© 2018 Ivan Stol, David Elders, Simon Orsini, Georges Michelson-Dupont, Dominique Ronfet, David Linthicum
© 2018 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
We often ask ourselves whether we want to be a member of AFLUB or not. In fact, there seem to be three tendencies: one is to seek to better understand this book, the other is to experiment and live these teachings and the last is to want to make this Book known.
In the first case, it is enough to be part of a group or take courses like UBIS, becoming a member is not an obligation.
In the second case, people generally do not want to have intellectual discussions that they find sterile. They will neither be part of groups nor be members.
Le Lien is the journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book (AFLUB), a member of the UAI, Urantia Association International.
Head office: 1, rue du Temple, 13012 Marseille. +33 (0)980 978481
Cœurriel: afllu@urantia.fr
Site/Forum: http://www.urantia.fr and http://forum.urantia.fr
Publication Director: Ivan Stol; ivan.stol@free.fr
Editor-in-Chief: Georges Michelson-Dupont; georges.michelson-dupont@wanadoo.fr
Reading Committee: Jean Duveau; Ivan Stol & Patrick Morelli.
The Link: Published 4 times a year electronically to AFLLU members
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any literary or artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of Urantia Foundation or its affiliates.
David Elders
Translated from English by G.M-D
“Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul. It is the joint creation of the material mind and the spirit”
This essay aims to explore, in the current context, the pedagogy and methodology of the UBIS school in response to the question of whether, in relation to the new truths brought by the revelation of the time, one can use effectively the evolutionary and traditional techniques of education and interpretation used by the evolutionary religions of authority?
I would observe that it is the combined nature of revelation and the revelatory process that determines how the soul of the truth seeker encounters, accesses, perceives, and integrates revealed truth. Without progressive morontia consciousness, I do not think that mind alone can do this. Two thousand years ago Jesus sought to have his revelation recognized and accepted by the established evolutionary religious authorities—the scribes and Pharisees.
Simon Orsini
For the majority of earthlings, survival does not exist, they are present on this earth, but do not seem to be enthusiastic about the idea that there could be life after death.
I take responsibility for saying that the universe is created. I could tell scientists that they do not know the composition of the electron, I will not reveal it to the public, but if a scientist asks me I will do it.
Scientists have not found the true functioning of protons and neutrons. They know only a small part of the functioning of the atom, while several thousand people in the world know this functioning without being scientists. So there are other sources of information.
Georges Michelson-Dupont
In our last study group in April 2018, we studied booklet 125, “Jesus in Jerusalem,” and we spent a long time considering the questions that the thirteen-year-old child Jesus asked the scribes and doctors of the law. These questions profoundly challenge the organization of Jewish society at the time, religious ceremonies, the authority of the Law, and the future of the Jewish nation.
Nowadays, these conditions have not changed much as we will see.
Dominique R.
“If you are still fragmented, without certainty — what difference does it make whether you make one decision or another?” (Hakim Sanai, The Walled Garden of Truth, 12th century)
— Hello. What do you mean by that? The Papers are clear: we have received the gift of Personality. This allows us, through self-awareness, to enjoy free will. Which makes us totally responsible for our actions. What does this sensitivity to the Personality circuit have to do with it?
David Linthicum
Presentation given at the IUA International Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands on April 14, 2018
Welcome everyone, my name is David Linthicum and it’s an honor to be with you today.
As you know, the theme of this year’s congress is “Jesus as Teacher.”
Jesus was a Master Teacher, he was a perfectly balanced personality, perfectly blending his humanity with his divine nature, he lived in accordance with the will of God. He lived a perfect life.
This INTERNATIONAL meeting brought together 180 people in the NETHERLANDS, a little far from Amsterdam in a somewhat specific conference setting. The organization was well thought out, with speeches that were not too long, well-prepared and effective group studies and substantial exchange times. There were, as usual, some “hiccups” and the price certainly dissuaded some from coming from far away. The French were present (10 or 11) among about 25 French speakers.
Its purpose was to understand how and what Jesus taught the people he met.
To understand this well, we must study very closely how Jesus himself learned and what he retained in his childhood.
5th to 7th October 2018 in Lazise (Lake Garda)
Dear readers, I have the pleasure of inviting you to the IV Congress of Italian-speaking readers with the participation of French readers of the Urantia Book — Spanish and German-speaking readers will all be welcome.