© 2010 Chris Ragetly
© 2010 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Personal remarks are by definition subjective, many readers will perceive these prayers differently. I believe that these 7 prayers, selected by Jesus, come from planets in our system of Satania, unless Jesus drew from the vast reservoir of prayers of the entire universe of Nebadon.
During the remainder of his stay on earth, Jesus occasionally called the attention of the apostles to several other forms of prayer, but he did so only to illustrate other matters and instructed the twelve not to teach the crowds these “prayers in parables.” Many of these came from other inhabited planets, but Jesus did not reveal this fact to the twelve. Among them were the following:
Our Father in whom consist the universe realms,
Uplifted be your name and all-glorious your character.
Your presence encompasses us, and your glory is manifested
Imperfectly through us as it is in perfection shown on high.
Give us this day the vivifying forces of light,
And let us not stray into the evil bypaths of our imagination,
For yours is the glorious indwelling, the everlasting power,
And to us, the eternal gift of the infinite love of your Son.
Even so, and everlastingly true. (UB 144:5.2-10)
In (1), “the realms of the universe” clearly indicates that this is a prayer from a planet that is aware of the multiple evolutionary spheres populating the universes. The term “Our Father” is a common indication on most of the evolutionary planets of Nebadon.
In (2), Let the Father’s character be glorified is also used on Urantia, so this term can be attributed to a planet other than ours, moreover, it indicates a knowledge of the Father’s character demonstrating an understanding that is not generalized on Urantia, far from it. See “The Unlimited Character of God”, p. 49, and “The Unchanging Character of God”, p. 57.
In (3), “Your presence encompasses us” can undoubtedly indicate the Spirit of Truth, because this is not only the Spirit of a Creator Son, but also that of the Father. But it can also simply mean that the goodness and love of the Father permeates us and embraces us.
In (3) and (4), “… as it is shown in perfection in heaven”. “… in heaven”, is undoubtedly Paradise, those who pray this prayer are fully aware of the imperfection of their spiritual development, but they also know that the glory of the Father is still manifested through them, even in an imperfect way, this denotes an active spiritual consciousness.
In (5), “…the life-giving forces of light” reflect a degree of spiritual evolution uncommon for Urantia, but doubtless relatively common on the planet from which this prayer comes. These life-giving forces of light doubtless relate to the multiple superhuman personalities who participate in the evolution of the evolutionary planets of time and denote a knowledge of the attributes of God. See, p. 44.
In (6) and (7), reference is made to the Mystery Monitor, the indwelling presence of a fragment of the Father in all normal mortals, the deeper significance of which is still little appreciated on Urantia. In (8), “…the infinite love of the Son” Whether it is the Eternal Son or a Creator Son is of little importance at our level of understanding, for a Creator Son is the perfect reflection of the Eternal Son (and the Father).
In (9), “…the eternal truth” May the eternal truth be revealed, admitted, understood and put into practice.
(1) Notre Parent créateur, qui es au centre de l’univers,
(2) Effuse sur nous ta nature et donne-nous ton caractère.
(3) Fais de nous, par ta grâce, tes fils et tes filles
(4) Et glorifie ton nom par notre accomplissement éternel.
(5) Donne-nous ton esprit qui ajuste et contrôle nos pensées ; qu’il vive et demeure en nous pour nous permettre de faire ta volonté sur cette sphère comme les anges exécutent tes ordres dans la lumière.
(6) Soutiens-nous aujourd’hui dans notre progression le long du sentier de la vérité.
(7)Délivre-nous de l’inertie, du mal et de toute transgression impie.
(8) Sois patient avec nous, De même que nous témoignons une bienveillance affectueuse à notre prochain.
(9) (10)Conduis-nous de ta propre main, pas à pas, dans le dédale incertain de la vie,
(11) Et, quand viendra notre fin, reçois dans ton sein nos esprits fidèles.
(12) Ainsi soit-il, que ta volonté soit faite, et non nos désirs. UB 144:5.12-24
In (1), there is first a rather unusual indication of filiation in “Parent creator”, then a suggestion of the position of the Father at the center of all things, this undoubtedly denotes a knowledge of the physical, mental and spiritual “geography” of the universe.
In (2), this request to the Father to bestow his nature and give his character (see prayer I) to those who pray, may seem presumptuous to us, but it undoubtedly denotes a knowledge and understanding of the Father which transcends our knowledge and understanding of the Father, for, in (3) and (4), becoming his sons and daughters and glorifying his name through their accomplishments is an achievement which may seem utopian to us, but which clearly reflects a spiritual level to which we all aspire.
