© 2008 Horacio Gamboa
© 2008 Urantia Association of Spain
Presenting a work on the mind is something I do with the greatest humility. The mind is something unresolved by human beings, but it is presented to us in this revelation as something so magnificent that everything is mental. Everything is contained in the First mind, in the OMNI-KNOWING mind OF OUR UNIVERSAL AND DIVINE FATHER. Everything is in God the Father, the Primordial Mind. All first thought, all the first of the first, the previous, is our Universal Father, and from Him comes the mind, from his first thought, from his Trinity Sons or first Trinity of Paradise, and thus through the Conjoint Actor to the Master Spirits, and from there to the Divine Ministers of the Local Universes, who donate it to each and every one of the inhabitants of the evolving worlds.
The Thought-Father realizes spirit expression in the Word-Son and attains reality expansion through Paradise in the far-flung material universes. The spiritual expressions of the Eternal Son are correlated with the material levels of creation by the functions of the Infinite Spirit, by whose spirit-responsive ministry of mind, and in whose physical-directive acts of mind, the spiritual realities of Deity and the material repercussions of Deity are correlated the one with the other.
Mind is the functional endowment of the Infinite Spirit, therefore infinite in potential and universal in bestowal. The primal thought of the Universal Father eternalizes in dual expression: the Isle of Paradise and his Deity equal, the spiritual and Eternal Son. Such duality of eternal reality renders the mind God, the Infinite Spirit, inevitable. Mind is the indispensable channel of communication between spiritual and material realities. The material evolutionary creature can conceive and comprehend the indwelling spirit only by the ministry of mind. (UB 56:2.1-2)
As I say in the presentation, the absolute origin of mind is the Universal Father, but He delegates everything, both to His Sons and to billions of other Deity beings. The Father always delegates and to the Infinite Spirit he has delegated the MIND. He is the God of mind and perfectly shares the omnipresence of the First Source and Center, sometimes being called the Omnipresent Spirit. In a peculiar and very personal way, the God of the mind participates in the omniscience of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son, and this has to be so, since contact with all existing beings is through the mind.
They tell us that the knowledge of the Spirit is complete and deep. He is OMNIPOTENT in the domain of the mind and intellect.
The Third Person of Deity is the intellectual center and the universal administrator of the mind realms; herein is he absolute—his sovereignty is unqualified. UB 9:1.5 At this point they say that the Conjoint Actor is the intellectual center, therefore it is also the origin of the intellect.
The Conjoint Creator inherits all the Father’s beauty of thought and character of truth. And these sublime traits of divinity are co-ordinated in the near-supreme levels of the cosmic mind in subordination to the infinite and eternal wisdom of the unconditioned and limitless mind of the Third Source and Center. (UB 8:2.8)
Here we have the Father’s beauty of thought and character added to the Conjoint Actor, who in turn pours them into the Cosmic Mind, subservient to his wisdom, who in turn floods the evolving universes.
The mind endowment of the seven superuniverses is derived from the Seven Master Spirits, the primary personalities of the Conjoint Creator. These Master Spirits distribute mind to the grand universe as the cosmic mind, and your local universe is pervaded by the Nebadon variant of the Orvonton type of cosmic mind. (UB 9:4.3)
Here they give us information of the type of mental influence that we have on Urantia. The Orvontonic influence is derived from Master Spirit no. 7, who is the presiding Spirit of the Orvonton Superuniverse. It is an accurate portrait of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. This Master Spirit has among its multiple functions the care and promotion of the ascent of pilgrims to Paradise, also presides over the Council in Paradise of the 7 Master Spirits, and does so when it is necessary to vote in the high councils of the Master Spirits for the combined attitude of the Father the Son and the Spirit. Furthermore, it describes the spiritual attitude of the Supreme Being. It is also the Master Spirit no.7 who personally sponsors (note this point) the progress of the ascension candidates of the worlds of time, in achieving the realization of the undivided Deity in the Supremacy. Understanding this is the understanding of the existential sovereignty of the Trinity of Supremacy, coordinated in the concept of the growing experience of the Supreme Being.
The functions of these Magnificent Master Spirits are many and varied, both in spirituality and in material power. I will not do more than a review of them, so that we can have a clearer vision of their influence.
