine personalities, whether single, existential associate, or experiential associate, but the term can also refer to non-divine personalities. In the introduction, a Divine Counselor points out several levels on which total Deity functions.
The term God always denotes personality. Deity may, or may not, refer to divinity personalities. (UB 0:2.10)
DEITY is personalizable as God, is prepersonal and superpersonal in ways not altogether comprehensible by man. Deity is characterized by the quality of unity—actual or potential—on all supermaterial levels of reality; and this unifying quality is best comprehended by creatures as divinity. (UB 0:1.2)
Deity functions on the personal, prepersonal and superpersonal levels UB 0:1.3. The personal level is understandable to us, God is a person. The prepersonal level is that of the Mystery Monitors. The superpersonal level is undoubtedly linked to certain realities other than personal and prepersonal that our finite mind has great difficulty in grasping. Note that we are talking about total functional Deity.
The Total Deity is functional on the following seven levels:
There is a level of personalization of Deity which is called God the Sevenfold, this associative Deity functions on the levels of space-time. This sevenfold Deity which, for the creatures of finite space-time, personalizing in its time the power in the Supreme Being, is the functional Deity of the evolutionary mortal creatures of the Paradise ascension career UB 0:8.9. To compensate for the finite character of the creatures’ status and to overcome their limitations of concept, the Universal Father has established for the evolutionary creatures a sevenfold approach to Deity.
Here is the composition of this Deity:
This associative Deity concerns us directly, for it is the ladder which enables us to cross and climb the many stages of our evolutionary career. We do not know whether among the Creator Sons it is only the 700,000 Sons who are at the head of the 700,000 local universes of the 7 superuniverses or whether it is all the Creator Sons who continue to be created beyond the figure of 700,000.
We begin our evolutionary career through the ministry of our Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon. He represents to us the first link in this sevenfold chain of Deity. As we advance through the various sectors of Orvonton, we will enjoy the direct or indirect ministry of the Ancients of Days of Uversa.
We are under the personal influence of the Master Spirit 7, the ruler of our Orvonton superuniverse. By this direct influence we bear the characteristic mark of an individuality reminiscent of the ancestral nature of Master Spirit No. 7, and this physical mark of our Orvonton Master Spirit is a part of our material origin. We will live our entire morontia career under the continuing influence of this same Master Spirit, and our subsequent spirit career will never entirely efface the characteristic mark of this supervising Spirit.
It is on the billion worlds of Havona that we will have the opportunity to experience the invisible influence of the Supreme Being. Then on the 5th circuit of Havona we will have the opportunity to understand God the Spirit.
On the 4th circuit of understanding God the Son. And finally on the 3rd circuit of understanding God the Father.
We will thus have had the chance to climb the different stages of this sevenfold Deity who in fact is there for our sole benefit.
Chris Ragetly