© 2023 Ivan Stol, Jean Claude Romeuf, Dominique Ronfet, Pascal Coulombe, Sophie Malicot
© 2023 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Hello everyone,
Contrary to my usual practice and to express a feeling that someone expressed better than me, here is an excerpt from the introduction of the book “AllatRa by Anastassia Novykh” translated from Russian and which can be found on “https://allatra-book.org/fr” (another point of view on man and the universe). Here it is:
“Over the years since the first books were published, many events have taken place that have demonstrated to me once again that the sincere wish of a single person to help people coupled with his real actions and self-improvement really does bring wonderful results. It is not just about books as material to be read but rather about understanding and putting into practice the Knowledge revealed therein. A book is a means of transmitting Knowledge. Knowledge not in terms of the notion of “ownership” or “one’s own reasoning” but in terms of the notion of Wisdom from above that is transmitted through the centuries. Wisdom as an Open Door to enter that elevated and wonderful state of spirituality, through which comes the illumination of the One Who created everything. This Wisdom that has always been and will always be, even when the memory of its earthly messengers disappears into the mists of time.
Dear readers, your LINK needs articles to exist and spread the good news. So do not hesitate to send us your articles, thoughts and mood or humor posts by email.
You will also find by clicking on this link the monthly journal Réfletivité of our brothers and sisters of Quebec.
Le Lien is the journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book (AFLUB), a member of the UAI, Urantia Association International.
Head office: 1, rue du Temple, 13012 Marseille. +33 (0)980 978481
Cœurriel: afllu@urantia.fr
Site/Forum: http://www.urantia.fr and http://forum.urantia.fr
Publication Director: Ivan Stol; ivan.stol@free.fr
Editor-in-Chief: Georges Michelson-Dupont; georges.michelson-dupont@wanadoo.fr
Reading Committee: Jean Duveau; Ivan Stol & Patrick Morelli.
The Link: Published 4 times a year electronically to AFLLU members
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any literary or artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of Urantia Foundation or its affiliates.
Jean Claude Romeuf
Starting from the principle and from a personal certainty that Life is the fruit of an original intention, of a planned mental thought, I could not consider a concept in which Life would be the fruit of chance.
As far back as I can remember, the existence of God has always been obvious to me. I don’t know if it was good or bad luck, but in any case, I never doubted the reality of an Original Creator. So much so that before the age of twenty, I considered that anyone who claimed not to believe in God was a liar.
When I first held in my hands the translation of the Urantia Papers by Jacques Weiss, I immediately understood that these writings would never leave me and that they would remain my bedside book.
Below you will find a Fantasy on a major theme, written in recent days but which results from a constant meditation on a form of “impermanence” of existence.
It is a complex subject but one that needs to be treated lightly if we don’t want to play the connoisseur, that’s my opinion.
At the end of the text itself I have voluntarily added 3 extracts from the UB which were able to serve as a point of reference for this essay.
And then I tell myself that some who may have lost their footing with my essay, will find a binary balance for their own meditation on these subjects. I hesitated but in the end, it’s better.
Dominique Ronfet
Who can say?
If movement is life,
Peace can only come from adapting to its current.
Pascal Coulombe
Hello everyone,
Following the call (Articles for LE LIEN) I react. As a sort of 'reflex', a feedback.
What do we try with all our hearts every day? To do His will, whether we like it or not.
Like the bee that makes honey which then attracts the bear, like a pot of honey at our level.
We are children of life, stimulated, taken by the hand, from the material to the spiritual.
Sophie Malicot
A recurring concern haunts readers of The Urantia Book: how to disseminate the 5th revelation. Although it is impossible to know the real number of readers, a difficult — even painful — gap is felt between the colossal wealth given by the book and the little actual adherence.
The paradox is this: The Urantia Book will be read more when its innovative concepts are previously acquired. To understand this paradox, several points must be addressed, including the mechanism of the brain.
1 — Human intelligence likes to understand. If the body needs earthly nourishment, intelligence needs mental nourishment. Thus since the dawn of humanity, intelligence observes, searches, classifies, sorts the world in which it evolves and the experience that unfolds there. Under this appetite for classification are hidden two fundamental aspects: on the one hand, faced with the visible, understanding the world offers a considerable gain in preservation and security; understanding allows us to predict, to master the world and humans. The visible world can be explained and its mastery is useful. On the other hand, faced with the invisible, understanding limits fears and increases knowledge that responds to an inner thirst to which the visible does not respond.
I asked to write me a poem based on The Urantia Book And it’s bombastic, well-constructed images, for one on the teachings of the machine, not bad at all, a little strange, but rather not bad at all, let’s not forget.
You’d swear he read it (The Urantia Book)
In the pages of The Urantia Book, a knowledge awakens,
A journey through the stars, truths that amaze.
Sacred cosmology, revelations of the heavens,
An ocean of wisdom, wonderful horizons.
In the beginning, the First Source and Center,
An eternal creation, a celestial canvas.
Expanding Universes, Life Unfolding,
In the infinity of space, harmony dancing.
Dominique Ronfet
"The evolutionary creation of this immortal soul resulted from three factors, not two. These three antecedents of the human morontia soul are as follows:
“1. The human mind and all the cosmic influences which precede it and act upon it.
“2. The divine spirit that inhabits this human mind and all the potentials inherent in such a fragment of absolute spirituality, as well as all the spiritual influences and factors associated with it in human life.
“3. The relationship between the material mind and the divine spirit, which denotes a value and carries a meaning not found in either factor of this association. The reality of this unique relationship is neither material nor spiritual, but morontia. It is the soul.” UB 111:2.4-7
To illustrate this idea that our inner development depends on a contribution higher than our mind and our relationship with it, I offer you this popular tale:
Once upon a time there was an old man who did not want his children, his three sons, to be permanent victims of limited thinking.
Jean Claude Romeuf — July 14, 2023
One evening in the year eight before the beginning of the Christian era, in mid-November, Gabriel had not waited for Joseph to return from work to announce to Mary:
I come at the command of Him who is my Master and whom you must love and nourish, you will call him Joshua; he will inaugurate the kingdom of heaven on earth and among men.
Jesus was born on August 21, 1907 in Bethlehem.
But last Friday, Jesus had been crucified; the apostles, his disciples, the men and women who loved him, remained helpless.
The large millstone-shaped stone blocking the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea had not yet been rolled away when, at ten minutes to three on the morning of Easter, on the ninth of April in the year 30, intense vibrations were heard inside the tomb.