These Master Spirits are the creators of the Universal Power Directors and their associates, who are instrumental in organizing and controlling the physical energies of the grand universe. They materially help the Creator Sons, the Michaels like our Christ Michael, to form and organize the local universes. They are the ones who managed to combine the material and spiritual energies in such a way that they resulted in something non-existent until that moment of universal reality: the morontia substance and the morontia mind. They are therefore the creators of the intermediate state between matter and spirit, the obligatory intermediate step that we have to take, because we already know clearly that it is impossible for beings of our order, just because of the passage of death, to be spiritual.
They say, though they cannot offer clear proof, that the Orvonton Master Spirit has direct influence on the following activities:
Nothing of this could be explained if the activity of these Spirits with the Conjoint Actor and with the Supreme Being is not understood.
As we see, the field of action of these magnificent beings is enormous and of fundamental importance in our lives, planets and universes. From the procedures to start life, activation of the 7 helpers of the mind that the Divine Minister gives us, the energies that, when released, are manipulated by the Universal Power Directors to be able to use it in the universes, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Truth that Miguel de Nebadon left us on Pentecost, and finally, the communications via reflexivity of the local universes and superuniverses.
Finally, each Master Spirit of each superuniverse gives a characteristic mark of individuality that ancestrally indicates the nature of one of these Spirits, and each native creature, of each superuniverse, man or angel, will always carry this natal identification mark, in our case, that of the seventh Master Spirit, of Orvonton.
Nowhere do they tell us when the mind reaches the human beings, as for example they describe the arrival of the Thought Adjuster, to the mind, between the ages of 5 and 6. There is also no description of the arrival of the 7 helpers, therefore I believe that the mind and its helpers are donated to us from the moment of existence itself, that is, around 9 months before experiencing birth.
It is enough of a reach of the material mind of the children of time to conceive of the Father in eternity. We know that any child can best relate himself to reality by first mastering the relationships of the child-parent situation and then by enlarging this concept to embrace the family as a whole. Subsequently the growing mind of the child will be able to adjust to the concept of family relations, to relationships of the community, the race, and the world, and then to those of the universe, the superuniverse, even the universe of universes. (UB 8:1.11)
These are undoubtedly the steps, very briefly, but very enlightening at the same time, of the advances that humans make as we become aware of things, that we are growing day by day, stage after stage. As children we all believed that our parents were everything, the heroes, the infallible ones, then the group gets bigger, the uncles, the cousins, then the neighborhood, the friends, the school, and there many concepts get bigger, and from there on forward, to each one of us, within our minds, the world, space and universes. Let’s not forget that our electrochemical organism is absolutely biological, material, which only serves us in this life. Without the mind we leave it empty. Surely, as the developers describe to us, the biological function will continue to work. If we remove the mind, the Personality, the 7 helpers, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit and our magnificent Thought Adjusters have nowhere to go.
Material mind is the arena in which human personalities live, are self-conscious, make decisions, choose God or forsake him, eternalize or destroy themselves. (UB 111:1.3)
Therefore we are seeing that it is in the mind where all the things that we do in conscience lie, choose God or abandon him. What a tremendous momentous decision; Let’s not forget that it depends on living or ceasing to exist.
The human mind is evolutionary, transformable, the human mind evolves from its contact with matter, the union with the resident spirit. This union results, prior to the experience of daily life, in the transformation of the spiritual potential of the mortal mind into the morontia realities of the immortal Soul. From what we see the mental endowment in humans is vital; here the survival of the Personality will be decided through our will, free will and the capacity that we demonstrate in letting our Adjuster act, for each day, one after another, to go doing the will of our Father in heaven.
The omnipotence of the Father pertains to the everywhere dominance of the absolute level, whereon the three energies, material, mindal, and spiritual, are indistinguishable in close proximity to him—the Source of all things. Creature mind, being neither Paradise monota nor Paradise spirit, is not directly responsive to the Universal Father. God adjusts with the mind of imperfection—with Urantia mortals through the Thought Adjusters. (UB 3:2.5)
Remarkable: as we approach God, the Source of All Things, the energies are indistinguishable, matter, mind, and spirit, and neither can He make contact with our imperfect minds. We are very far from being spiritual, therefore the message here is more than clear: God adjusts to our mind through our Adjusters.
Mind transmutes the values of spirit into the meanings of intellect; volition has power to bring the meanings of mind to fruit in both the material and spiritual domains. The Paradise ascent involves a relative and differential growth in spirit, mind, and energy. The personality is the unifier of these components of experiential individuality. (UB 9:4.6)
Here we have that the mind transforms for our knowledge (obviously) the values of the spirit into intellectual meanings. In the same way, the will makes them fructify and make sense in the material and spiritual. This is very important: the ascent to Paradise is a balanced growth of spirit, mind and energy, and it is the PERSONALITY that will unite those components of individuality. PERSONALITY, therefore, is in our minds and it, PERMANENCE IN THE PRESENCE OF CHANGE, is the unifying force of many of the transcendent values.
