© 2019 Georges Michelson-Dupont
© 2019 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
How Long Until Heaven | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 85 — March 2019 | AFLLU Annual Meeting At Notre Dame des Lumières |
Journey through the ages of the master universe
Georges Michelson-Dupont
(Continuation of the article started in LE LIEN of December 2018)
Trinities, Triunities and Triodities
In THE preceding LINK, we followed, step by step, the path of the acts carried out by the absolute will of the I AM to free itself from the solitude in which its absoluteness confines it and this thanks to relations of unity within itself then of duality by the eternalization of these relations under the aspect of the 7 Absolutes of Infinity. Thus freed from its absoluteness it is now ready to begin associations between the different Absolutes to lay the foundations of its creative project.
The sequences are described by Melchizedek as follows:
Pre-existentials become existential in the seven Absolutes, and existentials become functional in the triunities, the basic association of Absolutes. And concomitant with the eternalization of the triunities the universe stage is set—the potentials are existent and the actuals are present—and the fullness of eternity witnesses the diversification of cosmic energy, the outspreading of Paradise spirit, and the endowment of mind together with the bestowal of personality, by virtue of which all of these Deity and Paradise derivatives are unified in experience on the creature level and by other techniques on the supercreature level. ([UB 105:4.9)
This description of the establishment of the universal plan by the I AM will be very useful to us.
Many will think that it is not necessary to study all these things that are so complex and that seem so far removed from daily personal concerns. How can the intellectual understanding of reality enhance our aspiration to live a life based on the love of the Universal Father and develop the true brotherhood that Jesus encourages us to? We must face the facts: to a large extent, humanity today remains in spiritual confusion and in an even greater uncertainty as to its relationship with Deity. This is why the administration of our local universe has deemed it necessary to provide Urantians with a new revelation in order to expand their cosmic consciousness and enhance their spiritual perception.
By presenting to us the origin, history and destiny of all reality, The Urantia Book thus offers our understanding a much higher perspective than institutional religions can do, of our relationship with our Universal Father, of the cosmic organization, of the administration of the universe and of our eternal spiritual career. So, is it not desirable to seek to understand the universal purpose of our Father in order to better integrate ourselves into it? If we wish with all our hearts to do his will, then we must know it better; if we wish to become perfect in our sphere as he himself is perfect in his, then we must establish better relations with him because it is he who reveals himself to us through the revelations of the epochal periods as well as through his divine fragment which inhabits us. It is true that the human mind balks at effort and discipline but I think that the game is worth the candle,
“Some persons are too busy to grow and are therefore in grave danger of spiritual fixation. Provision must be made for growth of meanings at differing ages, in successive cultures, and in the passing stages of advancing civilization. The chief inhibitors of growth are prejudice and ignorance.” ([UB 100:1.2)
For my part, the daily, in-depth study of the revelation has greatly enhanced the quality of my faith in its guidance, my appreciation of its unconditional love for me as well as for my fellow men, my understanding of its wise and immutable laws governing its universe, and of the high level of service which the superhuman brotherhood brings to the divine plan of ascension.
The authors themselves encourage us to persevere:
“The conceptual grasp of the Trinity association of Father, Son, and Spirit prepares the human mind for the further presentation of certain other threefold relationships. Theological reason may be fully satisfied by the concept of the Paradise Trinity, but philosophical and cosmological reason demand the recognition of the other triune associations of the First Source and Center, those triunities in which the Infinite functions in various non-Father capacities of universal manifestation—the relationships of the God of force, energy, power, causation, reaction, potentiality, actuality, gravity, tension, pattern, principle, and unity.” (UB 104:2.6)
“Mortal man is passing through a great age of expanding horizons and enlarging concepts on Urantia, and his cosmic philosophy must accelerate in evolution to keep pace with the expansion of the intellectual arena of human thought. As the cosmic consciousness of mortal man expands, he perceives the interrelatedness of all that he finds in his material science, intellectual philosophy, and spiritual insight. Still, with all this belief in the unity of the cosmos, man perceives the diversity of all existence. In spite of all concepts concerning the immutability of Deity, man perceives that he lives in a universe of constant change and experiential growth. Regardless of the realization of the survival of spiritual values, man has ever to reckon with the mathematics and premathematics of force, energy, and power.” ([UB 104:3.2)
“IT IS not enough that the ascending mortal should know something of the relations of Deity to the genesis and manifestations of cosmic reality; he should also comprehend something of the relationships existing between himself and the numerous levels of existential and experiential realities, of potential and actual realities. Man’s terrestrial orientation, his cosmic insight, and his spiritual directionization are all enhanced by a better comprehension of universe realities and their techniques of interassociation, integration, and unification.” ([UB 106:0.1)
So, let’s arm ourselves with courage and go into a little more detail.