In (5), “Give us your spirit…”, alludes to the Mystery Monitor who adjusts and controls our thoughts on the sphere we find ourselves in. May we not disappoint him, by accepting his directives and may we take our model from the angels, that is to say the seraphim, seconaphim and supernaphim who execute the orders of the Father in the light, (that is to say in a perfect manner.)
In (6), it is a question of following the path of truth, as the Spirit of Truth shows it to us, on condition that we ask Him. We must get into the habit of asking, there will always be an answer.
In (7), (8), (9), (10), (11) and (12) we find a resemblance to one of our well-known Urantian prayers.
Our perfect and righteous heavenly Father,
This day guide and direct our journey.
Sanctify our steps and co-ordinate our thoughts.
Ever lead us in the ways of eternal progress.
Fill us with wisdom to the fullness of power
And vitalize us with your infinite energy.
Inspire us with the divine consciousness of
The presence and guidance of the seraphic hosts.
Guide us ever upward in the pathway of light;
Justify us fully in the day of the great judgment.
Make us like yourself in eternal glory
And receive us into your endless service on high. (UB 144:5.26-37)
In (1), the terms “perfect” and “right” denote a special knowledge of the Father. In (2), “our journey” implies a cosmic knowledge in the physical and spiritual “geographical” sense of a mortal’s upward career toward Paradise.
In (3), it is the corollary of (2) in that this prayer calls upon the divine so that our journey is made divinely perfect, as well as our mind. Communion (relationship) with our Father, through the Monitor must be constant.
In (4), same as for (3) with the addition of a call for constant progress.
In (5), the power associated with wisdom denotes a deep knowledge of the experiential progression of the mind always evolving under the supervision of the spiritual.
In (6), it is the same here, where the infinite energy of the Father is transmitted to the evolving ascender who requests it.
In (7) and (8), one can wonder if this sentence is not addressed to mortals still living on an evolutionary sphere like Urantia, because it is a question here of becoming aware of the presence of angels. However, from the mansion worlds, the seraphim and cherubim are perfectly visible to ascenders, so there is no need to be aware of them.
In (9), This prayer is addressed both to ascenders in the flesh and to those who are in the morontia or spiritual stage.
In (10), “the day of the great judgment” is undoubtedly the awakening on the first world of the houses, that is to say the resurrection, the admission into the crowd of ascenders having been judged worthy of being reunited with their Monitor.
In (11), this request seems to indicate that the one making this prayer realizes that it is possible to become perfect as the Father is perfect, this consciousness which may seem incredible to some of us, (i.e. perfect in purpose) is one of the secrets of our spiritual evolution, both on Urantia and during our many evolutionary stages in the endless universes which will be the scene of our future exploits.
In (12), the service exalted in eternity, is the present and potential activity which must guide us constantly, as much towards our fellow men as towards the Father, because whoever renders service to his neighbor, renders service to the Father.
Our Father who is in the mystery,
Reveal to us your holy character.
Give your children on earth this day
To see the way, the light, and the truth.
Show us the pathway of eternal progress
And give us the will to walk therein.
Establish within us your divine kingship
And thereby bestow upon us the full mastery of self.
Let us not stray into paths of darkness and death;
Lead us everlastingly beside the waters of life.
Hear these our prayers for your own sake;
Be pleased to make us more and more like yourself.
At the end, for the sake of the divine Son,
Receive us into the eternal arms.
Even so, not our will but yours be done. (UB 144:5.39-53)
In (1), an unusual form of appellation, the word mystery denotes a concept different from ours, which implies a knowledge of the Father which reveals an advance which only confirms the mystery which surrounds the Father and which is thicker and thicker as we advance towards Him. This notion is well explained in The Urantia Book. (See [UB 8:2.5], [UB 12:7.12] and [UB 1:4.1])
In (2), this request to reveal his holy character may seem a little daring to us, but we must not forget that it is Jesus himself who offers us this prayer, gives us this aspect of filiation with the Father, and gives us this enormous advantage of being able to ask him for everything.
In (3 and 4), may the Father give us the ability to discern the path (the evolutionary path that passes through the Creator Sons, Jesus said: “I am the way”.) Compare this light with the following sentence from the Urantia Book: [UB 3:1.3] The presence of the Father constantly crisscrosses the master universe. “He comes out from the ends of the heavens and goes around to their ends, and there is nothing hidden from his light.”
