© 2010 Guy de Viron, Leili Anvar, Pastor Louis Pernot, Max Masotti, Chris Ragetly, Swami Veetamohananda, Joël Goldsmith, Jean Royer, Dominique Ronfet
© 2010 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Ah, to pray! And our soul to breathe, to oxygenate itself with this indispensable spirituality invigorating our long and disconcerting existence!
A vital function if ever there was one, it should be almost natural to us, like any good reflex mastered in the art of living.
Our divine Master tried to teach us…
This is what Chris reminds us of through his study of the prayers of Nebadon.
Personally, I could not resist bringing out another reflection on the “Our Father” proposed by a Parisian pastor during one of his sermons. I offer you a first extract because … it remains a … sermon! The second part will appear in the next Link. However, if a reader wants the entire text, just let me know by e-mail.
Editor’s note (editor’s note):
_The Links are quarterly and appear on the 15th of March, June, September and December! They are first sent to subscribers in digital form (PDF format) on these same dates and then, as far as possible, in their “paper” form. As AFLUB prints are grouped with other periodicals, it is possible that the deadline for the paper format is longer. As for the texts intended to be published within the Link concerned, they must imperatively arrive 30 days before the aforementioned publication date and approved by our president, Dominique Ronfet, director of publication. Thank you for your understanding.
Guy from Viron
From May 13 to 16 we will meet in Sologne.
Like weavers working together to create a common work, we will continue to work on our future: “life after life”!
Because what is the purpose of the AFLUB if not to create links between us, researchers?
And, through our meditations and studies, links in each of us between ourselves and our inner being, in our evolving soul.
We look forward to seeing you again around the magnificent discussion mat that we will create collectively.
Dominique Ronfet
The Enlightened Mystic
Heir to a spiritual teaching that brought together the ancient religions of Iran, mystical Islam and Kurdish culture, “Saint Janie” worked to renew the tradition, combining contemplation and openness to the world.
Born in a remote village in Iranian Kurdistan in 1906, Malek Jân Ne’mati, nicknamed “Saint Janie”, spent the 20th century seemingly far removed from the world and its tumult, in study, prayer and spiritual teaching. And yet, the testimony of those who knew her and the written traces that remain of her almost exclusively oral teaching show to what extent she was, despite her taste for a contemplative life, a woman very aware of world news, also very involved in defending the rights of the weakest and women in particular, as much as a thinker deeply concerned by the philosophical questions and ethical issues of her time.
Leili Anvar
The first question is what to do with it. Is it a prayer to be recited, to be repeated regularly like a fixed text? Nothing is less certain, and in any case it is not a question of saying the Our Father as a recitation. In the Gospel of Matthew, Christ rightly condemns the pagans and their vain repetitions. Mechanically repeating a text, even the most beautiful, is not praying. […]
The prayer can be seen as formed of 7 requests: 3 concerning God, 4 concerning men. The doxology (for it is to you that belong…), as for it, is considered by all exegetes, as apocryphal, that is to say as added late to the original text. The Our Father thus has a symbolically perfect form, the 7 being the number of the perfection of creation (the 7 days of creation), 3 being indeed the divine number par excellence (that one thinks of the trinity), and 4 the number of the terrestrial, (with the four cardinal points, the four elements etc.). We find here something that is common in the Bible: the accomplishment of creation is found in the union of the spiritual and the material, by the union of the two natures celestial and terrestrial which are our two sources of life.
Pastor Louis Pernot
Central Universe
Max Masotti
If you can see the work of your life destroyed
And without saying a single word, start rebuilding,
Or lose the winnings of a hundred games in one go.
