© 2018 Ivan Stol
© 2018 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
This year, I traveled a lot, Amsterdam, England, Italy, to meet European readers and tried to understand their expectations. It turns out that our mentalities are generally in agreement and the means of exchange are gradually being put in place despite the language barriers. It will take some time for a solid organization to be put in place to offer correct support to all European countries wishing to begin to implement an effective structure to help meet readers. But the will is there and seems wisely patient, while responding effectively to events. The revelation is taking hold while the economy and society are in decline, the future will show us if the synchronization of these events will be correct and beneficial.
On the other hand, Urantians seem to want to exchange and meet throughout Europe (even Russia), and we may have to find translators like Danielle to respond to this.
I look forward to being freed from the constraints of work to be more active and present in these emerging activities.
Best regards to all