Once again, the authors present us with eternal events in our spatiotemporal context and this is useful for us to conceptualize the relationships and mechanisms that Deity uses to generate reality. However, this irremediably causes paradoxes as we have already mentioned at the beginning of this “Adventure” of exploring the divine plan. There will always be two irreconcilable points of view, that of the Infinite-God and that of the finite-man. Fortunately the Infinite-God came to inhabit the finite-man in the form of a divine fragment to reveal himself to him and thus demonstrate his love and the possibility of interassociation, integration and spiritual unification with him.
Sequence four inaugurates the triune relationships. Pursuing his design, the Universal Father associates three by three the 7 Absolutes of Infinity. The authors distinguish 3 types of triune relationships, different in their natures as well as in their functions: the Trinities, the triunities and the triodities.
One may wonder why Deity establishes triune relationships?
“Between two objects there are relationships, but three or more objects result in a system, and a system is much more than broad or complex relationships; in a system, the parts are arranged. Systems are significant by their organization—the position values.” [UB 112:1.17-18]
The 7 absolutes of Infinity can be conceived as a universal matrix with 7 members whose three by three combinations will serve to create the scene of the universe on and in which the various beings and personalities will actualize, by their choices, decisions, actions, the material, intellectual, spiritual and personal realities.
We will state the result of these combinations later by commenting on them. However, we studied in the LINK preceding the
Universal Father |
Eternal Son |
Infinite Spirit | Isle of Paradise |
Absolute of Deity |
Absolute Universal |
Absolute Not Qualified |
nature and characteristics of each Absolute of Infinity and, by referring to them, we can already get an idea of the functions that their triune associations will produce although they represent more than the sum of the attributes of each member. They respond to the requirements of the divine plan to “create” the universal scene in which and on which material, intellectual, spiritual and personal realities will be able to mature from potentialities into possibilities, then into probabilities to end up being actualized by the process of choosing to do the will of the Universal Father which is also called “power-personality synthesis.”
We will see, during this journey through the ages of the universe that there are several Trinities but the first Trinity is the Absolute and existential Trinity while the other Trinities are subabsolute and experiential, they have a beginning.
The Paradise Trinity is the primordial Deity relationship of the three Paradise Deities. Perhaps it is necessary to recall that the term Deity is specific to The Urantia Book. Used in this context, the term Deity is equivalent to the sum of the personality, nature and attributes of each of the Paradise persons, which represents much more than personality alone. For example, God, the Universal Father, is the personality, the personal and contactable face of the First SourceCenter which is, moreover, primordial in all domains: deified or non-deified, personal or impersonal, actual or potential, finite or infinite. (UB 0:3.11)
“And this selfsame Paradise Trinity is a real entity—not a personality but nonetheless a true and absolute reality; not a personality but nonetheless compatible with coexistent personalities—the personalities of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The Trinity is a supersummative Deity reality eventuating out of the conjoining of the three Paradise Deities. The qualities, characteristics, and functions of the Trinity are not the simple sum of the attributes of the three Paradise Deities; Trinity functions are something unique, original, and not wholly predictable from an analysis of the attributes of Father, Son, and Spirit.” ([UB 104:2.4)
This is the big difference with the first triunity (which we will see later) which is the association of the three persons of infinity as persons. Consequently, the latter is not a Deity.
Actually, I hesitate to classify the Paradise Trinity among the associations of the 7 Absolutes of Infinity because the nature of this association is so different. Let us see some characteristics of the Paradise Trinity.