Without a gesture and without a sigh…
If you can bear to hear your words
Disguised by the poor to excite fools,
And heard their crazy mouths lie about you
Without lying a word yourself;
If you can stay dignified by being popular,
If you can remain a people by advising kings,
And if I can love all your friends as a brother,
Without any of them being everything to you;
If you know how to meditate, observe and know,
Without ever becoming skeptical or destructive;
Dream but don’t let your dream be your master,
To think without being just a thinker;
If you can be tough without ever being angry,
If you can be brave and never reckless,
If you know how to be good, if you know how to be wise,
Without being moral or pedantic;
If you can meet Triumph after Defeat
And to receive these two liars with the same face,
If you can keep your courage and your head
When all others lose them;
So the Kings, the Gods, Luck and Victory
Will forever be your submissive slaves,
And, what is better than Kings and Glory,
You will be a man, my son.
(translated into verse by André Maurois)
Rudyard Kipling
Personal remarks are by definition subjective, many readers will perceive these prayers differently. I believe that these 7 prayers, selected by Jesus, come from planets in our system of Satania, unless Jesus has drawn from the vast reservoir of prayers of the entire universe of Nebadon.
During the remainder of His stay on earth, Jesus called the attention of the apostles from time to time to several other forms of prayer, but He did so only to illustrate other matters, and He charged the twelve not to teach the multitudes these “prayers in parables.” Many of these came from other inhabited planets, but Jesus did not reveal this fact to the twelve. Among them were the following:
Prayer I
How to practice God’s presence in everyday life
One of the easiest and most effective spiritual disciplines is to bring the presence of God into the heart of every activity of our daily lives. This is the rule that is most appropriate for a holy life. We all know how Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection (1), who was a very modest person, became an illuminated soul, a saint, through his practice of the presence of God.
The main purpose of this discipline is to cultivate the habit of filling one’s soul with a permanent and ever-increasing divine presence. How can this be done? Let us listen to Brother Lawrence: “If we would, in this life, know the serene peace of paradise, we must learn to converse with God in a familiar, humble, and loving manner.” This discipline is a form of Bhakti Yoga. Any devotee of a personal God, whatever his conception, anywhere in the world, can practice it with great profit. Its chief features are its absolute simplicity and ease. Let us again take the advice of Brother Lawrence: "Men invent means and methods to arrive at loving God. They learn rules and create formulas to recall this love and they make a whole world of introducing themselves into the consciousness of the presence of God. And yet it can be so simple… It is neither art nor science. Let us go to Him as we are, without pretension, with sincerity._ »
Swami Veetamohananda
Supporting those we care about
Let us practice the presence of God every day and then let God take care of sealing our meditation.
“Whither shall I flee from Thy presence? and those of my house whither shall they flee from Thy presence? Thy presence fills all space. Thy kingdom exists in the depths of their consciousness, and in that kingdom, my God, is Thy dwelling place. In every being with whom I live, Thou hast made Thy dwelling place; the spirit of each one is Thy temple; and Thou art present at this very moment in Thy dwelling place.” The spirit of God is the very breath of each one of them, their very life, their very intelligence. God envelops them wholly, for God is in them, as they are in God.
In the presence of God is the fullness of life. As each person in my house is always in the presence of God, so each of them is likewise in the presence of the fullness of life. The place on which my family members stand is holy ground. Each of them is one with the Father, forever one with Him. And at no time can he be lost, whether at his place of work or at home. God walks with him; God and he merge. God dialogues with him, at His own level of being.
Joel Goldsmith
When he begins his journey around the Mediterranean, Joshua knows that he has the dual mission of making God known to men and of making man known to God, but he does not know who he himself is. It is only gradually that he becomes aware of his dual nature, culminating in his baptism where he sees himself in glory.
Nevertheless, for 26 years, without his knowledge, he has been God and man and it is in this dual capacity that he expresses himself. Let us see how through a few examples taken from the five hundred people contacted during this Roman stay and his personal ministry in Corinth.
