© 2021 Ivan Stol, Chris Et Nicole Raguetly, Sophie Malicot, André Desjardins, Claude Flibotte, Simon Orsini
© 2021 French-speaking Association of Urantia Book Readers
You often wonder what to do with all the new things that The Urantia Book brings you every time you open it. Should you leave everything and take your bag to go preach? As much as the UB teaches you a reality more adapted to our socioeconomic level, some passages remain out of reach of the majority of people we meet. So, put your bag away, and observe carefully the attitude of Jesus.
First, he “taught” others only what he had understood and probably admitted himself. He did not quote other texts except to comment on them in his own way.
Secondly, he handled material affairs seriously but without giving them more importance than was necessary for the realization of his spiritual ambitions. He nevertheless brought to them novelty and a human dimension capable of generating great motivation.
Le Lien is the journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book (AFLUB), a member of the UAI, Urantia Association International.
Head office: 1, rue du Temple, 13012 Marseille. +33 (0)980 978481
Cœurriel: afllu@urantia.fr
Site/Forum: http://www.urantia.fr and http://forum.urantia.fr
Publication Director: Ivan Stol; ivan.stol@free.fr
Editor-in-Chief: Georges Michelson-Dupont; georges.michelson-dupont@wanadoo.fr
Reading Committee: Jean Duveau; Ivan Stol & Patrick Morelli.
The Link: Published 4 times a year electronically to AFLLU members
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any literary or artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of Urantia Foundation or its affiliates.
Chris and Nicole Raguetly
Introducing The Urantia Book is not an easy thing. This was actually pointed out to Dr. Sadler himself when he wanted to write an introduction. (William Sadler is the psychiatrist who examined the contact personality and thanks to whom the book was able to be printed.) He was told: “You don’t shine a flashlight on the sun.” This same Dr. Sadler had made a list of the points that seemed original to him in The Urantia Book; he had listed 47 of them, and I could quote a few of them at the end if you wish.
When suddenly the gaze is opened, the eyes of the soul see and the ears of the soul hear.
What courage in balance is needed to transcend social norms, discursive reasons of the mind and personal upheavals? A breakthrough beyond the established world, to enter a new world, like the arrival of the newborn in a universe sensed without being perceived.
Mary Magdalene’s heart is pierced with pain. The Master’s death has haunted her mind since last Friday. How can she explain so much suffering? How can she accept an unjust condemnation? She wants to make a final gesture of love - a derisory one - as a meager recovery from an outrage she cannot accept. So she prepares the ointments, the linen bandages and at dawn on Monday morning, sets off to finish the embalming. Four friends accompany her.
Our birth is not perfect from a spiritual point of view, we are born into a world considered experiential and imperfect in some respects but we have the capacity and the privilege to develop our mental abilities and our physical capacities whether material or spiritual. Each human can learn to develop his talents or his abilities in order to reach a level of experience of material or spiritual perfection according to his intended goals. By his nature man has always sought to perfect himself by evolution, by need or by finding technical means to improve the human condition using less physical effort possible. “These endless efforts of all living creatures prove in them the existence of an innate search for perfection.” Ref…: [UB 65:6.2]
Today it would be almost inconceivable to go back to the last 100 years and even to the last 20 years taking into consideration today’s technological advances. Man possesses within himself this innate germ of perfection, he is thus capable of participating in the advancement for the well-being of humanity but he can also participate in his own destruction by producing sophisticated weapons that are increasingly lethal. It always depends on the reasons and projects sought to achieve goals of improvement.
André Desjardins
St-Alexis-des-Monts (Quebec-Canada)
The skulls in the collection of Samuel Morton, one of the American fathers of “scientific racism,” illustrate his classification of humanity into five races (the result, he believed, of five divine decisions), now outdated. From left to right: American black woman and white man, indigenous man from Mexico, Chinese woman and man from Malaysia.
Photograph by Robert Clark, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Morton was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1820. After receiving a master’s degree from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, he entered practice in Philadelphia in 1824. From 1839 to 1843 he was professor of anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania.
In the newspaper LE LIEN of December 2020, a challenge was launched to us by the editorial staff. It is about providing our comments on questions from Patrice Monsigny proposed on the AFLUB forum.
Claude Flibotte
Some say that time does not exist, I am convinced of the opposite. Time is certainly not a concrete thing that can be demonstrated by mathematics. However, time can be the sum of two or more factors that often represent something more than the sum of the predictable consequences, we have the example of water (hydrogen plus oxygen) water extinguishes fire.
Space creates movement, time is the duration of movement. The function of water is not predictable by analysis, it reveals to us an entirely new orientation that science cannot explain.
For a believer, time does not depend on causality in relation to people or events in the universe, but on the awareness of the sequences of time which are inherent in thought, the instants.
Simon Orsini.
One night I had a dream:
I was walking on the beach with my Lord,
On the black sky, episodes of my life were projected,
Like on a huge screen.
And on the sand I saw each time, two footprints:
Mine and my Lord's.
After the last scene of my life, I turned around.
I was surprised to see in places
The traces of a single person. I realized
That I was going through the most difficult times of my life.
Worried, I asked the Lord:
"The day I decided to follow you
You told me you would always walk with me.
But now I discover
That at the worst times of my life
There are only one person's footprints.
Why did you abandon me?
When I needed you most? "
He answered me:
"My dear child, I love you
And I will never, ever, ever abandon you.
Especially not when you're going through the ordeal.
The days when there is only one footprint in the sand
Are exactly the ones where I carried you in my arms"
Margaret Fishback Powers