“The original and eternal Paradise Trinity is existential and was inevitable. This never-beginning Trinity was inherent in the fact of the differentiation of the personal and the nonpersonal by the Father’s unfettered will and factualized when his personal will co-ordinated these dual realities by mind. The post-Havona Trinities are experiential—are inherent in the creation of two subabsolute and evolutional levels of power-personality manifestation in the master universe.” (UB 0:12.1)
“The Paradise Trinity is not a triunity; it is not a functional unanimity; rather is it undivided and indivisible Deity. The Father, Son, and Spirit (as persons) can sustain a relationship to the Paradise Trinity, for the Trinity is their undivided Deity. The Father, Son, and Spirit sustain no such personal relationship to the first triunity, for that is their functional union as three persons. Only as the Trinity—as undivided Deity—do they collectively sustain an external relationship to the triunity of their personal aggregation.” (UB 104:3.15)
Why was it inevitable? We have seen that Deity is ONE and when the Infinite I AM differentiates itself from Infinitude, it finds itself in a dissociated state and therefore something must reunify it. This reunification is existential in infinity, it IS by the Paradise Trinity. At the level of the Finite, it WILL BE by the Ultimate, Absolute, and Trinity of Trinities.
There are 15 of them and “In them, total reality is made functional and, through them, the Universal Father exercises immediate and personal control over the master functions of infinity._” [UB 104:4.1]. They all include the Universal Father as a primordial member of these associations because he is the First Source-Center of all that is and he imprints his will in each of them.
“In attempting to describe seven triunities, we call attention to the fact that the Universal Father is the primary member of each of them. He is, was, and ever will be: the First Universal Father-Source, the Absolute Center, the First Cause, the Universal Controller, the Unlimited Energy Provider, the Original Unity, the Unqualified Sustainer, the First Person of Deity, the Primordial Cosmic Archetype, and the Essence of Infinity. The Universal Father is the personal cause of the Absolutes: he is the absolute of Absolutes.” [UB 104:1]
“The First Source and Center, which is Father to the Eternal Son, is also Archetype to the Isle of Paradise. It is unqualified personality in the Son, but personality in potentiality in the Deity Absolute. The Father is revealed energy in Paradise-Havona, and at the same time hidden energy in the Unqualified Absolute. The Infinite is ever revealed in the ceaseless acts of the Conjoint Actor, while it functions eternally in the compensatory but veiled activities of the Universal Absolute. Thus is the Father related to the six co-ordinate Absolutes, and the seven together encompass the circle of infinity during all the endless cycles of eternity.” [UB 104:3]
These triunities perform functions; as such, these triune associations are neither persons nor entities, although their members may be entities, and/or personalities [UB 104:3.16].
We will therefore find all these characteristics in the functions of the triunities. In sequence three (Passage 105), the 7 Absolutes of Infinity were named according to the left column but, in Paper 104, they are designated a little differently and according to the right column. There is a reason that we explain a little further on but in fact they are the same 7 Absolutes of Infinity. (See next page).
For example, the “accounting and financial department” of a company is made up of people with different expertise, 1 accountant, 1 clerk, 1 IT specialist. Between the three of them, they perform the functions of controlling the accounts, providing information on the profitability of the company, ensuring the payment of salaries, charges and invoices, producing tax and social declarations, and everything else that can be expected from a financial department. Within the accounting department, people operate in a process of interassociation, integration and unification. If the interassociation of people is not based on good understanding, if the integration of expertise is defective, the results, that is to say the unification, are compromised.
Each triunity represents much more than the sum of the attributes of its members, the author tells us; the process of their interassociation — integration — unification produces something else, sometimes unexpected, which does not exist in any of the members.
Although these triunities number 15, only 7 are revealed and commented on to us because they function on the experiential level of potentials and actualization of supremacy while the other 8 deal with realities, actualizations, and potentialities that lie beyond on the ultimate level [UB 104:4.14]. We can assume that they will become functional in the third age of the universe.
It is interesting to try to understand why this number of 15? This figure represents all the possible combinations of 3 members out of 7, i.e.: .
Each combination must include the Universal Father, only 15 satisfy this condition out of a total of 35. There remain 20 combinations which do not contain the Universal Father. They are called triodities of which only two are revealed and commented on, the Triodity of Actuality and the Triodity of Potentiality.
At this stage of our study, nothing prevents us from searching for and listing all 35 combinations forming the Triunities and triodities.
