© 2018 Ivan Stol
© 2018 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 82 — June 2018 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 82 — June 2018 | The Truth personally discovered |
Dear readers,
We often ask ourselves whether or not we want to be a member of AFLUB. In fact, there seem to be three tendencies: one is to seek to better understand this book, the other is to experiment and live these teachings and the last is to want to make this Book known.
In the first case, it is enough to be part of a group or take courses like UBIS, becoming a member is not an obligation.
In the second case, people generally do not want to have intellectual discussions that they find sterile. They will neither be part of groups nor be members.
This leaves the third type of people as potential members of the association, and this is generally less than 10% of all readers.
I don’t think that people come to our association to be part of a community because they are fleeing it or have left it. In addition, we are open and welcome everyone, so if there is a community, it is created around the association and not within it. The members will therefore be part of the remaining 10% of readers who want to work towards something for this book. But the association is not there to choose what to do for its members but to support what the members are trying to achieve. However, strangely, there are few initiatives even though we have a few resources, communication tools and people with a little free time.
It is true that the AFLUB only deals with The Urantia Book, which excludes social, political and religious actions. Except that this book talks a lot about it while constantly warning us.
What we discussed in Amsterdam will perhaps enlighten those who are undecided on the right course of action. I also invite you to read the other texts which are always of interest.
Happy reading to all with my brotherly friendships. Ivan
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 82 — June 2018 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 82 — June 2018 | The Truth personally discovered |