Jean Royer
Pars arsis, a person may attempt to dominate a meeting by diverting the discussion by giving the floor to another person, asking if anyone who has not yet spoken would like to comment on the topic of discussion. If this does not work, politely suggest that the topic of the meeting should be respected without being diverted from it. Privately encourage other members not to get drawn into a discussion about that person’s pet hobby during or after the meeting. If no one takes up the challenge, the individual will often become discouraged and leave the group.
The facilitator may also suggest that a meeting be held after the meeting with the person concerned to discuss a favorite topic. After respectfully listening to the person, politely request that the topic not be discussed in the study groups, as you do not wish to distract the group from its primary purpose, the study of The Urantia Book. Explain that this is why everyone is participating and that you feel obligated to respect the original purpose of the group. If the person has a close friend in the group, ask the friend to advise him or her to respect the topic of study of a meeting. If all else fails, the host should take the responsibility of taking the disruptor aside and tactfully explaining to him or her that the purpose of the group is the study of The Urantia Book, and that by introducing his or her own ideas he or she is disrupting the study of others in the group. Ask him or her frankly to not discuss the topic again during a study period. It is important that the facilitator be patient and tolerant, but the host must also keep the interests of the group in mind first, otherwise the disrupter will drive the others away. The group expects the host to behave in this manner and to act when necessary. Do not be affected and do not apologize for doing what needs to be done.
Seeking God is the most important function of a study group. We don’t always have to agree on how to reach the goal. None of us has all the answers, so be sensitive to each other’s opinions.
The spiritual unity of the group is important, because sharing a spiritual experience is what will hold the group together for many years. Six to eight members is the maximum size a group should reach. If a group reaches ten members, it should certainly divide into two groups to reestablish the intimacy of a small group.
Love is the key to spiritual unity and it is perhaps difficult to love someone who cannot be trusted. Honesty and trust are essential. Honesty in feeling and the trust that I can share my feelings and views with the group, and the trust that I will be accepted for it. The stability of group membership allows perfect familiarity and friendship to grow. A core of dedicated and committed members present at every meeting will be very helpful to the unity of the group. Familiarity between members brings loyalty and trust.
As a host or member of a study group, you must realize that you and your group are part of a growing community of other study groups around the world. Recognizing that you are part of a larger whole will foster the spiritual unity of your group. The commitment of individuals to accomplishing the goals of the group will promote unity. When people come together for a common cause, unity is present and grows with their commitment. All members should work together as they work toward the goals of the group. It is important to establish priorities if the group decides to establish goals, so that everyone knows what is most important. Individuals should not pursue the goals of the group in isolation. This is another reason why it is so important that everyone be involved in the planning, leadership, organization of meetings, and activities of the group. A group is about everyone sharing a common goal.
“In the councils of the twelve, Thomas was always cautious and recommended the policy of ”safety first. [UB 139:8.8] But, if his conservatism had been voted against or overruled, he was always the first to throw himself fearlessly into carrying out the program decided upon. Time and again he opposed certain projects which he considered rash or presumptuous, and argued them fiercely to the end. But, when Andrew put the proposal to a vote and when the twelve chose to adopt the project which he had so vigorously opposed, Thomas was the first to say, “Let’s go! ”He was a good sport. He held no grudges and was not touchy."
We should encourage a sense of unity among all readers of The Urantia Book. The book speaks of it. “But in this brotherhood of Jesus there is no room for sectarian rivalries, no room for group acrimony, no room for assertions of moral superiority and spiritual infallibility.” [UB 195:10.14]
Maintaining regular attendance is proof that the group has been successful. The key to maintaining attendance is having a group that attracts people. That is why keeping the meetings interesting and using a variety of study methods is vital to keep people coming back to the group. Making people feel important to the group makes them want to come back, because without them, something would be missing from the group. This is achieved by having them actively participate in the running of the group. This is one reason why it is important to rotate the role of the facilitator. This is another reason to ensure that everyone contributes to the discussions and reading, if that is your method. Group chemistry is a difficult thing to predict, but if the host sets the tone for the meetings in a loving, informal atmosphere where people feel comfortable, chemistry will occur. No matter what is going on in your life, leave it all aside during the study period. As a host, always be warm, friendly and cheerful.
