© 2023 Claude Flibotte
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
The perfection of autocracy as practiced by the high-level spirit beings encountered on Uversa (UB 15:11.1) is possible because these beings are either perfect or very nearly so, but for us in the midst of learning evolutionary perfection, the most suitable model is democracy, provided we avoid the dangers noted in Paper 71, Section 2. Humanity has come a long way since the days of primitive man when the law of the jungle (UB 52:1.4) and an eye for an eye, a life for a life (UB 70:10.9) prevailed. Slowly but surely a substantial portion of this humanity has been moving toward the values of a democratic system (UB 71:7.2), which system prevails on the morontia worlds in its perfected form. However, when we look at what is happening in the world at present, we are forced to note a certain decline in democracy in favor of dictatorships monopolizing the power of an elite of leaders when it is not in the hands of a single man!
An article published in La Presse+ dated December 1, 2022 by André Duchesne entitled “Democracy is falling back” mentioned the fourth report of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) reporting the restrictions on freedoms and the questioning of the legitimacy of election results that are plaguing the democratic system. Several democratic governments are in decline or stagnating. According to this report, 11 democracies in the world are in sharp contraction, 37 are in decline, 42 are stable and only 14 are expanding. All parts of the world are affected, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific Islands, the United States following the antics of the former president, and even Canada. We only have to think of the truckers’ protests in the winter of 2021-2022. The pandemic, climate change, Putin’s war with Ukraine, disinformation and lies on social networks among others, the loss of confidence in quality written press are causes justifying this decline, but another much more insidious cause hides behind all of these. This cause cannot be mentioned by the usual media due to lack of knowledge of what governs this world, it bears the name of Caligastia.
According to the fourth IIDEA report
Strong contraction | 11 |
Backward | 37 |
Stable | 42 |
Expansion | 14 |
You who know the fifth epochal revelation and the misdeeds accomplished by Caligastia and the members of his staff who followed him into rebellion, you know that he is still raging in this world (UB 53:8.6). His main goal is to harm the Father’s divine plan to establish the era of light and life on this beautiful blue planet (UB 51:3.4; UB 53:1.4; UB 73:2.5; UB 74:5.5). Having failed in his plan of control over Urantia, control lost at the coming of Michael of Nebadon (UB 134:8.9), he has not ceased to sow discord among us to thwart the work of all beings of good will to reestablish order and universal brotherhood in the recognition of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men (UB 34:7.4). As long as he maintains chaos in our minds and in our governments, he will remain in place to continue his misdeeds and avoid joining the prison where the other rebels of his species (UB 54:4.8) are. The day when the last human ceases to entertain in his heart the false freedom associated with pride and selfishness, that day will mark the end of allegiance to this iniquitous concept of Caligastia and its withdrawal from our world!
In our human condition, what is our weakness and what are our strengths? Our constitution is threefold, we are material through our body, intellectual through the mental circuit temporarily lent by our Divine Mother of Nebadon, and spiritual through the influences of spirits hovering over us and within us. From a material standpoint, Caligastia and Daligastia can do almost nothing, they are not material. From a spiritual standpoint, we are protected by the Spirit of Truth and the Thought Adjuster, no harm can come to us unless we desire to be under the influence of the evil one (UB 53:8.7). What is left to harm us but our mind? This is our most vulnerable point, our Achilles heel if we allow our animal nature to overpower our spirit baggage. The Lucifer manifesto advocated by Caligastia perverts the thinking of human beings. For countries, this distortion of the truth plays out in the concept of nationalism, authoritarianism and despotism. For the individual, it plays out in selfishness, pride and the desire for power to control others. The rallying cry of these people with distorted judgment being “FREEDOM”.
If these people would stop and think for a moment, they would realize that one man’s freedom ends where another’s begins. For one man to be completely free, all others would have to be slaves. Is this how we want to live! Would it not be more glorious to love one another as the golden rule teaches, brotherly love? And for all those born of the spirit, a further step can be taken by loving as Jesus loved us, that is, by loving fatherly!
The closer you are to the truth and in a position to influence your fellow men, the more likely you are to be noticed by the forces of evil. I have been giving training for several years at the UBIS school. All of these trainings are focused on the teachings of the revelators contained in The Urantia Book. Obviously, for Caligastia, the Urantia Foundation and its school constitute a threat to its ideology and its survival. On two occasions, during my trainings, a malicious person attempted to take control of the virtual class by trying to disrupt the participants’ thinking and divert them from the subject under study. The latest event of this kind concerned a person who claimed to be part of the Reserve Corps of Destiny and to be mandated by the twenty-four counselors of Urantia (UB 45:4.1), no less!
Caligastia is a being with a high mental level. He is intelligent and cunning, he has all the time necessary to accomplish his misdeeds and put his evil plans into place. Do not get caught in his nets of false freedom that comes in many forms. Today, social networks are full of false information initiated in large part by the former president of the United States perverting your judgment by questioning all good decisions or actions of the leaders of this world. Faced with any news received from any medium, always ask yourself who made this information public? Is it a person you can completely trust? Does he speak for himself or does he have hidden interests behind a lobby or an organization? Are his arguments based on recognized knowledge or unfounded hearsay? Disinformation, making the delight of the evil one, has even prompted us to doubt our official and serious sources of information from professional journalists from different media. We have the Spirit of Truth to guide us in our perception of what is true, let us think about using this filter in the face of the multitude of information that bombards us. Imagine all the harm that a thought distorted by pride, lies and the search for power can do. The war in Ukraine left thousands dead and caused untold suffering by the will of a single man full of himself and his image. Doesn’t this remind you of the attitude and intentions of what lost Lucifer?
We have in our possession all the weapons necessary to fight against our enemy, for a conspiracy of spiritual forces, a confederation of divine powers (UB 34:6.9) protect us and support us in this struggle of truth triumphing over evil, from the slavery of Caligastia towards the true freedom of human brotherhood through the love bestowed upon us by our Father in Paradise! As a consequence of our faith in our filial relationship with our Heavenly Father, let us act with righteousness and loyalty of heart and mind in the advent of the age of light and life on this world!
Since writing my article, certain events have occurred that endanger democracy or at least clearly demonstrate that certain individuals are clearly under the influence of the false freedom advocated by Lucifer. Here are two examples among many others.
On January 8, 2023, in Brazil, thousands of supporters of former President Bolsonaro invaded their public buildings, a symbol of democracy in their country. The event had all the same far-right revolt that took place in the United States two years ago, under the influence of former President Trump.
Reported in LaPresse+ on Monday, January 9, 2023, a conspirator from the Laurentians who had stocked up on weapons, darts, barrels of gasoline, bags of fertilizer, the material needed for 3D printing of firearm parts, etc. was arrested by the RCMP before the commission of what could have been a bloodbath.
These are just two examples that broadly highlight the unhealthy Luciferian influence of false freedom still present in the minds of men millennia later!