In (5 and 6), “the path of eternal progress” undoubtedly has the same meaning as that of “path”, but must add an element of decision and attention.
In (7 and 8), May the Father establish in us his divine sovereignty and full mastery of the self gives us the incredible possibility of calling upon Him in all circumstances for this mastery of the self which so often escapes us, and it is only through the acquisition of divine sovereignty that we can achieve this.
In (9 and 10), it is a call for our divine guide to be perpetually at our side as we evolve mortally, morontia and spiritually. The living waters are the spirit of the Father, represented by the Mystery Monitor who dwells in each of us.
In (11 and 12): Means that this prayer is intended for the glory of the Father by realizing that we can become perfect as the Father is perfect, as he commanded us.
In (13 and 14), it is for the love of the Eternal Son that the Father will receive us into his bosom, when we find ourselves face to face with Him just before being integrated into a company of finaliters.
In (15) we find a formula which is familiar to us and clearly shows us that in the evolutionary worlds of Nebadon the minds of the creatures are substantially the same.
Glorious Father and Mother, in one parent combined,
Loyal would we be to your divine nature.
Your own self to live again in and through us
By the gift and bestowal of your divine spirit,
Thus reproducing you imperfectly in this sphere
As you are perfectly and majestically shown on high.
Give us day by day your sweet ministry of brotherhood
And lead us moment by moment in the pathway of loving service.
Be you ever and unfailingly patient with us
Even as we show forth your patience to our children.
Give us the divine wisdom that does all things well
And the infinite love that is gracious to every creature.
Bestow upon us your patience and loving-kindness
That our charity may enfold the weak of the realm.
And when our career is finished, make it an honor to your name,
A pleasure to your good spirit, and a satisfaction to our soul helpers.
Not as we wish, our loving Father, but as you desire the eternal good of your mortal children,
Even so may it be. (UB 144:5.55-72)
In (1) and (2), the Father Mother association refers to the Universal Father and the Infinite Spirit or our Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, and our Divine Minister, unified in one Deity. This does not make much difference to the effectiveness of the prayer, but shows that the one praying is well informed about the affairs of the universe and its hierarchy. To be faithful to the divine nature of this unified Deity is quite another thing, I am not sure that we understand its true meaning. This doubtless refers to the Mystery Monitor.
In (3 and 4) we believe that the outpouring of the divine spirit alludes to the Mystery Monitor mingled with the spirit of the Divine Minister, and that it can live again in us if we are able to know and understand such a reality.
(5) and (6) is the attempt to obey the Father’s injunction: “be perfect as I am perfect.”
(7) and (8): the path of mutual aid and fraternity is one of the fruits of the spirit. It is one of the conditions for being able to claim survival.
(9) and (10): another fruit of the spirit, patience towards our neighbor, which is just as essential to the resurrection.
(11) and (12): wisdom and infinite love are part of the goals of our mortal, morontia and spiritual evolution, it begins with self-mastery.
(13) and (14): patience and affectionate benevolence with a $1 to divine affectionate can in fact only favor our charitable action towards the weak.
(15) and (16): in other words, may the memory we leave of our stay on our planet of origin be one of honor for the kingdom and the Father, and may the guardian seraphim of our soul keep in memory actions of kindness and satisfaction. (This part of the prayer shows us that the author is fully aware of the role of guardian angels).
(17) and (18): It is my will that Your will be done.
Our all-faithful Source and all-powerful Center,
Reverent and holy be the name of your all-gracious Son.
Your bounties and your blessings have descended upon us,
Thus empowering us to perform your will and execute your bidding.
Give us moment by moment the sustenance of the tree of life;
Refresh us day by day with the living waters of the river thereof.
Step by step lead us out of darkness and into the divine light.
Renew our minds by the transformations of the indwelling spirit,
And when the mortal end shall finally come upon us,
Receive us to yourself and send us forth in eternity.
Crown us with celestial diadems of fruitful service,
And we shall glorify the Father, the Son, and the Holy Influence.
Even so, throughout a universe without end. (UB 144:5.74-86)
(1) and (2): this is the First Source-Center, the Universal Father who is the source of all things. The Son full of grace is here the Second Source-Center, the absolute personality and spirituality. absolute (Obviously this prayer is made by a person who knows well the roles of the different Sources-Centers.)
(3) and (4): kindness and blessings are divine gifts which are offered to all mortals whoever they are, but it is up to them to accept them and put them into practice.
