© 2021 Claude Flibotte
© 2021 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
My consciousness awakens, I am there, alone, total darkness and absolute silence envelop me, I float in nothingness. Suddenly, a tiny point of light places itself in front of my field of vision. I observe it carefully, then I realize that I am being drawn into a dizzying dive, a mad race in tow of this luminosity. Throughout this journey, I question my presence and the purpose of this journey.
Suddenly, without warning, I find myself enveloped in a bright light. I realize that I am face to face with the Infinite within Infinity. I have the strange sensation of understanding everything instantly as events unfold. I am aware of being both in the presence of God, and simultaneously, part of God.
The Absolute of potential reality, spirit and energy, is there and only asks to be expressed. Simultaneously, all that is potential is instantaneously externalized into actual realities. The Infinite and Absolute Spirit Personality expresses itself in the Absolute Person of the Original Son making the Infinite Person the Father of this Son. The actuality of the Son finds its counterpart in the actuality of the Paradise island. The Father-idea and the Son-expression unite in the presence of the Paradise island and the spirit-action springs into existence. The three persons merge into a Paradise Trinity, reestablishing the original unity and expressing themselves in an ideal creative expression, the perfect universe of the Paradise-Havona system actualizes marking the beginning of the first universe age.
All these realities are of the existential domain. I become aware of my existence in this absolute reality where, except for the central universe, time and space are not a reality. It is the eternal present moment of eternity. In this moment of eternity, I perceive what God conceives. I can distinguish past eternity simultaneously with future eternity. The central universe of perfection has always existed and the cosmos extends to infinity. This absolute level is without time, without space, without beginning and without end, it is the absolute level of reality of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, the Infinite Spirit, the Island of Paradise and the three reservoirs of potentiality. I have access to this awareness of the absolutes thanks to my personality having its origin in the personality of the Father.
An inexpressible love emanates from the Father and affectionately envelops me. While retaining the memory of the previous experience, I perceive a change of perception in my consciousness. I have passed from the absolute of existential reality to the subabsolute of experiential realities. I become fully aware of being his child, his creation. I am neither the equal of the Father, nor of the Son or of the Spirit, but a pure creation of their divine love in their intense desire to share the divine life of perfection with their innumerable children.
To benefit from something, you have to be outside of that thing, otherwise I follow that chore! This awareness makes me realize all the great wisdom and love of the Father. He created other realities of existence so that I and all his children could participate, with him, in our own creation! It was then that the notion of time and space took shape in my mind. I had time to know him, to love him and to seek to be perfect out of love for Him.
Turning my attention to what seemed to me to be the exterior, I witnessed the gradual formation of the seven superuniverses and the multitude of beings who inhabited them. What had appeared to me to be accomplished in the absolute remained to be done in the subabsolute. I understood that the cosmor was young and growing. Time and space gave me the chance to progress in the experiment of becoming perfect as my Father had asked me. All the means to achieve this were at my disposal, I had only one choice to make in complete freedom.
This choice, I made it fully, because I understood that it was the only road involving the full measure of a perfect search to reach my goal. Then, I saw a young planet form following a rare cosmic encounter. I witnessed its geological formation, the development of life, the appearance of man, his good and bad blows.
Finally, following a phenomenal dive, I found myself in my material body, that of my seventy years of existence.
What an experience, I said to myself, as I came to my senses!
Claude Flibotte
Sainte-Julie (Quebec) Canada