© 1999 J. J. Johnson
© 1999 The Christian Fellowship of Students of The Urantia Book
Significant Books: A New Morality from Science: Beyondism by Raymond B. Cattell | Spring 1999 — Index | Significant Books: Consilience by Edward O. Wilson |
I strongly identify with these statements: “If you are not a positive and missionary evangel of your religion, you are self-deceived in that what you call a religion is only a traditional belief or a mere system of intellectual philosophy.” (UB 160:5.3) “Freely you have received of the good things of the kingdom; freely give.” (UB 163:1.4)
The revelators, I have been told, challenged the Contact Commission to realize the importance of the Papers they received. From the moment I first read the section on “The Reality of God” in Paper 1, I intuitively knew this did not come from mere humans. I wore out the hard cover of my first Urantia Book by carrying it wherever I went. I still carry it wherever I go, with few exceptions. I do this automatically: it is like carrying my car keys, I would feel naked without it.
I never know when I’ll get a comment about our wonderful revelation just because it is made available to the eyes of everyone I come into contact with. This doesn’t happen every day, but quite often I do get comments: at the airport, check-out counters, movie theaters or anywhere. Do I have to carry it around? Of course not! But after over twenty years (and fifteen readings!) of carrying the book, it is just one way for me to expose the Fifth Epochal Revelation to whomever I come into contact with.
The truths revealed in The Urantia Book should so illuminate our hearts that we are overjoyed in being able to share these wonderful teachings with our brothers and sisters. I just never tire in sharing this great revelation, and am eternally thankful to have the privilege and joy to do this. Whatever talents we have (great or small) we can be an evangel of our religion. I really get excited when someone expresses their gratitude because I brought The Urantia Book to their attention. This usually happens when I am working on a project or get into a conversation. Generally, I’m not thinking about introducing them to the book — it just happens as I am enthusiastically sharing the Father’s love that overflows in my heart. So when I do make contact with a truth seeker, the rewards are beyond words.
I have tried many different avenues in bringing this revelation to our planet. If I arrive on the mansion worlds and am greeted on Mansonia One with: “J.J., we observed the manner in which you shared the revelation on Urantia and we must say that sometimes your efforts could have been better channeled in other ways.” I could deal with that and would reply, “I would appreciate your help; please point me in the direction to better share my love of truth.”
However, it would send a chill up and down my morontia spine if I were told: “J. J., remember that handicapped lady at the bus stop? Why didn’t you share The Urantia Book with her? Look at what a box of chocolates did for Forest Gump when he shared them at the bus stop…”
Significant Books: A New Morality from Science: Beyondism by Raymond B. Cattell | Spring 1999 — Index | Significant Books: Consilience by Edward O. Wilson |