© 2002 Jeanmarie Chaise
© 2002 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
With the help of the revelations of the Urantia Book and the numerical details that it gives us, we can undoubtedly better represent to ourselves how the cosmic creation of the Deity is organized. The first reference is naturally Paradise which is presented as the archetype of the qualified manifestation of God. This is why it is the functional organization of Paradise that we must first examine and only the organization of the High Paradise and the peripheral Paradise (Pages UB 11:2.9 and UB 11:3.4)
At the heart of Paradise are three immense zones, the most central of which is called the presence of the Deity. This central zone is surrounded by the second zone called the Most Holy Sphere, a realm that is entirely spiritual and inaccessible to our almost entirely material understanding. Around these two immense zones extend seven concentric zones which together constitute the Holy Area. There are therefore nine successive zones starting from the center of Paradise and their attributions are as follows, at least for the first four, because we are not told more:
As we can immediately see, if the third central zone, the Holy Area, is indeed made up of seven concentric zones as we are told on page 121 in paragraph 6, and if, according to all logic, the first six zones of the Holy Area are indeed attributable to the domains indicated here of the Master Universe, then the seventh zone does not receive any allocation. If therefore the domains of the seven superuniverses constitute the creation of the Supreme and if the four exterior formations, as we are led to understand on several occasions, are dedicated to the realization of the Ultimate, then we are justified in thinking that this seventh zone of the Holy Area is dedicated to a project of absoluteness which is not revealed to us. This is why, in this place we are forced to put a question mark.
Having underlined this obvious gap in our information, we can now come to the study of this second zone of the Holy Area which concerns us more particularly, we, the ascenders of the superuniverses.
This second zone of the Holy Area is therefore reserved in part for seven sectors, “each of them being devoted exclusively to the well-being and advancement of the personalities of a single superuniverse, and we are informed that the resources they offer almost infinitely exceed the needs of these seven current superuniverses.” How is the sector reserved on Paradise for beings from Orvonton constituted? How many of us will ultimately be in this sector? We can partially answer these questions, but naturally there will always be a huge gap. Nevertheless, the reliable information given to us allows us to already get an idea of this immensity.
The first unknown is the number of individuals constituting a group, it is also the only one, but it is significant given the number of groups that can be included in this sector. Let’s see instead:
A billion active groups of glorified individuals constitute a residential unit; thus we have:
1,000,000,000 | group | = 1 residential unit. |
1,000 | residential units | = 1 division |
100,000 | divisions | = 1 congregation |
10,000,000 | congregations | = 1 assembly |
1,000,000,000 | assemblies | = 1 large unit |
Here is a first pyramid according to the denary system. A large unit is therefore made up of:
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or 1045 active groups of glorified individuals. But this same sector does not include just one large unit. Indeed, large units are counted according to the septenary system, thus:
7 large units | = 1 master unit or | 7 x 1045 |
7 master units | = 1 superior unit | 49 x 1045 |
7 higher units | = 1 superhigher unit | 343 x 1045 |
7 supersuperior units | = 1 celestial unit | 2401 x 1045 |
7 celestial units | 1 supercelestial unit | 16,807 x 1045 |
7 supercelestial units | 1 supreme unit | 117,649 x 1045 |
7 supreme units | = 1 sector | 823 543 x 1045 |
Thus, for the seven sectors of the second zone of the Holy Area, there exists the possibility of integrating 5,764,801 x 1045 active groups of glorified individuals among which I hope we will all be members.
On Paradise, and in the second peripheral zone of the Holy Area, the active groups of glorified individuals in their allocated sector (here the sector assigned to ascending personalities of a single superuniverse, for example that of Orvonton) are therefore 823,543 in number followed by 45 zeros. To know the number of individuals expected in this sector, it is undoubtedly necessary to add a few more zeros. The quantifiable is only meaningful within a certain limit, a limit largely exceeded here.
But this calculation is undoubtedly to be compared with another which states the number of “locations reserved on the peripheral areas of Paradise for memories of our material days in the areas of historical reminiscence.” (UB 11:3.2) “On the peripheral Paradise, we are told, are the enormous areas of historical and prophetic exhibitions assigned to the Creator Sons who are devoted to the local universes of time and space. There are exactly seven billion of these historical locations installed or in reserve, but all of these devices together occupy barely four percent of the portion of the peripheral area assigned to them. We infer that these vast reserves belong to creations which will subsequently find their place beyond the boundaries of the seven currently known and inhabited superuniverses.” (UB 11:4.3)
Now, “Seven superuniverses form the grand universe” (UB 15:2.9) or 7 thousand billion inhabited worlds. (1 billion = one thousand billion). There are therefore as many of these planned locations as there are predictable planets in the seven superuniverses. Each planet therefore has its reserved location. We are therefore expected in this sector of the Holy Area, in a paradisiacal abode as ascenders from Urantia.
We can already establish that if 96% of these locations are still vacant, it is because 96% of future inhabited worlds will be created in the four outer circles of current matter aggregates. This gives us:
7.4 x 96 = 168 billion future worlds outside the grand universe. That is a total of 175 billion worlds for the master universe.
The great universe would therefore represent 1/24º of the inhabited worlds of the master universe. But we must remember that we lack sufficient data to approach, even approximately, the effective realities of the real divine project.
These estimates are also to be compared with what is indicated to us in UB 12:3.7 concerning universal physical gravity in the report of the expert researchers of Uversa. We are told: “These investigations lead to the astonishing conclusion that the central universe and the seven superuniverses which surround it are at present employing only five percent of the active functioning of the absolute gravity grip of Paradise. In other words: at the present time, approximately ninety-five percent of the active action of cosmic gravity of Paradise, evaluated according to a theory of totality, is occupied in controlling material systems located beyond the boundaries of the presently organized universes.” We are here in the same order of magnitude as the preceding calculations, and the 1% difference can easily be explained by the margins of error and by the fact that they do not apply to exactly the same data. Furthermore, we are also told that “These calculations all refer to absolute gravity; linear gravity is an interaction phenomenon that can only be calculated by knowing the effective gravity of Paradise.” And this gravity does not seem to be known exactly by the researchers of Uversa.
And what is true of physical gravity seems to be true of mental and spiritual gravity as well. For the latter, it seems, indeed, that it is totalizable. We learn that: “With the collaboration of Solitary Messengers and other spiritual personalities, these same Uversa researchers have succeeded in totaling the active spiritual gravity of the Second Source and Center. It is most instructive to note that they find about the same value for the actual and functional presence of spirit gravity in the grand universe as they did for the supposed value which they had assumed for the total of active spirit gravity. In other words, at the present time practically all of the gravity of the Eternal Son, calculated according to this theory of totality, is observable in operation in the grand universe. If these results are reliable, we may conclude that the universes evolving in outer space are at the present time entirely nonspiritual.” And if so, it satisfactorily explains why spirit beings possess so little or no information about these vast manifestations of energy, other than knowledge of the fact of their physical existence._" (UB 12:3.9)
Thus the whole of spiritual gravity is presently monopolized by the grand universe, but it is not the same with regard to mental gravity. At least this is what the same researchers deduce from their numerous investigation. “These investigators have deduced that approximately eighty-five percent of the mental gravity response to the intellectual attraction of the conjoined actor has its origin in the grand universe as it exists. This suggests the possibility that mental activities are involved in connection with the observable physical activities in progress in all the realms of outer space.”
As for us, we can deduce from all this that the whole of creation is subject to numerical estimates, the numbers relating to the three domains, physical, mental and spiritual, presenting themselves in the same form by virtue of a theory of totality which, moreover, is not revealed to us.
Jeanmarie Chair