© 2024 Georges Michelson Dupont, Sophie Malicot, Robert Gallo, Dominique Ronfet, Jean-Claude Romeuf
© 2024 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Dear readers, in this issue 107 of September 2025,
Sophie stages, in the manner of a play, the meeting of Jesus with Nalda, the woman of loose morals, near Jacob’s Well, followed by a personal reflection on the relationships between women and men.
Robert then asks us the question: What is behind the I AM?
Georges attempts to answer this in a two-part study entitled THE I AM and the Principle of Causality in which he explores its diversification, its deitization and the chain of events in eternity which leads to the promulgation of reality.
Le Lien is the journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book (AFLUB), a member of the UAI, Urantia Association International.
Head office: 320 d rue Sainte Agathe; 69440 Taluyers +33 (0)7 66841728
Cœurriel: afllu@urantia.fr
Site/Forum: http://www.urantia.fr and http://forum.urantia.fr
Publication Director: Ivan Stol; ivan.stol@free.fr
Editor-in-Chief: Georges Michelson-Dupont; georges.michelsondupont777@gmail.com
Reading Committee: Jean Duveau; Ivan Stol & Patrick Morelli.
The Link: Published 4 times a year electronically to AFLLU members
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any literary or artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of Urantia Foundation or its affiliates.
Sophie MALICOT July 2024
It’s about 6pm. It’s summer.
Him. He is thirsty because the day was hot to walk at least 30 km on the roads. The Master arrives at Jacob’s well and sits down. The apostles have gone to get food and tents from the neighboring town; he waits. The water from Jacob’s well is good, they say, less salty than others in the area. Jesus is thirsty but has nothing to draw water with.
She. She saw him from afar. Women pay attention from afar to the surroundings they pass through; they scan in advance in order to warn who they will be dealing with. A way of anticipating bad encounters; a way of gauging possible encounters. Nalda is used to assessing men at first glance. She often deals with them, especially since she is pleasant and her charm is eloquent. And sometimes uses it to live… Also from afar, she sees that he is Jewish, his clothes and his appearance betray him.
Robert Gallo
Preamble: This short analysis is inspired by reflections raised during a group reading and has the sole objective of contributing a stone to the understanding of the greatest of mysteries: The I AM.
In reference to the Origin of the Universe, The Book explains in UB 105:1.6 “Infinity is filled by the Infinite; the Infinite encompasses infinity. It is the hypothetical static moment of eternity_… However, even in this hypothetical situation, we must admit that the possibility of autonomous will exists”
To solve this problem the philosophers of the universe attribute to the Universal Father operating as the infinite, eternal and absolute I AM; the absolute primordial causality in infinity.
We know that it is the self-metamorphosis of the I AM which is at the origin of our universe and that this self-metamorphosis could only have been the result of a decision, of a will.
Dominique Ronfet
Sometimes we find ancient texts that are particularly enlightening. This is the case with the following story.
The man in question, El Ghazali, lived in the 12th century. He was a philosopher, scholar and Sufi religious.
Isa, of course, is Jesus.
This story brings out several interesting points.
The Urantia Book emphasizes that the way is not in fear of the past, nor in the unbridled desire to reach a wonderful future.
Georges Michelson Dupont
August 2024
Part One
This presentation aims to show how the I AM has been operating since eternity to bring the material universes into existence. It will be divided into two parts:
The first takes up the principle of causality initiated by the I AM, its diversification into the 7 Absolutes of Infinity and their triune associations into 15 triunities and 16 triodities.
The second part “dismantles” the mechanism of creation from the mandate of the Paradise Trinity to the formation of the universes by the mobilization of the Absolutes of Potentiality, the Master Architects and the multiple agents of the Infinite Spirit.
So we move from the level of Infinity to the absolute level and then the ultimate level to end on the finite level.
Jean Claude Romeuf
April 14, 2024.
Four days after landing at José Martí Airport in Havana, I was longing to see my friends from Trinidad again. Last year Dayani and her daughter Roxane had rented me the first floor of their casa particular at 79 José Menéndez Street, a street everyone calls Alameda.
There, for two weeks, on the shaded terrace reserved for me, I wrote a few poems.
Sometimes there are real mental flashes of love between men and women that go beyond what we can call a simple thunderbolt; there are places, houses where we want to return. I was also longing to see my amigo pequeño of two and a half years, for whom I had brought back a stuffed dog from France.
Organized by the A.F.L.L.U in Paris at the C.I.S Maurice Ravel hotel from June 6 to 9, 2025
Preparations for the 2025 European Conference, which will be held in Paris intra-muros, are progressing rapidly. You can already consult the information and register via the dedicated website at the following address:
We look forward to seeing many of you because this is a unique opportunity to meet European readers and students. It is organized specifically to break down the language barrier and encourage contacts.
Sophie Malicot
Sunday evening. Night has settled on the earth and fills space; the celestial vault opens its veil of magnificence. I look at the starry sky, absorbed in it. Over there, somewhere, Jerusem and its inhabitants… They must have been enriched by a message like this: "Transmission of the activities related to the Fifth Revelation on the planet 606 Urantia.
A group of 15 mortals gathered in the name of Revelation, in recent days in central France. A charming place, full of greenery and flowers; some aromatic herbs for those who like to maintain their health through plants.
They were all in good faith and full of heavenly joy at meeting again. What a pleasure we had to see the fraternity advance!
THE GENERAL MEETING took place in Neylières on 06/28/2024.
15 people were present. In alphabetical order: Alain Coulomb. Cyril Cozette. Georges Donnadieu. Jean Duveau. Robert Gallo. Thierry Lepage. Sophie Malicot. Gilles Mauroy. Georges Michelson-Dupont. Patrick Morelli. Alain Roussel. Ivan Stol. Marie-José Viret. Paule. Jean-Pierre Wymann.
AFLUB: 34 members are registered, whose registrations are made by email.
Readers’ lists: about 100 people are registered.
The vote by show of hands was taken, for the renewal of the positions identically: