© 2012 Georges Donnadieu
© 2012 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Hello friends, I offer you a short text in the footsteps of Jesus. Fiction is also a way of connecting to the spirit of truth, as Juan Benitez and Joseph Servant did.
This winter Sabbath, in Tiberias (UB 150:3.2), Andrew asked a question about the star that had recently appeared in the sky. At that time, the appearance of a bright and supposedly new star was considered a sign that a great man had been born on earth. One of these stars had recently been observed, and Andrew asked Jesus if these beliefs were well founded. In his long answer to all the superstitions of his contemporaries as well as of Babylonian astrology. But about the latter, he spoke deeply only with his apostles.
Jesus said to them: “The Babylonians taught that the stars influence human destinies, that men are born under the influence of a constellation which marks them with a particular sign, and I have also noticed in you a propensity to discuss these things. The women and certain disciples, less enlightened than you on the facts and truths of the kingdom, imagine according to these teachings that they must extract themselves from an astral influence to place themselves under another which would be their ‘ascendant’, their astrological goal. In truth, there are more truths in these superstitions than what the enemies of the Babylonians thought. Men are really influenced by cosmic spiritual forces of multiple origins. Your very capacity to think is closely linked to seven influences coming from your divine Mother, herself being located on a star at the center of this universe, where you will find yourself one day after a long pilgrimage through the many dwellings of the Father_ (UB 150:3.11)”.
These seven influences have long acted on animals before acting on human beings, and this is why this kinship is illustrated in the 12 zodiac signs. Later generations will understand the sacred importance of the number 12.
Through the study of the stars, your descendants will learn a new and more exact science in relation to the universes and their physical laws. Know also that you are under the sign of the Eternal Father from your youngest age, and this in two ways: by your divine personality and by the spirit of the heavenly Father who came to inhabit you as he inhabits many on this planet.
You are therefore of the sign of the Father, ascending Father because your destiny is to ascend through the worlds until you find yourself in His presence one day. This is your only astrological sign, but you are also under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and the poured out Spirit of the Eternal Son surrounds you and envelops you in all places. And all these astral influences combine to represent the influence of the Supreme Being. Understand by this: Elohim, the Gods, united in ONE. As the prophets said: “Shema Izrael, Adonai Elohénu, Adonai Ehod, Hear O Israel, the Lord your God, he is one.”
“You are of the sign of the Father, and he guides you so that you are like him, one with him, perfect like him. You will teach this to men so that they fully assume their virility that the image of a Virgin associated with their character would contradict for some, and so that they transcend their effective animality. Men will find their true freedom in this image, the best of God that can be given to them and the best of themselves too: that of a Father. As for women, they will also find in this figure their origin, both physical and spiritual, and their cosmic destiny._”
This speech did much to strengthen the apostles and disciples against the later false teachings of Kirmeth of Baghdad (p 1666 & 2).
Georges Donnadieu