“I cannot but observe that so many of you spend so much time and thought on mere trifles of living, while you almost wholly overlook the more essential realities of everlasting import, those very accomplishments which are concerned with the development of a more harmonious working agreement between you and your Adjusters. The great goal of human existence is to attune to the divinity of the indwelling Adjuster; the great achievement of mortal life is the attainment of a true and understanding consecration to the eternal aims of the divine spirit who waits and works within your mind. But a devoted and determined effort to realize eternal destiny is wholly compatible with a lighthearted and joyous life and with a successful and honorable career on earth. Co-operation with the Thought Adjuster does not entail self-torture, mock piety, or hypocritical and ostentatious self-abasement; the ideal life is one of loving service rather than an existence of fearful apprehension.” (UB 110:3.4)
Other worthwhile activities may include inviting readers outside the group, inviting them to group meetings with other study groups, preparing papers for retreats or conferences, forming a choir, celebrating Jesus’ birthday, organizing social events, engaging the group in community service such as placing The Urantia Book in libraries, adopting a study group in another country, the UAI program to help those in prisons, or any other opportunity worthy of our assistance. Through Urantia Foundation or UAI there are many opportunities that are directly related to the dissemination of these teachings in your area or throughout the world. The commitment of part-time participants can be enhanced by giving them a sense of material motivation along with the spiritual purpose of the group. This is often the case with projects that benefit others in the community where they can see the direct results of their efforts.
Every active member should have a significant voice in the direction of the group’s activities. The host should call regular members who missed a session to let them know that their absence was missed. Every person is a part of the group and needs to be recognized as such from time to time. Be genuinely interested in others and they will be interested in you. People always like to share life with those who love them.
““Peace be upon you. That which my Father sent me into the world to establish belongs not to a race, a nation, nor to a special group of teachers or preachers. This gospel of the kingdom belongs to both Jew and gentile, to rich and poor, to free and bond, to male and female, even to the little children. And you are all to proclaim this gospel of love and truth by the lives which you live in the flesh. You shall love one another with a new and startling affection, even as I have loved you. You will serve mankind with a new and amazing devotion, even as I have served you. And when men see you so love them, and when they behold how fervently you serve them, they will perceive that you have become faith-fellows of the kingdom of heaven, and they will follow after the Spirit of Truth which they see in your lives, to the finding of eternal salvation.” ([UB 191:6.2)
Service projects by study group members can be of great assistance to the growth of individuals as well as the group. Service projects provide a special opportunity to apply what has been learned in the study group for the benefit of others. Groups, like individuals, grow outward, never inward. The old business adage, “Grow or die,” applies to most organizations, including study groups. Your group may not die if it does not grow, but it will certainly stagnate. Growth has two aspects, spiritual and material. A group can grow spiritually and can become a very old group without increasing its membership. A group can grow materially in numbers, but if the purpose of the group, spiritual growth, is not part of it, the group will struggle to survive because it has no purpose. Growth in numbers is meaningless without spiritual growth. Outgoing groups attract new members and excite existing members. This will only increase the members’ dedication and loyalty to the group. The greatest service, as a group or as individuals, is to demonstrate our Father’s love by living the teachings and sharing that love with those around us. There is no greater joy than showing someone the way to God.
Often, the teachings of The Urantia Book can be best introduced to a new person by sharing the teachings rather than the book, meaning that the teachings can be shared as your own beliefs, which they are, without mentioning the book itself. Often, the mention of a “book” will immediately turn people off to what you have to say. Present the teachings first, and when the person is ready, they will ask for more, then they will be ready for the book itself.
