© 2007 Jean-Claude Romeuf
© 2007 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
One fine day in eternity God said: “How nice it is at home!” But after a few billion years, he began to get bored. So, to pass the time, instead of doing crosswords, God created the circle on the first day.
God saw that the circle was splendid and that man would make a wheel of it. Later, he said, the sphere will make a nice football. God saw that the shape of the circle was perfect and added that the perfection of the circle could do without superfluity. “What’s the point,” he said to himself, “giving it a tangent? It won’t be any more beautiful for all that! Let the bird make its nest there!”
“Using the circle as a base, let us create geometric shapes as perfect as it. Let three equidistant points taken on the circumference give the perfect triangle; with three more points, let us create an infinity of other triangles! With four points, let us create the square and all the rectangles! With six points, let us make the marvelous hexagon that I will bequeath to the bees for their cells. But may man be able to make from these six points, a flower and a star passing through me!”: second day God said: “May the circle be made holy! I will be its center and its support and creation will be its circumference! May the electron revolve around its nucleus and the planets around their sun!”. There was an evening, there was a morning: third day.
On the fourth day God wanted the materials of life to appear: God created amino acids. With scissors, he cut the circumference of the circle. With a razor blade, he split it lengthwise to double it. With the two pieces, he created the uprights of a ladder and took only four amino acids to make the rungs. He then rolled the ladder between his fingers and made a spiral: the DNA molecule had just appeared. God saw that the DNA molecule was perfect. There was an evening, there was a morning.
On the fifth day, God made it possible for plants, animals and his little darling, man, to multiply and transmit their genes. He sent his Spirit to blow upon the inhabited worlds.
On the sixth day God saw that man was not perfect. Yet there was evening and there was morning.
So on the seventh day God did not rest.
From the heights of Paradise, God called Klimt. “I want,” he said, “_for you to paint my portrait!”
God called the Seasons of the Earth. “Come and place your most beautiful colors on Klimt’s palette.” Spring, Summer and Autumn gave the gift of the most absolute colors: yellow, blue and red. As for Winter, it gave Klimt the whitest snow to serve as the basis for the canvas.
God said to Klimt: “You will mix the three primary colors, yellow, blue and red. Thus you will be able to compose all those of the Universe”
God then called the trees of the forests, the waves of the sea and the peaks of the mountains. “Give Klimt all the models of form for the tracing of his drawings and his arabesques” There was an evening, there was a morning.
But despite this, Klimt did not know how to paint a portrait of God and he was very annoyed because he wanted to give glory to his creator-father.
Then an angel came down from Heaven at the kind command of the Lord.
Then, Klimt had a stroke of genius! He would paint something symbolizing Love. He put on his canvas the simplest and purest thing there is: a Kiss.
This is how Klimt made the portrait of God!
Jean-Claude Romeuf