The three experiential phenomena which reveal the presence of the Adjuster in the human mind are:
The intellectual capacity to know God—God consciousness.
The spiritual impulse to find God—the search for God.
The personality’s intense desire to be like God—the sincere desire to do God’s will. UB 1:2.4-6
These 7 absolutes are: 1. The First Source-Center; 2. The Second Source-Center; 3. The Third Source-Center; 4. The Isle of Paradise; 5. The Deity Absolute; 6. The Universal Absolute; 7. The Unqualified Absolute. UB 0:3.12-18
The Melchizedeks of Nebadon have long called the physical substance of Paradise absolutum. UB 11:2.9
The Third Source and Center is known by many titles: the Universal Spirit, the Supreme Guide, the Conjoint Creator, the Divine Executive, the Infinite Mind, the Spirit of Spirits, the Paradise Mother Spirit, the Conjoint Actor, the Final Coordinator, the Omnipresent Spirit, the Absolute Intelligence, the Divine Action, and, on Urantia, it is sometimes confused with the cosmic mind. UB 8:2.2
Local universe
Anova. The oldest inhabited world of Satania, World Number 1, is Anova, one of 44 satellites revolving around a huge dark planet, but exposed to the differential light of three neighboring suns. Anova is in an advanced state of progressive civilization. UB 49:0.5
Mount Seraph is the highest peak in Jerusem; it is about four thousand five hundred meters above sea level, and it is the starting point of all the transporting seraphim. UB 46:2.8
Since then, Machiventa Melchizedek has been proclaimed Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia. UB 53:9.4
Adamson was the firstborn of the violet race on Urantia, followed by a sister and then Eveson, the second son of Adam and Eve. 834.4 Adam’s second son, Eveson, became a master leader and administrator. UB 76:3.3.
The Orange race was especially given to beliefs in transmigration and reincarnation. The idea of reincarnation originated in the observation of resemblances of heredity and character between descendants and their ancestors. UB 86:4.6 Of all the corrupting beliefs that could have been attached to what might have been an emerging monotheism, none was more debilitating than the belief in transmigration - the doctrine of the reincarnation of the soul which came from the Dravidian Deccan. UB 94:2.3.
Adam and Eve were the founders of the violet race, the ninth human race to appear on Urantia. Adam and his descendants had blue eyes, and the violet race was characterized by fair complexions and blond (yellow, red, and brown) hair.Adam and Eve were the founders of the violet race, the ninth human race to appear on Urantia. Adam and his descendants had blue eyes, and the violet race was characterized by fair complexions and blond (yellow, red, and brown) hair. For over thirty years, Machiventa lived with the Katro family. The members of the Katro family knew many higher truths and perpetuated them long in their families, even down to the time of their illustrious descendant Moses. UB 93:3.5.
The twelve corps of master seraphim of planetary supervision which function on Urantia are: 1. The angels of the epoch; 2. The angels of progress; 3. The guardians of religion; 4. The angels of national life; 5. The angels of the races; 6. The angels of the future; 7. The angels of illumination; 8. The angels of health; 9. The seraphim of the home; 10. The angels of industry; 11. The angels of recreation; 12. The angels of superhuman ministry. UB 114:6.4-16
The chief of these superangels is Gavalia, the firstborn of the order of Nebadon. Since Christ Michael returned from his triumphant bestowal on Urantia, Gavalia has been assigned to the ministry of ascending mortals, and for the past nineteen hundred years his associate Galantia has maintained his headquarters on Jerusem, where he spends about half his time. UB 37:2.6
After the conference with the apostles, Jesus had an interview with Lazarus and recommended him to avoid sacrificing his life to the vengeful spirit of the Sanhedrin. It was in compliance with this recommendation that Lazarus fled a few days later to Philadelphia, when the officials of the Sanhedrin sent agents to arrest him. UB 172:2.4
In the year 30, the Sadducees were eager to get rid of Jesus for the following reasons: They feared that the growing popular favor accorded to Jesus by the multitude would endanger the existence of the Jewish nation by a possible conflict with the Roman authorities. Jesus’ zeal for temple reform directly reduced their income; the cleansing of the temple affected their purse. They felt responsible for the preservation of order and feared the consequences of a further expansion of Jesus’ new and strange doctrine of the brotherhood of man. (P. UB 175:4.4-7 & 2.3 & 4). of the first and commands: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is none greater than these: on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
This Jewish apocalypse about the Messiah was written by a certain Selta, attached to the court of the emperor Caligula. It was entirely inserted into the Gospel according to Matthew and later added (in part) to the accounts of Mark and Luke. (UB 176:2.8).
On Thursday evening of the year 30, the Master instituted a new memorial supper, symbolizing the new dispensation where the enslaved individual emerges from the bondage of ceremonial and selfishness, and enters into the spiritual joy of brotherhood and fellowship of the sons of the living God freed by faith. The ancient Passover commemorated the emergence of their fathers from a state of racial slavery to their accession to individual freedom. (UB 179:5.2). All the apostles perceived that something out of the ordinary was happening. When the memorial supper is shared by those who believe in the Son and who know God, on all these occasions, the Master is truly present. UB 179:5.6
Only Nathanael refused to arm himself, and after hearing Nathanael’s speech, Andrew returned his sword to Simon Zelotes. Nine of them therefore remained armed when they separated for the night. UB 182:2.3
After Jesus was arrested, the Roman captain decided to take him to the palace of Annas, the former high priest and father-in-law of Caiaphas. UB 183:5.1