Here are these 15 triunities having the Universal Father in common and the 20 others who do not have it. (For reasons of simplification the names of the members are abbreviated)
The first 7 triunits functioning on the supreme level and which are revealed to us. | The last 8 triunits functioning on the ultimate level, resulting from the calculation of combinations. |
1. Father, Son, Spirit 2. Father-Son, Paradise, Conjoint Actor 3. Father, Son-Spirit, Deity Absolute 4. Father-Spirit, Paradise, Unqualified Absolute 5. Father, Unqualified Absolute, Universal Absolute 6. Father, Universal Absolute, Deity Absolute 7. Father, Conjoint Actor, Universal Absolute |
8. Father, Son, Unqualified Absolute 9. Father, Son, Universal Absolute 10. Father, Spirit, Paradise 11. Father, Spirit, Unqualified Absolute 12. Father, Spirit, Deity Absolute 13. Father, Paradise, Universal Absolute 14. Father, Paradise, Deity Absolute 15. Father, Unqualified Absolute, Deity Absolute |
The first 2 are revealed to us | Here are the 18 other triodities |
1. Eternal Son, Infinite Spirit, Paradise, 2. Deity Absolute, Universal Absolute, Unqualified Absolute. |
3. Son, Spirit, Universal Absolute 4. Son, Spirit, Unqualified Absolute 5. Son, Spirit, Deity Absolute 6. Son, Paradise, Universal Absolute 7. Son, Paradise, Unqualified Absolute 8. Son, Paradise, Deity Absolute 9. Son, Universal Absolute, Unqualified Absolute 10. Son, Universal Absolute, Deity Absolute 11. Son, Unqualified Absolute, Deity Absolute 12. Spirit, Paradise, Universal Absolute 13. Spirit, Paradise, Unqualified Absolute 14. Spirit, Paradise, Deity Absolute 15. Spirit, Absolute Universal, Unqualified Absolute 16. Spirit, Universal Absolute, Deity Absolute 17. Spirit, Unqualified Absolute, Deity Absolute 18. Heaven, Universal Absolute, Unqualified Absolute 19. Heaven, Universal Absolute, Deity Absolute 20. Heaven, Unqualified Absolute, Deity Absolute |
To better understand the functions of these triunits, let’s take the example of an individual who is having a house built. As the client, he wants to control all the stages of the project. Thus, he forms a design office with an architect and a builder to draw up the plans, draw up the specifications and determine the schedule and a second association with the architect and a supplier of materials to decide on the choice of materials. These two associations are essential with regard to the project because they are at its origin. Note that it is by the sole will of the individual that this project exists. Then, he needs to form other functional teams to build his project. He will need materials and a purchasing department, personnel and a hiring department, a project owner and a site coordination department, etc.
Each department is an association of different but complementary expertise whose members cooperate in unity and harmony for the function for which the department is responsible. Together, by coordinating with each other, they contribute to achieving the objective set at the start, but it is the individual who remains above all the designer of the design. The project is teleological, namely that everything has been designed and thought out in the plan from the start by the architect and the construction is carried out over time using the services put in place from the start and as and when needed in order to finalize the construction.
In the course of a project, there are always “unforeseen events” or difficulties that arise that can modify or slow down the project but ultimately, the operation succeeds (normally). This is the case with the plan of the Universal Father, his design is immutable, absolute and perfect because it is located at the absolute level but unforeseen events in the execution of the plan such as rebellions can arise here and there in the universes of time, which can delay the emergence of the Supreme, but the cycle is preordained and it is up to us to participate in it.
In fact, the analogy ends there. Everyone will have understood that the Universal Father does not wish to do this alone.
“It would seem that the Father, back in eternity, inaugurated a policy of profound self-distribution. There is inherent in the selfless, loving, and lovable nature of the Universal Father something which causes him to reserve to himself the exercise of only those powers and that authority which he apparently finds it impossible to delegate or to bestow.”
It would seem that the Father, back in eternity, inaugurated a policy of profound self-distribution. There is inherent in the selfless, loving, and lovable nature of the Universal Father something which causes him to reserve to himself the exercise of only those powers and that authority which he apparently finds it impossible to delegate or to bestow. ([UB 10:1.1)
Let us continue our examination of the triunities described in booklet 104. It should be noted that the second, third and fourth triunities each include a member formed by the association of paradisiacal persons, Father-Son in the second, Son-Spirit in the third and Father Spirit in the fourth. The explanation is given later by the Melchizedek author of this booklet. This permutation exhausts the possibility of association by two of these three paradisiacal persons. We can therefore, without fear of being wrong, affirm that there are only these three possibilities of seeing a composite member of a triunity associate in this way because only persons associate and not that which is non-personal.
The 7 Triunities are therefore written:
It will be noted that the Infinite Spirit is called the Conjoint Actor in the second and seventh trinities. The reason for this is that it acts as the manipulator of Paradise energies in the second and as the mediator through mind in the seventh.
