© 2009 Jean-Claude Romeuf
© 2009 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
The Consummator of Universe Destiny is one of the unclassified and unrevealed Orders of Grand Universe Personalities. The name given to him in the papers of The Urantia Book seems, however, to suggest the functions he occupies in the Universe.
We can attribute different names to the First Source Center, each of which is the mark of one of its attributes. It is the Infinite, the Original Creator, but it is as Universal Father that it seems to us the most lovable and the most reassuring.
The name of Consumer of our destiny could tend to make us shudder a little. But, I do not see why the Grand Universe, and I with it, would one day be swallowed up in some bottomless abyss, when the age is over. Indeed, everything leads us to believe in the booklets that Truth, Beauty and Goodness always end up triumphing. It results from this that Good always triumphs over apparent Evil and that despite errors, temporary falls, we travel in a secure space-time. In other words, the faith that I have placed in the original projects of my Father Creator far exceeds the framework of the hope contained in my beliefs. It is a certainty of Future, of Universal Destiny and of Security.
Although a Trinity cannot be a “personality”, it is always formed of the three individual personalities which compose it and which act in indivision. The second experiential Trinity or Absolute Trinity would be composed of God the Supreme, God the Ultimate and the Consummator of the Destiny of the Grand Universe. These personalities, although different in the role they play in the Universe, are equal in Divinity on the scale of values. The Universal Consummator is therefore a God, but a God who risks never reaching his actualization!
We know that the Supreme Being will be actualized when the power of the Almighty and the Divinity of God the Supreme have resulted in the end of the Age of Supremacy. At that time, the God of the Seven Universes can be known, loved, and worshiped. It is known that God the Ultimate will acquire power and personality as a consequence of the appearance of the first experiential Trinity (UB 0:12.6). But this is not the case for God the Consummator of Destiny.
If the Absolute Trinity were factualized, this would amount to saying that the potential of the Unqualified Absolute would be exhausted. There would be no more possible expansion of the Universe beyond the fourth level of exterior space: cosmic infinity would have been reached. The potential of Divinity would also be exhausted, the Deity Absolute would be personalized as Infinity and would be identical in person, to the Original Source Center. The circle of growth would be consumed. We would therefore return to the theoretical, but post-experiential I Am!
Jesus portrayed the profound surety of the God-knowing mortal when he said: “To a God-knowing kingdom believer, what does it matter if all things earthly crash?” Temporal securities are vulnerable, but spiritual sureties are impregnable. When the flood tides of human adversity, selfishness, cruelty, hate, malice, and jealousy beat about the mortal soul, you may rest in the assurance that there is one inner bastion, the citadel of the spirit, which is absolutely unassailable; at least this is true of every human being who has dedicated the keeping of his soul to the indwelling spirit of the eternal God. (UB 100:2.7)
The man who knows God is in profound security and Jesus depicts this security in the above sentence. This is spiritual security which is invulnerable, because it is found in this inner bastion, this citadel of the spirit which is absolutely impregnable. It is enough to entrust one’s soul to the care of our Mystery Monitor.
There is a sense of security, associated with the realization of triumphing glory, resident in the consciousness of the religionist who has grasped the reality of the Supreme, and who pursues the goal of the Ultimate. (UB 100:6.7)
This is the correlation of the previous passage, that is, once we know God and have entrusted our safety to his keeping, it follows that the reality of the Supreme becomes comprehensible to us, that we realize that our evolution and experiences are with and in the Supreme, since our experiences are the experiences of the Supreme, who otherwise could not exist as an experiential Deity. This is another way of understanding what cosmic citizenship means.
The purpose of religion is not to satisfy curiosity about God but rather to afford intellectual constancy and philosophic security, to stabilize and enrich human living by blending the mortal with the divine, the partial with the perfect, man and God. It is through religious experience that man’s concepts of ideality are endowed with reality. (UB 101:10.5)
To try to transform human concepts into reality as we ideally conceive them, is one of the advantages of a religious life based on the security of our sonship with God. It is to blend the mortal with the divine, the partial with the perfect, man with God. But I do not think that this accomplishment can be made in its fullness until a mortal becomes part of the Body of the Finality.
After a long sojourn on circuit number two the subjects of disappointment are examined by the councils of perfection sitting on the pilot world of this circle and are certified as having passed the Havona test; and this, so far as nonspiritual status is concerned, grants them the same standing in the universes of time as if they had actually succeeded in the Deity adventure. The spirit of such candidates was wholly acceptable; their failure was inherent in some phase of the technique of approach or in some part of their experiential background. (UB 26:10.3)
This is the second circuit of Havona. The pilgrim who reaches this stage has finished with evolutionary uncertainties, and must undoubtedly look back with a sort of nostalgia towards the experiences of the past, because from now on, it is the uncertainties of eternity that he will have to face, the eternal adventure.
Jean-Claude Romeuf