An interesting concept for sharing teachings through service is to find out what the “top topics” are in the evening news. Then study what the book says. The “top topics” will be on the minds of many people, and it will be easy to mention the topic and gently express your views without making them uncomfortable, even to those who are not “religious.” This is a good plan for any study group when a moral topic is in the news of the day. There are Foundation offices in many countries that also need help, as well as local and national UAI organizations throughout the world. Placements of the book in libraries have proven to be of enormous benefit to truth seekers. Prison ministry has been established by UAI and is in need of volunteers in all communities. The Urantia Book Internet School needs facilitators for the school classes and administrative assistance. Perhaps your group could participate in such a course, with each class being the subject of a meeting of your study group. There is always a need for books in many lands that cannot afford them. People who live far from a city where the book is printed pay a higher price due to transportation costs. Helping to get books into the hands of spiritually hungry people is a great project for study groups. Hosting and conducting local or regional conferences, retreats, or picnics is a fun way to contribute and meet other readers. Organizing any meeting is a fun and worthwhile program.
Of course, there are many opportunities for service in your own community, and these will vary depending on the country and culture in which you live. Hospital visits are permitted in all communities. Volunteer to go to homeless shelters or local relief agencies. Teach a Sunday school class or some other form of educational service at a local church, synagogue, or mosque. Many people have found that the teachings of The Urantia Book are often welcome in such situations. Avoid mentioning the book, as this could be seen as an attempt to “convert” people. Slowly, little by little, incorporate the teachings into your religious activities, and if they truly contain the truth, you will see them grow.
Service projects can be a valuable aid to individual and group growth. Group projects provide the group with the opportunity to work together to plan, construct, and achieve group goals. Groups with an inward-looking policy tend to decline, while groups that seek to extend into the community around them tend to grow and flourish. Such groups are much richer and more fun.
“These are the angels who foster and promote the teamwork of all Orvonton. One of the most important lessons to be learned during your mortal career is teamwork. The spheres of perfection are manned by those who have mastered this art of working with other beings. Few are the duties in the universe for the lone servant. The higher you ascend, the more lonely you become when temporarily without the association of your fellows.” ([UB 28:5.14)
“The Master sought to impress upon all teachers of the gospel of the kingdom that their only business was to reveal God to the individual man as his Father—to lead this individual man to become son-conscious; then to present this same man to God as his faith son. Both of these essential revelations are accomplished in Jesus. He became, indeed, “the way, the truth, and the life.” The religion of Jesus was wholly based on the living of his bestowal life on earth. When Jesus departed from this world, he left behind no books, laws, or other forms of human organization affecting the religious life of the individual.” ([UB 141:7.4)
(to be continued)
AUI Publication
Central Universe
Andovontia is the name of the tertiary Universe Circuit Supervisor stationed in our local universe. He is concerned only with spirit and morontia circuits, not with those under the jurisdiction of the power directors. It was he who isolated Urantia at the time of the Caligastia betrayal of the planet during the testing seasons of the Lucifer rebellion. In sending greetings to the mortals of Urantia, he expresses pleasure in the anticipation of your sometime restoration to the universe circuits of his supervision. (UB 37:8.3)
Max Masotti
In nature, lines of force are created on fracture lines (e.g. leaf veins).
The architects of cathedrals understood this well.
Dominique Ronfet
Le Lien Urantien is the journal of the French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book, a member of the UAI, the International Urantia Association.
Head office | rue du Temple 1, F-13012 Marseille, +33 (0)4 91 27 13 20 |
afflu@urantia.fr | |
Site | www.urantia.fr/afflu.htm |
Publication Director | Dominique Ronfet, d.ronfet@noos.fr |
Editor in Chief | Guy de Viron, guydeviron@bluewin.ch |
Reading Committee | Jean Royer, Max Masotti, Chris Ragetly |
Subscription | €20 per year (quarterly publication 4 issues) |
Legal deposit | December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116 |
Print run | 125 copies © 1955 URANTIA Foundation |
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any artistic depictions, interpretations, opinions or conclusions implied or stated are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.