© 2023 Ivan Stol
© 2023 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 103 — September 2023 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 103 — September 2023 | Life |
Hello everyone,
Contrary to my habit and to express a feeling that someone expressed better than me, here is an extract from the introduction of the book “AllatRa by Anastassia Novykh” translated from Russian and which can be found on “https://allatra-book.org/fr” (another point of view on man and the universe). Here it is:
“Over the years since the first books were published, many events have taken place that have demonstrated to me once again that the sincere wish of a single person to help people coupled with his real actions and self-improvement truly brings wonderful results. It is not just about books as material to read but rather about understanding and putting into practice the Knowledge revealed therein. A book is a means of transmitting Knowledge. Knowledge not in terms of the notion of ”ownership“ or ”one’s own reasoning" but in terms of the notion of Wisdom from above that is transmitted through the centuries. Wisdom as an Open Door to enter that elevated and wonderful state of spirituality, through which comes the illumination of the One Who created everything. This Wisdom which has always been and which will always be, even when the memory of its earthly messengers disappears into the mists of time.
It is this Wisdom, similar to an original seed, which gives good shoots in the human being, helping him to free his intellect from the niche of human fears and the narrow vaults of the darkness of illusions, to overcome the tenacity of material reason, to open for himself the unlimited space of the discovery of Truth. It helps him to rise above his earthly self, to see the world from the height of spiritual vision without prejudices and materialistic blinkers. Wisdom grants the human being sincerity and constant effort to achieve the goal, enriches him with understanding, increases his responsibility for the spiritual quality of his life.
This eternal Wisdom is for a spiritual person what life-giving water is for a ripe ear of good seed. It allows one to realize the root of human problems and to improve the atmosphere of one’s spiritual life. It gives the main keys for understanding the multicomplex reality of the human being and the world, serves as a source for the creation of unique conditions for forming a creative Spiritual society by the human being, in a cruel world of material Animal intelligence. Eternal Wisdom allows the human being to transform himself spiritually and to know the hidden meaning of past and future events. This Wisdom is indeed the creative origin conceived by Himself, opening to each one who has accepted It the way towards His Eternity. »
So write, and enjoy reading!!!
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 103 — September 2023 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 103 — September 2023 | Life |