Color table
Here are suggestions about the nature and meaning of the seven triunities:
Personal-Intentional Triunity
The Divine Plan of Ascension
“The First Triunity—the personal-purposive triunity. This is the grouping of the three Deity personalities:”
The First Triunity—the personal-purposive triunity. This is the grouping of the three Deity personalities: ()
The First Triunity—the personal-purposive triunity. This is the grouping of the three Deity personalities: ([UB 104:4.3)
Power-Archetype Triunity
the physical archetype
“1. The Father-Son.”
1. The Father-Son.
1. The Father-Son.
1. The Father-Son.
1. The Father-Son.1. The Father-Son. (UB 104:4.10)
The first two triunities are fundamental; neither of these associations “produces” anything; they organize the framework of personal realities. The first establishes in the universe volition, self-revelation, and the pattern of personal relationships and the second provides the archetypes of energies and their configuration for all personal and nonpersonal realities.
In religious experience, creatures make contact with the God who is love, but such spiritual insight must never eclipse the intelligent recognition of the universe fact of the pattern which is Paradise. The Paradise personalities enlist the freewill adoration of all creatures by the compelling power of divine love and lead all such spirit-born personalities into the supernal delights of the unending service of the finaliter sons of God. The second triunity is the architect of the space stage whereon these transactions unfold; it determines the patterns of cosmic configuration.
In religious experience, creatures make contact with the God who is love, but such spiritual insight must never eclipse the intelligent recognition of the universe fact of the pattern which is Paradise. The Paradise personalities enlist the freewill adoration of all creatures by the compelling power of divine love and lead all such spirit-born personalities into the supernal delights of the unending service of the finaliter sons of God. The second triunity is the architect of the space stage whereon these transactions unfold; it determines the patterns of cosmic configuration. (UB 104:4.14)
“Mind is a phenomenon connoting the presence-activity of living ministry in addition to varied energy systems; and this is true on all levels of intelligence. In personality, mind ever intervenes between spirit and matter; therefore is the universe illuminated by three kinds of light: material light, intellectual insight, and spirit luminosity.” (UB 0:6.8)
To return to the analogy with the architect, these two triunits would be the design offices and the purchasing office.
Triunity of evolution of the Spirit
Evolution of the Spirit
"The triunity of the evolution of the spirit. The totality of spiritual manifestation has its beginning and its end in this association constituted by:
- The Universal Father.
- The Son-Spirit.
- The Absolute of Deity.
From spirit power to Paradise spirit, all spirit finds expression of reality in this triune association of the pure spirit essence of the Father, the active spirit values of the Son-Spirit, and the unlimited spirit potentials of the Deity Absolute.
The existential values of the spirit have their primordial genesis, their complete manifestation and their final destiny in this triunity.
The Father exists before spirit; the Son-Spirit acts as active creative spirit; the Deity Absolute exists as all-encompassing spirit, even that which is beyond spirit.
Triunity of infinity of energy
Evolution of Energy
The triunity of infinity of energy. Within this triunity are eternal the beginnings and ends of all energy reality from the power of space to the monota. This grouping includes the following members:
1. The Father-Spirit.
2. Paradise Island
3. The Unqualified Absolute.Paradise is the center of activation of the energy-force of the cosmos — the position of the First Source and Center in the universe, the cosmic focal point of the Unqualified Absolute and the source of all energy. Existentially present in this triunity is the energy potential of the cosmos-infinite, of which the grand universe and the master universe are but partial manifestations.
The fourth triunity absolutely controls the fundamental units of cosmic energy. It frees them from the grip of the Unqualified Absolute in a manner directly proportional to the appearance in the experiential Deities of the subabsolute capacity to control and stabilize the metamorphosing cosmos.
This triunity is force and energy. The unlimited possibilities of the Unqualified Absolute are centered around the absolutum of the Isle of Paradise, from which emanates the unimaginable agitation of the otherwise static stillness of the Unqualified. The endless pulsations of the paradisiacal material heart of the infinite cosmos beat in harmony with the unfathomable archetype and the impenetrable plan of the Infinite Energy Provider, the First Source and Center.
