© 2021 Simon Orsini
© 2021 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
If we ask an astronomer the following question: what is the origin of the Big Bang, he will answer “Big Bang has no origin”. Those who seek the origin of the origin join metaphysics.
I was listening to a scientist who taught that before the Big Bang there was nothing, how can you ask someone to represent nothing? No nothingness, not even emptiness, no space, no time.
And yet a presence in nothing, the mystery of energy constitutes the barrier that science and philosophy cannot overcome. For scientists, energy designates a force, an action.
We know today that there is a segmentation of energy, so a creative power must act with coordinates.
For believers the problem is solved, their cosmic consciousness implies the recognition of a first cause. Scientists only believe what they discover. What bothers me is the assertion that everything happens by itself, it is inconceivable for such an immense universe, with black holes of incredible gravity, dark energy and dark matter.
You can’t explain something based on its shadow.
In the spiritual universe there are persons who are charged with the segmentation of material energy, who have the power to organize and assemble the particles into unitary formations. It is the cold of space and other influences, which are at work to creatively organize the ultimate particles. These persons have the power of antigravity which enables them to condition the next matter.
The segmented particles of energy will compose the electrons; immediately after the electrons, the subelectronic matter which is the explosive and repulsive stage of the solar super gases. The electronic matter is the electrical stage of material differentiation, then comes the subatomic matter which exists in the hot suns.
We can continue with the shattered atoms found in suns which cool throughout space, ionized matter, individual atoms stripped of their electrons, by electricity, heat, X-rays. But let’s continue our quest, we arrive at atomic matter the chemical stage of elementary organization of molecular units which are visible, radioactive matter which has disorganized heavy elements, and finally collapsed matter which is found inside cold or dead suns, in this matter there remains little activity of the electrons and their speed of rotation is greatly reduced.
Heat is the measure of electronic activity, cold is the relative rest of energy.
Under certain conditions of temperature, circular speed or rotation, gravitational pressure and antigravitational behavior are manifested.
The integrity of matter is ensured by the fact that energy can only be absorbed or emitted in exact quantities called quanta; the quantity of energy absorbed or released during a change in the position of electrons is always a quantum.
The excitation of the contents of space produces a wave reaction to the passage of rapidly moving particles of matter.
The endless confusion that accompanies the observation of the wave mechanics of quanta is due to the superimposition of energy waves.
Each galaxy is a cluster of geographic space comprising a portion of inhabited creation in the universe.
It is the slowing down of the electron that provides the different forms of X-rays.
The physical properties of matter depend on the speed of rotation of its component elements, their number, the size of those rotating, their distance from the nuclear body, or the spatial content of the matter. The stability of an atom depends on the number of electrically inactive neutrons in the central nucleus; the chemical behavior depends entirely on the action of electrons rotating around the nucleus.
The creation of energy and the bestowal of life are the prerogatives of the Universal Father and his associate Creator personalities. The river of energy and life is a continuous outpouring from the Deities, the universal and united stream of Paradise force going forth to all space. This divine energy pervades all creation. The force organizers initiate those changes and institute those modifications of space-force which eventuate in energy; the power directors transmute energy into matter; thus the material worlds are born. The Life Carriers initiate those processes in dead matter which we call life, material life. The Morontia Power Supervisors likewise perform throughout the transition realms between the material and the spiritual worlds. The higher spirit Creators inaugurate similar processes in divine forms of energy, and there ensue the higher spirit forms of intelligent life. (UB 42:1.5)
The existence of pre-electronic forms of matter is indicated by the two atomic weights of lead, the lead of original formation weighs a little more than the lead produced by the disintegration of uranium by means of radium emanations, the difference in atomic weight represents the actual loss of energy in the demolition of the atom. I think that if there were not a potential energy of power in reserve the atoms could not last for billions of years.
Radiation is the keystone of discovery, ultraviolet rays have various mechanical productions, the visible light of the suns is white light, infrared rays signal to us the slowing down of electronic activity, heat becomes bearable, hertzian waves for television broadcasts.
Excitation of the contents of space produces a wave reaction to the passage of rapidly moving particles.
One of the causes of the radioactivity of shattered atoms can be corrected by accelerating their rotation speed and even going so far as to behave partially as if endowed with antigravity, but, without intervention they cannot reach the critical speed where they would lose their individuality, and would return to the stage of power energy which would make the material radioactivity disappear. The positive particles of radium fly into space at a speed of 16,000 km per second, the negative particles are not far from the speed of light.
In conclusion, it is important to say that salvation for everyone consists of spiritualizing one’s moral conscience which thus acquires a survival value. When, in this immense material universe, one has the chance to have a conscious self, to refuse this chance would be supreme and absolute unconsciousness.
Simon Orsini