© 2024 Georges Michelson Dupont, Georges Donnadieu, Dominique Ronfet, Robert Gallo, Jean Duvau
© 2024 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
We sincerely hope that this issue 106 of your LINK finds you in good shape despite the uncertainties weighing on Europe and the disasters of war on its doorstep.
Our national meeting will be held this year at La Neylière, in the premises of the Marist community in the Monts du Lyonnais from June 27 to 30, 2024. There will be around twenty of us going there.
The following topics are planned for the agenda:
Le Lien is the journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book (AFLUB), a member of the UAI, Urantia Association International.
Head office: 1, rue du Temple, 13012 Marseille. +33 (0) 980978481
Cœurriel: afllu@urantia.fr
Site/Forum: http://www.urantia.fr and http://forum.urantia.fr
Publication Director: Ivan Stol; ivan.stol@free.fr
Editor-in-Chief: Georges Michelson-Dupont; georges.michelson-dupont@wanadoo.fr
Reading Committee: Jean Duveau; Ivan Stol & Patrick Morelli.
The Link: Published 4 times a year electronically to AFLLU members
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any literary or artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of Urantia Foundation or its affiliates.
Author: Georges DONNADIEU
First of all, correction: (Link 101 March 2023 p. 10)
Forgetting the last verse, the seventh and last stanza is in fact:
“So this suffering, with great joy transmitted to many young people, is transformed into DIVINE ETERNITY”
In the 13th century, the United Midwayers of URANTIA, operating in Europe, had observed:
Deep in the thick forest of Mentaleum, three companions stood around a crackling fire, their faces lit by the dancing flames. Perceval, the intuitive, gazed beyond the trees, as if he could read the secrets of the universe in their whispers.
Pensum, the intellectual, had his eyes fixed on an ancient grimoire, searching for answers in the words of the wise men of old.
Ressentum, the sensitive one, listened to the song of the wind, letting his heart beat to the rhythm of nature.
“My friends,” Perceval began, “we have come here to find meaning in our existence.
(By Robert Gallo)
In terms of survival, from the first reading the philosophy that emerges from the teachings of the Urantia Book has always seemed clear to me; namely that from the moment we are endowed with our Personality and our Adjuster, the paths of post-mortem ascension are, with some exceptions, widely accessible to all, so much so that it is revealed to us that mercies, benevolences and compassions are great among our divine administrators and the following quotation goes in this direction:
Overtime or Extension of the probationary period.
By Jean Duveau
The maximum optimization of our potential in our initial life can end with the fusion with our Adjuster, naturally after having crossed the cosmic circles which are sometimes called:
What follows is a very relative attempt to grasp this vast domain of Paradise. There will certainly follow an identical and equally relative approach, through the information given to us by the revelators concerning Havona and the personalities who reside on this central Paradise-Havona universe. There are certainly in the definitions and information given by the revelators on this theme certain analogies with our mortal lives on the planets of a local system such as ours.
We may suspect that despite the distances which separate us from the inhabitants of this central universe and also from their quality of divinity, a distant echo reaches us through the very functions of their respective attributions. This is particularly true through the incomparable circuit of reflectivity orchestrated by the personality of Majeston located at the very center of Paradise, although it must be mentioned that the knowledge and plans of our Thought Adjusters are not integrated into the phenomenon of reflectivity.
European Meeting for Readers of The Urantia Book
In Paris at the C.I.S Ravel hotel from June 6 to 9, 2025
Organized by the A.F.L.L.U.
Our association, the A.F.L.L.U is pleased to announce that it will organize, as part of the IUA triennial conferences, a conference in Paris at the CIS Paris-Ravel hotel located at 6 Avenue Maurice Ravel 75012 PARIS. (https:// www.hotel-cis-paris-ravel. com/fr)
Theme of the conference: Divine distributivity — Man, heir of God.
During the conference, 4 presentations of approximately 45 minutes will be offered followed by workshops in small groups distributed in breakout rooms.
A significant effort will be made in terms of translations.