© 2000 Séverin Desbuisson, Sylvette Perrier, Jacques Dupont, Jeanmarie Chaise, Jean-François Drouet, Claude Castel, Jean-Claude Romeuf, Jean Royer
© 2000 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
48, rue Douy Delcupe
Dear readers,
Welcome to the new millennium! A pivotal year is coming for the A.F.L.L.U.
After three valiant years of service as president, François Le Rohellec is handing over his place to me. Far from resting, our intrepid “ex-president” intends to use the free time he will have to prepare and coordinate the international meeting of 2002. A vast task that will quickly mobilize many volunteers and about which you will be informed very soon.
Looking back at the three years of our association’s existence, I believe that we could not have dreamed of a more progressive and balanced growth. At the beginning of this century, I would like to salute all our subscribers and thank the volunteers who have invested themselves in this adventure of service and joint work that today constitutes the A.F.L.L.U. for their dedication.
To all, a very happy new year 2001.
Severin Desbuisson
President of the A.F.L.L.U.
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation. All rights reserved. These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission. Any artistic depiction(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription in 1998: 100 FF per year (approximately 4 issues)
Truth is like a huge jewel, made of many precious stones of various colors, each as sparkling as the other, cut into a multitude of mirror-like facets. Humans see one facet of it, and another, depending on the place and time in which they are. They can distort the image of what they have seen because of the mirror-like effects and the vision of the observer. But truth always shines, and one day, perhaps not before 200 billion years, we will have a complete panoramic view of a large piece of this Diamond Mountain which, for the moment, overlooks from a great height our teeming personalities on the Urantian soil.
Throughout the discovery of human religious and philosophical beliefs, it is always a joy to discover these innumerable particles of Truth anchored everywhere. — despite the matrix of errors that surround them. These are undoubtedly the vestiges of what our great Instructors of Humanity have taught, on the face of the planet, and which fortunately — have survived everywhere.
Sylvette Perrier
If we are all gathered here, it is prompted by the interest that each of us has in The URANTIA Book.
The URANTIA Book is the beginning of the Fifth Revelation. It is a re-actualization of the Fourth Revelation, bringing to our minds and souls a wealth of new, unexpected, and unsuspected knowledge:
Jacques Dupont
It may be that man has the impression of being a slave to the material contingencies of his environment. This is largely true as long as he has not really grasped all the data which would allow him at first to abstract himself from them, then to detach himself more and more from them in order to soon cross the stages which go from the consciousness of a material being to the consciousness of a spiritual being. The human personality is not the plaything of events in time and space or, at least, it
is not only its plaything; it also has a role to play in it
To verify this, we must therefore try to delve deeper into the concepts, and in particular into the concepts which concern us most directly from the outset, the concepts which touch our state of being present most closely and which obsess us to the point that we have all the trouble in the world getting rid of them, namely the concept of space and, perhaps even more so, the concept of time.
Jeanmarie Chair
Basically, it’s very simple; we have only one obligation: to conform our entire will to that of God (UB 111:5.2), which is equivalent to following the divine plan (UB 4:1.2).
For this, we need three levels of knowledge, in order:
Jean-François Drouet
Response to the article by Jean Royer published in Lien 14 “The mystery of the Maries”
One explanation might be this:
Anna, the mother of Mary, mother of Jesus, could have had a daughter from another man than Joachim, or Joachim could have had this daughter with another woman, but this is less likely. The UB is careful not to specify this. It is impossible to know which of the three it could be. So 2 real sisters and 1 half-sister from the same mother as we would say today.
But there may be yet another explanation.
Claude Castel
Flora was walking in the forest of Wisdom’s tales. The little girl saw a treasure.
“I want to grow up,” she said, “a treasure can always be useful.”
Many adults had passed by the treasure, some without seeing it, others had considered it useless. The white rabbit, the goat, the fox and the wolf, the grasshopper and the ant, the cat, put on their seven-league boots, cried out and ran away when Flora picked up the treasure.
Flora felt very lonely, she would have liked to show her treasure to someone. The green and damp grass at first offered her a cushion of dry golden straw. Flora settled herself comfortably, put the treasure on her knees and opened it lovingly with curiosity.
A scholar and a madman passed by her on the path. “I know all the perfumes of the earth,” said the scholar, “I know the length of the horizontal winds that blow on the horizon of the sea and the height of the vertical winds that make the mountains dizzy. I have counted the stars on the Christmas trees.”
“Tell me about God,” Flora said, “so that I can grow up.” The scholar shrugged his shoulders in contempt and walked away from the little girl.
The fool leaned over Flora’s shoulder, but he could not understand what she was reading in her treasure. “Am I stupid?” asked the fool. “I don’t know,” answered Flora, “I’m still too small.”
After ten years, the madman remained in almost the same place and waited unknowingly for his time to come. Flora then felt that her own heart had grown, but apparently, she had remained the same little girl.
Little Tom Thumb was lost in the forest and was crying near Flora. “I want to grow up,” said the boy. Flora shared her treasure with him.
The madman then knew that the scholar was imbecile.
Jean-Claude Romeuf
One day I asked Johanna, that’s what I call my guardian angel:
"What happens when one or more of the subjects you are guarding crosses the 3rd psychic circle?
Do you stay with the first one who crosses this circle?
Do you pass on all the data you have to a new guardian angel?
Do you continue with the other 9,8 or 7?
Are new topics offered to you to complete the group of ten?
She answered me in a very Jesuit way:
"How do you think I managed to keep those in the 4th circle?
Do you think I’m going to stay here forever with 10 humans?
Jean Royer
Is it the parousia, the return of Michael, or the arrival of Machiventa in his position as planetary vice-manager? No, what we are all waiting for, and many without even knowing it, is the publication of the Appendices to the study of the Master Universe by Sadler junior.
Apparently little is new in this book, since all the arguments are based on The Urantia Book. Yes, almost everything is in The Urantia Book, but none of us has seen it with such clarity, none of us has glimpsed the many deductions that can be made from an in-depth view of the work.
All those who have been able to read Sadler junior’s work have come away from it as if illuminated by the clarity and obviousness of his theses.
So, what are we waiting for to publish it? It’s simple, the AFLUB doesn’t have the funds. It would be necessary to find about 30,000 F so that the translators’ work does not remain at the bottom of a drawer, to the great displeasure of potential readers.
Are there not among all the readers of the Urantia Book some sowers who would dare to sow at the risk of losing all or part of the seed?
If you have any funds or valid ideas, please contact Joseph Ledain or our new secretary, Christine Baussin, at the AFLUB address.
Jean Royer
The Urantia Book, hardcover, 18 x 25 format | 327.00 F inc. VAT |
The Urantia Book, soft cover, 15 x 20 format | 190.00 F incl. VAT |
The Urantia Book on CD-ROM | 146.00 F incl. VAT |
The veil is lifted | 69.50 F incl. VAT |
A study of the Master Universe | 89.50 F incl. VAT |
Shipping costs: Colissimo postal rate and free from 500 F including tax.
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