© 2004 Séverin Desbuisson, Patrick Beaupre, Jean-Claude Romeuf, Max Masotti and Johanna Beukers, Jean Royer, Myriam Delcroix
© 2004 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
48, rue Douy Delcupe
Dear readers,
If summer is traditionally a period of great rest in the professional field, it is quite different for Urantian activities. For the current year, we will note the French-speaking meeting organized by the AFLUB on June 11-1213 and the international conference in Chicago from July 28 to August 1.
But, beyond the many conferences, many are not mentioned, we will especially remember the desire of the readers to take advantage of this opportune moment to initiate new projects related to the study of the fascicles or more simply to meet around fraternal activities, meetings and exchanges. I hope that the 2004 vintage of its activities will be rich and allow everyone their share of achievement.
Regarding this edition of the Link, I draw your attention to a new section entitled “The Bookseller’s Corner” which seeks only to offer a non-partisan point of view on other publications that have particularly interested a reader. We await your suggestions for works in a spirit of broadening consciousness and fraternal exchanges.
Happy reading to all,
Severin Desbuisson
President of the A.F.L.L.U.
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation. All rights reserved. These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission. Any artistic depiction(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription in 1998: 100 FF per year (approximately 4 issues)
There is no worse blindness than he who will not see.
Is there a blind man in the world so foolish as to refuse to “see” if he has the power? Or is there a fool so blind as to live in the dark when all is light?
To any sane person, the refusal of light may seem madness!
Because to maintain the night and rush into the dark is to deny life and refuse hope.
Patrick Beaupré
Supreme beauty, the pinnacle of finished art, is the epic of the unification of the immensity of cosmic extremes, the Creator and the creature.
Beauty is absolute and divine. Heaven is the physical archetype of the material forms of beauty.
It is an attribute of beings with personality. It is then in the image of God, the Father of personality.
These two origins make beauty an omnipresent quality. It is not limited by space or time. It is the quintessence of things, animals and people. It decreases in splendor as one moves away from the Central Island but retains the sweetness of its origin. In the Supreme, it becomes experience and participates in the culmination of the Supreme Being.
Jean-Claude Romeuf
Life is not a matter of chance. It is intentional, never accidental. Mind linked to Spirit is creative and produces life.
When a planet becomes favorable for the implantation of life, the Life Carriers are mandated to perform this service. With the agreement of the Paradise Sons, they will choose the life models, elaborate the vital plasma and organize the form and physiology of living beings. In no case are they capable of giving life, they transmit it: the spark of life and the reproductive powers are the gift of the Mother Spirit of the local universe. They are also not capable of attributing a mind to the material bodies that they fashion; however, the adjutant spirits, source of the material mind, accompany them. Long after their arrival in a chosen world, millions of years later, the circuits that are the adjutants will come into function as and when they prove useful. It is not impossible, for example, that the first animal experiencing fear triggers the mechanism by which the adjutant of courage is activated.
Jean-Claude Romeuf
I have been a reader of The Urantia Book for about 7 years. Having had the great fortune of leading a study group of the book in my home for 5 years, I had to give it up due to a move. This has in no way diminished my enthusiasm for the study or the application in life of the teachings of this masterful revelation.
Six years ago, without knowing a single reader, I really wanted to attend the L U world meeting in Helsinki. What a pleasant experience to be among “your own”, those who speak the same language, whether they are Russians, Finns, Australians, Greeks, Americans or French. Obviously, friendships were made and projects were born in my head. But what really struck me was the number of young people present at this meeting. I talked a lot with them, their level of awareness and responsibility being astonishing. Their ages varied between 22 and 30 years old. Almost all of them had been introduced to L U by their parents.
Max Masotti and Johanna Beukers
The embalmed body of the suffering Christ
Lay in the cold of Joseph’s tomb,
The shroud covered only his form without fief,
Already the work of time was destroying hope.
The Heavenly Armies Without Power
Felt morontia and matter vibrating everywhere
Manipulated by those from the Isle of Light.
Jesus in middle form begins to move.
Jean Royer
Regarding Jean Royer’s article: “New example of the principle of evanescence”, (published in Lien n° 29).
John’s question was: How was it possible that a dispensational resurrection could have taken place on Mansonia No. 1, when the seraphic guardians were on Urantia and in order to repersonalize a mortal they must be in his presence? (UB 112:3.4)
I think the answer is at the beginning of the 4th paragraph on page 2024. Indeed, it says: “The circuit of the archangels then operated for the first time from Urantia…” Which means to me that they delivered the souls of these sleeping survivors and sent them to Mansonia No. 1 by this circuit specially opened for the first time in view of this reunification.
I send a big hug to all the readers of The Urantia Book, and a special thought to the one who was Jeanmarie’s companion for thirty years.
Myriam Delcroix
A new section to invite everyone to share with us a book that is dear to them. A book that will have marked them in their journey, that will have enlightened them in their approach to the truth.
Here is a little book that is full of virtues or rather, sorry, fruits of the spirit. It is true that they are sometimes hard to mature despite the heatwave of knowledge and years of wisdom… Worse, they are too often rotten from the inside, and it does not improve with time. So, to avoid any drift of pride or to find concrete examples of beautiful fruits, to ripen at home, I recommend this little philosophical guide. Very easy to read, this treatise enlightens us on the main virtues of existence with great accuracy and authenticity. Of course, it will never replace the marvelous work of construction inaugurated by the adjuster and the personality but, perhaps, it will be enough to unjam certain mechanisms of our often too lazy or clogged mind. Only regret, a sometimes somewhat heavy Catholic imprint but which, in my opinion, does not detract from the value of the work.
I would like to point out that I am speaking as an individual and in no way on behalf of the AFLUB, which has absolutely no interest in the sale of this book!
* POCKET Edition
Publisher price: €5.5
1998 — 286 pg
Severin Desbuisson
Seppo Kanerva brings us the good news that *« *IL LIBRO DI URANTIA », the Italian translation of the revelation, is ready to be printed. The last corrections were recorded on May 27th. The work IS COMPLETED.
We can congratulate the Italian team led by MEMO ZAGO, assisted by ANTONELLA CARRARA and SALVATORE FRUSTACI. The work had been started in the 80s by Giuseppe Zecchinato. Memo Zago, his assistant, took over after Giuseppe’s premature death, forming a translation team with a very attentive, meticulous and extremely conscientious working method.