© 2007 Dominique Ronfet
© 2007 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
A corner, like an intimate space, a place to meet friends, a space for testimony.
Everyone is invited to create their own “corner”, this section being intended as a paper “blog”, a writing, like a newspaper page, a sheet left to the wind of readers. Well, here I go.
A blank page is always a challenge. “Do I have something to say?”
Our society greatly restricts our creativity.
And who can aspire to a certain spirituality if he has not opened the floodgates of his own creativity?
An astonishing world then opens up, where fears intersect with aspirations for more love, a repentance that reason cannot resolve.
In the mind, sorry ‘the mental’, reference points are difficult to establish: everything is movement and duration.
How, in this changing world that is the interior life, can we find the true from the false? The Fascicles speak to us of faith, but what is this faith: this intuition of being inhabited?
This aspiration for more…of something…this obligation to trust.
Without seeming to, I quickly get to the heart of the problem: how can you be certain when you’re insecure?
So we probably have to clear the brush and start again, again and again.
And ask the same questions, but the angles are different: we are never quite in the same inner place.
So thought for the day: If faith is real, doubt is permitted.
Well, that’s all for today.
May 9, 2007
Dominique Ronfet