© 2013 Dominique Ronfet
© 2013 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
- Okay, let’s admit it!
- Let’s admit what? You woke me up.
- Let’s admit that the UB is what it claims: the 5th revelation of the Truth.
- Yes? So what?
- So! So!? But finally how many times must I read it to benefit from the effects of this unique source of knowledge.
- …?
- Should I read it in the morning or in the evening? Both? How many pages?
What is the right dosage to experience this transformation within me that finally makes me happy?
Because it’s all well and good to provide us with a text without instructions.
I might use it wrong.
- It sounds like you’re talking about medicine.
- But, yes. That’s right. The Truth can only be a source of happiness. So if you could place a small ad in your newspaper…
Dominique Ronfet