© 2003 Séverin Desbuisson, Carolyn Kendall, Hubert Gallet, Robert Gallo, François Dupont, Chris and Nicole Ragetly, Myriam Delcroix, Michel Bezier
© 2003 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
48, rue Douy Delcupe
Dear readers,
Here in your hands is the first Link of the year 2004. The opportunity for me to thank all the people who worked on its creation and especially to motivate all future contributors and authors of articles to exercise without restraint their talents as writers or as inspiration for new sections!
Far from the agitations or possible polemics naturally affecting any organization, even if it is of readers of the Urantia Book, this journal aims above all to reflect the associative life and the initiatives of readers to understand and cultivate the teachings of the 5th epochal revelation.
What will this new Urantian year bring us? I will not wish you a “happy” or a “good” year, but only to do the will of our father, day after day, honestly and sincerely. And if the hordes of injustice and tribulations were to fall upon you, take full advantage of all these experiences which surely contribute to the edification of the Supreme. Do not miss anything either, of the true happiness and the true joy of a deserved rest or of a beauty of life to contemplate.
Every moment is too rare to be neglected, let us leave to God the pleasure of delighting us in it.
Severin Desbuisson
President of the A.F.L.L.U.
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation. All rights reserved. These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission. Any artistic depiction(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription in 1998: 100 FF per year (approximately 4 issues)
The Time Factor — It’s all in the Time Factor.
Leaders who are confirmed, spirits that are raised, and requests for money.
Welcome: First of all, I would like to play a small role. "The year is 1924. It is early February. The Great War ended only a few years ago. New nations are forming from the ashes of the defeated countries. The world is at relative peace. The post-war population is beginning to search for meaning. Scientific and technological achievements are accelerating. The American economy is growing ever larger. The exploration of the planet has never been more extensive. The speaker is someone of authority. He is addressing his associates.
“My dear friends, I have some momentous news to share with you. I am pleased to inform you that our mission is about to enter a new phase. I am pleased with the progress made so far by the core group. We have subjected these personalities to every possible test for the past twenty years, and they have certainly used all their efforts to establish by what authority we have enlisted their cooperation! We are now convinced that they are all dedicated to working with us. They may not be perfect, but they are better qualified than any other group we would have selected! We are confident that this group is the one that can successfully carry out our great experiment.”
Carolyn Kendall, New York
This text is a summary of the speech presented on August 9, 2003 at the Urantia Congress of Canada, and attempts to give, from the Life of Jesus in The Urantia Book, a user guide for life, reconciling our thirst for the spiritual with our material constraints.
Jesus did not come to earth to impose anything on us, but to live his life as best he could, and thereby show us a path, create a high ideal and thus gently inspire a fundamentally innovative art of living in a world then beset by evil.
And yet his life was most difficult: “No young man on Urantia has or ever will have had to go through more trying conflicts or painful difficulties than he” (UB 127:0.2). Thus, from the age of 14, after losing his father Joseph, he had to support his large family first as a carpenter. He had to experience humility, the greatest poverty, a sense of duty, discipline, responsibility, and family solidarity. Later, he lived mainly as a teacher, just as poorly, as a nomad without a fixed abode. And he ended his life crucified like the worst of criminals.
Hubert Gallet
The numerology of the Urantia Book is faithful and constant with regard to certain numbers which undoubtedly serve as the basis of the cosmic edifice on both the material and spiritual planes. Everything seems to be built around the numbers 3, 7, 10 (7+3) and the multiples of the latter.
In this respect the number 100 seems to conceal a particular purpose by probably being the constant factor of a universal progression. To convince ourselves of this, let us observe the perfectly regular construction of a Superuniverse where:
Robert Gallo
Some notes on the seminar of November 21/23) in Neuville sur Loin (Armeau)
Preliminary remarks
Francois Dupont
Arrived in Armeau around 3:30 p.m. The hotel is located on the banks of the Yonne, a river with a very calm course, conducive to deep meditation! A special mention must be made about the food; the meals were all the more enjoyable, as they were accompanied by particularly well-cooked dishes, including a succulent beef bourguignon. After a quick discovery of the place, it appears that the thirty participants in the meeting will all be at ease. Meeting old acquaintances and new ones is for us one of the main reasons for attending such meetings. Indeed, communion between personalities is a cosmic value of the utmost importance, and does not disappear with time, but on the contrary, it reappears in each new life, whether on the mansion worlds, where for the first time we will have the chance to put to the test this truth taught to us by The Urantia Book, or later on other worlds of the local universe, the superuniverse, Havona and Paradise. Even beyond our experience on the central island, when we are finaliters or have another status, it will always be pleasant for us to meet again people whom we have known on Urantia.
Chris and Nicole Ragetly
I am no longer afraid of these distant roads,
Where the arms of death constantly taunted me.
I am no longer afraid of these uncertain joys,
When my overly loud laughter wasn’t real.
I’m no longer afraid to live without chains,
I rediscover, I sing and I love,
Without any pain, without any hatred…
My God, how good is the sweetness of your listening,
My God, how good he is after so much defeat,
My God, your love is so good.
Myriam Delcroix
The spirit that animates us with its boundless love, pushes us to consciously trace our path in life.
This mysterious path begins with the birth of a child in the early 1950s in a family locked in its atheism and living in a bocage region cut off from the world, totally dominated by a 19th century clergy. Then this path that is drawn will lead the child to try to slip through the narrow meshes of the tight net of dogmatisms. This path of the living breath passes through all of us without exception and proposes to reveal in the abyss of the dark night the burst of light capable of enlightening us.
Michel Bezier