© 2002 Séverin Desbuisson, Joseph Servant, Jean Royer, Jeanmarie Chaise, Jean Claude Romeuf, Yves Guillot-Goguet, Maïa Neveu, Michel Bezier, Dominique Ronfet
© 2002 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
48, rue Douy Delcupe
Dear readers,
The world is full of events that jostle and collide seemingly for no reason. The news of recent months has been very sustained in serious events, attacks and acts of war. Even at the level of the associations of readers of the Urantia Book, quarrels sometimes rage…
Should all this distress, all these errors, all these improbabilities demoralize us and cause us deep anguish? No! Happily not! Not if we have become aware of the cosmic destiny that awaits us and is attested by our thought adjuster every second; not if we discern the purpose of the Supreme in his vast adventure of experiences and approach to the imperfect; not if we consider the historical destiny of this world, the good fortune of belonging to it, and the almost non-occurrence of being, moreover, readers of the fifth epochal revelation.
So, enjoy the moments of joy that this issue could bring you! Pass on this joy and revel in every moment of life spent this way!
Have a great day!
Severin Desbuisson
President of the A.F.L.L.U.
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation. All rights reserved. These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission. Any artistic depiction(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription in 1998: 100 FF per year (approximately 4 issues)
The characteristics of one age can manifest themselves in other ages, but schematically we have:
The first age: understanding
The second age: knowledge
The Third Age: Wisdom
The fourth age: love
Joseph Servant
Gloom, despondency, lamentations, complaints, jeremiads are some of the evils that seem to afflict our times. The Urantia Book, on the other hand, speaks to us of joy. As always, and better than some magazines, it is positive. The word joy is found 154 times while the word sadness is found only 31 times.
William Sadler, Jr., said that The Urantia Book is constructed like a symphony; one of the variations (or motifs or themes) is joy. The term is found right at the beginning, and, as it should be, it applies to God: “He delights in his children.” Just as naturally, the last reference to joy is found at the very end of the book and refers to Jesus: “Jesus revealed and exemplified a religion of love: security in the Father’s love, with the joy and satisfaction of sharing that love in service to the brotherhood of man.”
Jean Royer
Page UB 39:4.11 “You cannot take much without giving anything. As you rise in the scale of personality, you learn first to be loyal, then to love, then to be filial, and then you can be free”
1— first to be loyal. Loyalty is the fruit of an intelligent appreciation of human brotherhood. But being loyal to one’s brothers first involves a phase of loyalty to oneself. Loyalty is inconceivable without sincerity and uprightness. These two personal characteristics are the first rungs to climb in our quest for “Freedom.”
It makes no sense to loudly demand one’s freedom. At most, one can find a certain morbid independence there, which isolates one from the fraternal, the social or the conjugal, reinforcing our fears, our pride and our solitude.
Jean-Claude Romeuf
With the help of the revelations of The Urantia Book and the numerical details it gives us, we can probably better imagine how the cosmic creation of the Deity is organized. The first reference is naturally Paradise, which is presented as the archetype of the qualified manifestation of God. This is why it is the functional organization of Paradise that we must first examine and only the organization of High Paradise and the peripheral Paradise (Pages UB 11:2.9 and UB 11:3.4)
At the heart of Paradise are three immense zones, the most central of which is called the presence of the Deity. This central zone is surrounded by the second zone called the Most Holy Sphere, a realm that is entirely spiritual and inaccessible to our almost entirely material understanding. Around these two immense zones extend seven concentric zones which together constitute the Holy Area. There are thus nine successive zones starting from the center of Paradise and their attributions are as follows, at least for the first four, because we are not told more:
Jeanmarie Chair
The June 2001 issue of the “Journal de l’IUA” particularly pleased me for the balanced and tolerant position of Andrés Rodriguez “The virginity of Mary”; the point of view is well argued and avoids any excess in one direction or another. But it is especially the article by Seppo Kanerva “About religion, should we found a new church?” that leads me to write to you.
The word “church” is understood as a human structure (such as a political party, union, association) having a hierarchy, rules, a liturgy, a doctrine, dogmas, etc.
Yves Guillot-Goguet
In the slow harmony that the Universe forms
a pinhead was named Earth.
She was spinning endlessly and her sister the Moon
played hide and seek with her on the dune.
Quadrupeds or bipeds, microbes and plants
were very few in number and praised the Most High
to be so comfortable in such a quiet place.
In short, everything was going well. But the Evil One, subtle,
realized one fine evening that things in this world
were going too simply and the world map
he suddenly decided to turn everything upside down:
Maya Nephew
All of us,
all from the same trait,
all from the full Line of the very high,
our destiny leads us towards the recognition of
our double birth.
Children of men, we are also born of
supreme design of the full Line of the very high.
Full line from the very top,
we are the target of your vibrating bow,
and your arrow stuck,
sting of infinity in the heart of our life,
is our love sting.
Michel Bezier
“A case is in progress” could be read on the front page of the newspaper.
“Many will want recognition and glory”
(The brotherhood of the heart often hides that of missed affections.)
“Action! Action!” some will shout.
They quickly forget that action (attraction) and repulsion are two sides of the same mirror.
Charming narcissism.
Actually :
Who are we?
(Is happiness a matter of belief?)
What do we want?
(Knowledge a matter of words?)
Back to the obvious.
Returning to God and returning to oneself are one on the path.
Dominique Ronfet
1/ The “Vocabulary” of Jean Royer, new edition revised, corrected and expanded, at the price of 5 euros.
2/ The latest edition of the book “The Veil Rises”, including 4 sky maps and the evolution diagram, all in color, at the price of 12 euros.
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