In the year 30, for what reasons did the Pharisees want Jesus dead?
When did the people of Israel seal their ruin as an independent people with a special spiritual mission on earth?
Jesus promised to send into the hearts of believers and to pour out on all flesh, the new helper which is the Spirit of Truth. Do you really know who the Spirit of Truth is and what he does?
Jesus had mental peace. What was this mental peace based on?
During the second session of the tribunal, the Sanhedrists presented Jesus before Pilate, on Friday, April 7, 30 AD, believing that he deserved death because of three charges. Which ones?
Only one of the eleven apostles attended the crucifixion. What was the name of this apostle?
Who were the people present when the Master breathed his last?
During the crucifixion, a robber gathered his courage, rekindled the flickering flame of his faith and addressed the Master: What did this robber say to Jesus and what was the Master’s response?
At what time did Jesus cry out with a loud voice, “It is finished! Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” What happened in the mind of the Roman centurion?
Why couldn’t Jesus be buried in a Jewish cemetery?
Do you think that the Master’s death on the cross was a sacrifice to repay God a debt that the human race had contracted towards Him?
Human salvation is real; it is based on two realities, which ones?
Following the Master’s resurrection on Sunday, A.D. 30, Gabriel summoned the archangels to his side and prepared to inaugurate the general resurrection of the end of the Adamic dispensation on Urantia. Jesus spoke and said: “Let the roll call of the planetary resurrection begin.” What happened at that moment?
Who were responsible for removing the two stones which blocked the entrance to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea?
To which mortals did Jesus appear first during his resurrection?
After the Master’s resurrection, David Zebedee entrusted a final mission to his messengers. What was this mission?
Where did the thirteenth morontia appearance of the Master take place?
Christianity was born and triumphed over all opposing religions for two main reasons, which ones?
The moral values of the universe become intellectual acquisitions through the exercise of the three judgments, or fundamental choices, of the mortal mind: What are they?