(5) and (6): the use of the terms “tree of life” and “living waters” are to be taken figuratively. In no case, for the first, is it the tree of life that we find in the establishments of the planetary princes with capital letters to Prince and to Planetaries or the gardens of Eden [of Eden] of the normal evolutionary planets. The tree of life is the spiritual rock of the Father and the Son, the living waters represent the different spiritual circuits that envelop us and guide us as long as we put ourselves in phase with them.
(7): That we leave our animal nature behind us, to nourish ourselves with the divine blessings which are so generously offered to us in a constant effort during our earthly life.
(8): That [we] listen to our Mystery Monitor, to allow us to renew our mind, that is to say, to spiritualize it little by little.
(9) and (10): That at the end of our mortal life, we can follow the morontia and then spiritual path which are part of our eternal destiny.
(11), (12) and (13): Let divine service be our eternal goal, and thus will be realized the hopes which the three persons of the Trinity had placed in us. All this in an eternal universe, on levels of reality ranging from the finite to the absolute.
Our Father who dwells in the secret places of the universe,
Honored be your name, reverenced your mercy, and respected your judgment.
Let the sun of righteousness shine upon us at noontime,
While we beseech you to guide our wayward steps in the twilight.
Lead us by the hand in the ways of your own choosing
And forsake us not when the path is hard and the hours are dark.
Forget us not as we so often neglect and forget you.
But be you merciful and love us as we desire to love you.
Look down upon us in kindness and forgive us in mercy
As we in justice forgive those who distress and injure us.
May the love, devotion, and bestowal of the majestic Son
Make available life everlasting with your endless mercy and love.
May the God of universes bestow upon us the full measure of his spirit;
Give us grace to yield to the leading of this spirit.
By the loving ministry of devoted seraphic hosts
May the Son guide and lead us to the end of the age.
Make us ever and increasingly like yourself
And at our end receive us into the eternal Paradise embrace.
Even so, in the name of the bestowal Son
And for the honor and glory of the Supreme Father. (UB 144:5.88-107)
(1) The dwellings of the Father are both all the universes, as well as the central dwelling of Paradise. We assume that this is a figurative formula.
(2) “Let thy name be honored” is a well-known formula on Urantia. It simply means that the name of the Father is not only respected, but loved and adored. “Thy mercy revered” indicates to us a knowledge of the meaning of mercy as revealed in The Urantia Book. (UB 2:4.1 Mercy is simply justice tempered by that type of wisdom which results from the perfect knowledge and complete recognition of the natural weakness of finite creatures and the handicaps due to their environment.) “Thy judgment respected” is the recognition of divine judgment, without any other form of recrimination, for we recognize deep within ourselves the judgment(s) as they are decreed by the Father.
(3) and (4) We pray that the Father may guide our steps not only when we think of Him, but also when we do not think of Him, that is, in an unconscious way. (5) and (6) That we may not stray into paths that seem more adequate and rapid to us, but that we may follow your advice without complaint. But may your presence in us be felt when trials are difficult to bear.
(7) and (8) It is to misunderstand the Father to ask him not to forget us.
(9) and (10) It is doing us justice to forgive and be merciful to us as we forgive and are merciful to those who grieve and hurt us.
(11) and (12) This is the Eternal Son interceding with the Father. It is a misunderstanding to think that we must intercede with another Deity to communicate with the Father, when we have every latitude to commune directly with Him.
(13) and (14) This is undoubtedly the outpouring of the Mystery Monitors.
(15) and (16) May the Eternal Son guide us until we reach the Father in Paradise, thanks to the different tutelary personalities who are attached to us throughout our cosmic progression.
(17) May we obey your injunction: “Be perfect as I am perfect.”
(18) And upon the completion of our cosmic evolutionary ascension, may the Father receive us into his bosom.
(19) This is the Creator Son Michael of Nebadon.
(20) This thanksgiving is the recognition of the Father’s inevitable victory over all our faults.
These angels are all in the chain of recorders extending from the lowest to the highest custodians of the facts of time and the truths of eternity. Some day they will teach you to seek truth as well as fact, to expand your soul as well as your mind. Even now you should learn to water the garden of your heart as well as to seek for the dry sands of knowledge. Forms are valueless when lessons are learned. No chick may be had without the shell, and no shell is of any worth after the chick is hatched. But sometimes error is so great that its rectification by revelation would be fatal to those slowly emerging truths which are essential to its experiential overthrow. When children have their ideals, do not dislodge them; let them grow. And while you are learning to think as men, you should also be learning to pray as children. (UB 48:6.32)