Reactive infinity triunity
Reactive infinity
The reactive infinity triunity. This association consists of:
1. The Universal Father.
2. The Universal Absolute.
3. The Unqualified Absolute.This grouping makes eternal the functional realization of the infinity of all that it is possible to make actual in the domains of reality not belonging to the deity. This triunity manifests an unlimited capacity for reaction to the presences and to the volitional, causative, tensorial and archetypal acts of the other triunities.
Reactive infinity triunity
The triunity of the Deity in cosmic association. This grouping is made up of:
1. The Universal Father.
2. The Absolute of Deity.
3. The Universal Absolute.It is the association of Deity-in-the-cosmos, the immanence of Deity in conjunction with the transcendence of Deity. It is the final extension of divinity on the levels of infinity into realities that lie outside the realm of deified reality.
Triunity of infinite unity
Unity of Infinity
The triunity of infinite unity. This is the unity of infinity functionally manifest in time and eternity, the coordinated unification of actuals and potentials. This group consists of:
1. Of the Universal Father.
2. Of the Joint Actor.
3. Of the Universal Absolute.The Conjoint Actor universally integrates the variable functional aspects of all reality made actual on all levels of manifestation from finite, through transcendental, and up to absolute levels. The Universal Absolute perfectly compensates for the differentiations inherent in the various aspects of all incomplete reality, from the unlimited potentialities of active-volitional and causative Deity reality to the boundless possibilities of static and reactive non-deity reality in the incomprehensible realms of the Unqualified Absolute.
When acting in this triunity, the Conjoint Actor and the Universal Absolute are equally sensitive to the presences of Deity and non-deity, as well as the First Source and Center which, in this relationship, is virtually conceptually indistinguishable from the I AM.
These approximations are sufficient to elucidate the concept of the triunities. Without knowing the ultimate level of the triunities, you cannot fully comprehend the first seven. While we deem it unwise to pursue their study further, we may say that there are fifteen triune associations of the First Source and Center, eight of which are not revealed in these papers. These unrevealed associations deal with realities, actualizations, and potentialities which lie beyond the experiential level of supremacy.
The triunities are the functional flywheel of infinity, the unification of the one nature of the Seven Absolutes of Infinity. It is the existential presence of the triunities that enables the Father-I AM to experience the functional unity of infinity, despite the diversification of infinity into seven Absolutes. The First Source and Center is the unifying member of all triunities; in him all things have their unqualified beginning, their eternal existence, and their infinite destiny—“in him all things consist.”
Although these associations cannot increase the infinity of the Father-I AM, they seem to make possible the subinfinite and subabsolute manifestations of his reality. The seven triunities multiply variability, eternalize new depths, deitize new values, unveil new potentials, reveal new meanings. All these diversified manifestations, in time and space and in the eternal cosmos, have their existence in the hypothetical static state of the original infinity of the I AM.
After having seen the functions of these triunits, we can now try to relate them to our daily life to understand what they are useful to us and to what extent we use them without even realizing it.
The first triunity; It is the archetype of behaviors between personalities, love, mercy and selfless service. The fatherhood of God and the cosmic brotherhood. Its domain is religion.
The second triunity. From its function derive the physical archetype and the configurations of energy. When we seek to understand the cosmic laws, we discover that the universe is perfectly controlled. Its domain is science.
The third triunity. Its function mobilizes spiritual energy in beings endowed with personality for the realization of “power-personality synthesis”; man in search of the will of the Universal Father. Its domain would be divinization.
The fourth triunity. Within this triunity are eternal the beginnings and ends of all energy reality. When man produces energy in all its forms he only modifies the energy-force of the cosmos whose source is in the Unqualified Absolute, the manifestations in the cosmos, and the archetypes, in Paradise.
The fifth triunity. All non-deified reality that is actualized in the universes comes from this triunity, the forests, the animals etc.
The sixth triunity is the effort of Deity to actualize itself in transcendence and immanence in the deified realm. The Supreme, Ultimate and Absolute Trinities as well as the Universal Father in the form of his divine fragments in us.
The seventh triunity is the possibility of the unification of spiritual-personal and material-nonpersonal realities. The human mind rises from the level of Spirit by its choices-decisions-actions when it seeks to master its ego.
From a temporal point of view, all this takes place in past eternity, even before the advent of time and space. This is truly the beginning of the adventure. I invite you to continue our exploration of past eternity in the next LINK N^º 86 by inspecting the triodities, these associations that no longer include the Universal Father.
How Long Until Heaven | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 85 — March 2019 | AFLLU Annual Meeting At Notre Dame des Lumières |