Everything that is from the circuit of the mind, the revelators call CIRCUIT both to the mind and to its 7 assistants, (therefore that is what they are, circuits) belongs, as we have already said, to the Third person of the Trinity of Paradise, to the Infinite Spirit. To Him belongs mental gravity, and through this gravity He is aware of every mind, every intellect in all creation, and maintains contact with every one, physical, morontia, and spiritual, in the vastness of the universes. The Father, as we know, draws to himself all personalities. The Eternal Son does the same with all spiritual reality, and the Infinite Spirit does the same with all minds and intellects.
The Conjoint Actor reacts to both material and spiritual realities and therefore inherently becomes the universal minister to all intelligent beings, beings who may represent a union of both the material and spiritual phases of creation. The endowment of intelligence, the ministry to the material and the spiritual in the phenomenon of mind, is the exclusive domain of the Conjoint Actor, who thus becomes the partner of the spiritual mind, the essence of the morontia mind, and the substance of the material mind of the evolutionary creatures of time. (UB 12:8.7)
This Wonderful Being by whom we have our minds and intelligence, not only gives it to us, but it is also the ministry, the one that helps them, to all those who can intelligently have awareness of God, and who can in one way or another unite the material and the spiritual. We have it today as the Substance of our material minds, we will have it as an essence in our morontia minds and as a partner, neither more nor less that glorious day that we will have SPIRITUAL MINDS.
In the inner experience of man, mind is joined to matter. Such material-linked minds cannot survive mortal death. The technique of survival is embraced in those adjustments of the human will. (UB 1:3.7)
Mortal mind subservient to matter is destined to become increasingly material and consequently to suffer eventual personality extinction; mind yielded to spirit is destined to become increasingly spiritual and ultimately to achieve oneness with the surviving and guiding divine spirit and in this way to attain survival and eternity of personality existence. (UB 1:3.7)
It is in our interior, personal experience, where we have to be aware. Our WILL is the one that makes the adjustments that the mind needs to allow ourselves to be carried away only by the material, by the mirages that the stimuli that we have in view of all the senses since we open our eyes offer us today. Being servile to matter, we all have examples of human beings who only serve the material, is the end, is the extinction of the possibility of transcending this life. We know about the titanic struggle of our will not to let ourselves be swept away by material stimuli, but we are not alone in this struggle. We have various aids, but the Thought Adjuster is invaluable for the future and eternal existence of our one and only personality.
Therefore, our goal of mind is the spiritualization of it, and it will allow us after ascending to the morontia mota, to the local universe, to the superuniverses and to follow Havona, and there we will obtain the mind of the spirit, and only from then on will we begin to see the mysteries of the Father, the Son and the Infinite Spirit. The mind, therefore, is the place or arena, as the developers tell us, where we make our decisions, where memory, reason, judgment, choice, association of ideas, creative imagination and, finally, reside. where we choose the race for the adventure of finding our Universal Father, or our end.
Our minds, although very basic since this is our starting point, our first life, is much more animal than spiritual. And, according to what the Revelators tell us, it is vitally important for every human being to become aware of our lives, our minds, their helper circuits, and the magnificent indwelling Adjuster. It is the duty of each one to realize and discover the tremendous potential that we have, together with all the help we have, to make this path of magnificent adventures where our Father awaits us at the finish line. There is no other reason why we are here, nor is it another, why they have provided us with all this help.
Though it is hardly possible for the mortal mind to comprehend the seven levels of relative cosmic reality, the human intellect should be able to grasp much of the meaning of three functioning levels of finite reality:
- Matter. Organized energy which is subject to linear gravity except as it is modified by motion and conditioned by mind.
- Mind. Organized consciousness which is not wholly subject to material gravity, and which becomes truly liberated when modified by spirit.
- Spirit. The highest personal reality. True spirit is not subject to physical gravity but eventually becomes the motivating influence of all evolving energy systems of personality dignity. (UB 12:8.9-12)
Here we have the key to what we are: Matter, our bodies; Mind, conscience, and Spirit, what inhabits us and that finally, if we allow it, will be what will motivate us to evolve the personality.
(Will continue in the next issue)