© 2024 Gaétan G. Charland
© 2024 Urantia Association of Quebec
Gaetan G. Charland
Dear readers and members of the association,
As we begin this new year, perhaps you have felt the call or inspiration to immerse yourself once again in reading and studying the teachings of The Urantia Book. Some of you may have decided to join a study group or take one of the many courses offered by UBIS, UUI, Divine Wisdom Progressive, or the Ambassador School. These multiple activities are often necessary to nourish and maintain the spiritual flame that burns within us.
Mortals come from races that are very social. The Creators well know that it is “not good for man to be alone,” and provision is accordingly made for companionship, even on Paradise. (UB 25:8.4)
Even in our advanced spiritual progression, the need for companions with whom to share remains crucial. Thus, we need companions on this planet with whom we can share our spiritual interests and concerns. Few of us can simply share these topics with those close to us. In the Urantia movement, I know of only a few. That is why it is essential that we come together to cultivate the courage necessary to continue our spiritual progression.
The dangers that await truth seekers are many, and isolation is one of them. Doubt as to the truth and authenticity of the writings of The Urantia Book is one of the most formidable. Today, with easy access to a multitude of information on the Internet, many venture into an ocean where the truth is often abused and distorted to deceive those who seek information by dressing themselves in the garb of sophistry.
I am convinced that many sincere truth seekers have encountered misleading information about The Urantia Book during their Internet searches, thereby straying from the highest truth available to us on this planet. You may experience for yourself the multitude of misleading information about The Urantia Book and the organizations that work to disseminate it.
In order to clarify certain historical facts about The Urantia Book and the movement that supports it, I have decided to share with you documents that will undoubtedly arouse your interest. Thus, from this issue of “Reflectivity” and for the months to come, a historical section will be created, containing archival documents. The first two documents to be published will be the speech to the URANTIA BROTHERHOOD by Emma L. Christensen, (Christy) dated January 27, 1963, and a series of correspondence between Jacques Weiss and the Urantia Foundation, mainly concerning the French translation of the Urantia Book.
A small caveat: this correspondence is not exhaustive, because there were certainly others between Weiss and other people involved in the adventure of this translation. It is possible that the list of these correspondences is divided into different publications of “Reflectivity”. It would be in your interest to follow this fascinating story if you wish to dispel certain myths about the origins of the Urantia Book which may have arisen since its appearance.
It is important to remember that Lucifer’s rebellion was aimed at depriving us of the divine plan for our planet and the entire Satania system. Lucifer was not alone in promoting his plan of rebellion; he had convinced many celestial personalities, including our planetary prince Caligastia and his associate Daligastia. Although they are still present on our planet without the power to manipulate our minds, they can subtly interfere with the mission of The Urantia Book. They do not want this mission to succeed, because it would end their existence on this planet.
I conclude this message by inviting you to meditate on this passage:
“But in the work which is just ahead of us, and in that which remains for you . . . you will be grievously tried. You must all be on your watch against fear and doubts. Every one of you, gird up the loins of your minds and let your lamps be kept burning.” (UB 165:5.5)
To love is to serve