© 2018 Ivan Stol
© 2018 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Once again this year, we met the Italians, but if our dynamic Danielle LA Scala once again participated in the organization of this meeting and once again played a vital role as interpreter, we intervened much less in the course of the discussions and the Italians acquired a certain mastery in this area.
And we did not come alone, Spaniards and the European coordinator were there with us to show everyone’s interest in their work in disseminating the book in their country.
The theme of this meeting was: “Doing the will of God”.
He led us to use our discernment to seek to understand where the information could come from that confirmed to us that we were truly doing the will of God, each at our own level, whatever the area in which we exercised our know-how and for what purpose. The words “service, truth, goodness, justice, righteousness” came up often, and most of the time, returning to the simple things in life, what we are most capable of doing, allows us to do the will of God if they are done in the right way and with the right intentions, we just have to be aware of it.
Everyone shared and benefited from these exchanges. The passages that were chosen as support are the following:
UB 155:6.1; UB 1:0.3-6 “Be perfect as I am perfect”; UB 1:2.3 What is God’s consciousness?; UB 107:0.5 “the will of the Father?; UB 5:1.6-7; UB 1:3.7 (adjustments… transformations…); UB 3:5.5-6 What are the “inevitabilities” of your experiences; UB 107:0.3; UB 111:5.2); UB 110:3.4; UB 108:5.10 (in fine) “you have guides…”; UB 110:3.4; UB 196:3.7-10 “the human mind…”; UB 117:6.10; UB 7:3.3-7; UB 143:7; UB 91:9.1; UB 39:4.13-14; UB 106:9.11-12
For meals we had to walk around a bit, but we used our shared stay time intensively for our work. People who wanted to visit this beautiful region Lake Garda, Verona, made arrangements to do so by extending their stay.
As we left at the end of this stay, the Italians seemed much more confident in their ability to maintain this nascent activity in their country and we are beginning to see the fruit of our joint efforts. Already, recently, the news shows that things are moving.
We remain attentive and available to respond to any request.