© 2022 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
European Congress Committee
20 — 23 October 2022
Overcoming Materialism — Enlightening Europe
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 3rd European Urantia Conference to be held at Sol Torremolinos Resort, Malaga, Spain from October 20-23, 2022.
The Urantia Association of Spain, Urantia Association International and the European Organizing Committee have worked hard to create this event in Southern Europe to unite our European Urantia Community once again for our upcoming European Urantia Conference. Our last European Continental Congress was held in Tallinn in 2019 and attracted students of The Urantia Book from Europe and North America who all participated in this event. The goal of this upcoming congress is to discuss issues concerning The Urantia Book readers working together to bring enlightenment to the European continent in the midst of a materialistic and secular world. The Urantia Book readers from around the world are invited to join us for this continental conference.
According to the revelators, …the worst of the materialistic age is past; the day of greater understanding is already dawning (195:6.4, 2076.9), and the world needs to see Jesus revived on earth in the experience of spirit-born mortals who are actually revealing the Master to all men. (UB 195:10.1).
But how can we leave materialism behind and be born of the spirit? How can we develop spiritually? Jesus himself said that self-control is the measure of man’s moral nature and the indicator of his spiritual development. (UB 143:2.3) Learning the art of self-control therefore seems fundamental to progress, both morally and spiritually. This is why, at the 3rd European Urantia Congress, we will explore the different facets that seem most important to us for governing ourselves. With this intention, a series of workshops has been proposed under the common title of “The Road to Self-Control”.
Considering the physical, mental and spiritual parts of ourselves, we designed the workshops with the intention of examining all the aspects and tools that allow us to master ourselves: — Self-mastery from a neurophysiological (body) perspective: We are mortal beings who live our lives through bodies of flesh and blood and are still very much conditioned by matter. This workshop will address aspects related to genetics and other physiological conditions, such as the parts that make up the brain and how they influence our behavior and its neuroplasticity, which offers the possibility of changing our behavioral patterns.
Learning Self-Control and Finding Communication Tools (Mind): We will study what self-control is, review human emotions and how to manage them, and discuss the tools we have to communicate lovingly with our peers. In this regard, we have as a reference the life of Jesus of Nazareth, the perfect example of human self-control.
The objective of the workshops is fundamentally practical, so a brief theoretical approach will be made at the beginning. Then, a series of group activities will be carried out in which the participation of the participants is fundamental. It is about sharing our efforts to improve ourselves in all aspects and master the art of self-control. The idea is that from this conference we not only remember the good times lived with the other readers but also new tools and ideas that help us in our daily lives.
To register, go to the registration site at: www.urantiaevents.com
where you will find a choice of 5 different languages.