© 2014 Chris Ragetly
© 2014 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
For mortals, there are several types of resurrection and earthly escape techniques, here is what the Urantia Book says:
Most matters decided by the Ancients of Days concerning collective judgments and dispensational resurrections are also delegated for execution to Gabriel and his staff. (UB 33:4.6)
a) Mortals make contact with Gabriel on the bestowal worlds and at the times of roll calls accompanying general and special resurrections. (UB 33:4.8)
These special resurrections provide an opportunity to mobilize special groups of ascenders for specific services in the local universe mortal ascension plan. Special resurrections are motivated by both practical reasons and sentimental associations. (UB 49:6.2)
(b) Countless individuals with personal seraphic guardians and others who had attained the necessary level of spiritual personality progress had already attained mansonia during the ages subsequent to the days of Adam and Eve; and while there had been many special and millennial resurrection sessions for the sons of Urantia, this present event was the third planetary roll call or complete dispensational resurrection. The first had taken place at the time of the arrival of the Planetary Prince and the second at the time of Adam; this, the third, marked the morontia resurrection, the mortal transit of Jesus of Nazareth. (UB 189:3.3)
In the light of the revelations of The Urantia Book concerning the different kinds of resurrections, we can classify them into two major divisions:
As for dispensational resurrections, we can see that these are resurrections that take place during a dispensation or the arrival of a divine personality on an evolutionary world in order to increase truth, beauty and goodness on a given sphere. These resurrections can involve millions if not billions of individuals, in fact they involve individuals who lived over a period of several tens of thousands of years and even several hundred thousand years (for the first dispensations of Urantia). The last dispensational resurrection involved mortals who lived between the arrival of Adam and Eve and that of Jesus of Nazareth, which covers 35,000 years. I do not know the number of mortals concerned during this period, but it must cover several billion individuals (if we grant an average lifespan of 50 years, this must indeed be a considerable number).
Regarding special resurrections, we can note that Adam and Eve were part of special resurrection no. 26 of the Urantia series, which implies that there were 25 before this last one, and that there have undoubtedly been others since, I am thinking of the different members of Jesus’ family, and undoubtedly other people who are unknown to us.
Millennial resurrections are part of the special resurrections, and as their name indicates, these resurrections occur every thousand years, to mobilize special groups of ascenders, having similar working capacities, or having had the opportunity to study or work together on their sphere of origin; which qualifies them to continue working again on the morontia worlds, like perhaps certain study groups of The Urantia Book, who knows?
Besides the dispensational, special and millennial resurrections, there are two other techniques of earthly escape, involving a personal method, here they are:
(a) Mortals of the individual orders of ascension. The individual progress of human beings is measured by their successive arrivals on the seven cosmic circles and the crossing (mastery) of these circles. These circles of mortal progression are levels combining intellectual, social, spiritual and cosmic clairvoyance values. Beginning with the seventh circle, mortals strive to reach the first, and all who have reached the third are immediately assigned personal destiny guardians. These mortals can be repersonalized in the morontia life independently of dispensational or other judgments. (UB 49:6.8)
These mortals find themselves on mansion no. 1 on the third day, that is to say approximately three days after their physical death.
a bis) Mortals whose ascension is subject to trials. In the eyes of the universe, the arrival of an Adjuster constitutes identity, and all beings indwelt by an Adjuster are on the rolls of justice. But temporal life on the evolutionary worlds is uncertain, and many humans die young before choosing the Paradise career. These children and young people indwelt by an Adjuster follow the one of their parents whose spiritual status is most advanced and therefore go to the finaliter world of the system (the probationary nursery) on the third day, or in a special resurrection, or in the regular roll calls of the millennia and dispensations. (UB 49:6.11) These mortals are linked to the status of their parents, they can either be repersonalized on the third day or be part of a dispensational, special or millennial resurrection.
(b) Mortals of the modified secondary orders of ascension. These are the progressive human beings of the intermediate evolutionary worlds. As a rule, they are not immune from natural death, but they are exempt from passage through the seven mansion worlds. (570§4).
These evolutionary mortals are already well advanced in their physical, mental and spiritual evolution, the worlds they inhabit are undoubtedly between the initial phase of their evolution and the phase of light and life, (undoubtedly several millions of years) they undergo, as a general rule, physical death, but are repersonalized directly on the capital of the system, for us, Jerusem.
© Mortals of the modified primary order of ascension. These mortals belong to the Adjuster-fusion type of evolutionary life but most often represent the final phases of human development on an evolving world. These glorified beings are exempted from passing through the gates of death; they are subject to the sway of the Son; they are translated from among the living and appear immediately in the presence of the Sovereign Son at the headquarters of the local universe.
These mortals have been Adjuster-fused during mortal life, and these Adjuster-fused personalities traverse space freely before being vested in morontia forms. These fused souls go directly by Adjuster transit to the resurrection halls of the higher morontia spheres, where they receive their initial morontia investiture just as other mortals arriving from the evolutionary worlds do.
This modified primary order of human ascension can be applied to individuals of any planetary series, from the lowest to the highest stages of Adjuster fusion worlds, but it functions more frequently on the older spheres of this type after they have enjoyed numerous sojourns of the divine Sons.
After the establishment of the planetary era of light and life, many mortals go to the morontia worlds of the universe by the modified primary order of transference. Still later in the stages of settled existence, when the majority of mortals leaving a realm are embraced in that class, the planet is considered to belong to that series. Natural death becomes less and less frequent on spheres long settled in light and life. (UB 49:6.18-21)
These mortals have mastered the physical, mental and spiritual phases of their evolution, this is the era of light and life, doubtless the first phases of this level have been mastered, most of these mortals no longer undergo physical death. They are subject to the influence of the Son, (here it is the Creator Son of their local universe, for us Michael of Nebadon) Having merged with their Mystery Monitor on their original evolutionary sphere, they are completely exempt from passing through physical death, and it is doubtless thanks to the influence of the Creator Son, that they are transferred directly into the presence of this Son, for us on Salvington. Let us note in passing that this transfer can apply to any mortal, even if he inhabits a primitive evolutionary planet such as Urantia, see what happened to Enoch, but there must not be many similar cases on our world, even today.
Chris Ragetly