Baby 1: And you, do you believe in life after childbirth?
Baby 2: Of course. It’s obvious that life after childbirth exists. We are here to become strong and prepare for what awaits us afterwards.
Baby 1: Pffff… This is all crazy. There’s nothing after giving birth! What would life be like outside the womb?
Baby 2: Well, there are a lot of stories about “the other side”… They say that there is a lot of light, a lot of joy and emotions, thousands of things to experience… For example, it seems that there we will eat with our mouths.
Baby 1: But that’s nonsense! We have our umbilical cord and that’s what feeds us. Everyone knows that. We don’t feed ourselves through our mouths! And, of course, there has never been a ghost from this other life… So, all of that is the stories of naive people. Life simply ends at childbirth. That’s how it is, you have to accept it.
Baby 2: Well, let me think differently. Sure, I don’t know exactly what this life after giving birth will look like, and I can’t prove anything to you. But I like to believe that, in the life to come, we will see our mother and she will take care of us.
-Baby 1: “Mom”? You mean you believe in “mom”??? Ah! And where is she?
-Baby 2: But everywhere, you see! She is everywhere, around us! We are made of her and it is thanks to her that we live. Without her, we would not be here.
-Baby 1: That’s absurd! I’ve never seen any mother so it’s obvious she doesn’t exist.
-Baby 2: I don’t agree, that’s your point of view. Because, sometimes when everything becomes calm, we can hear when she sings… We can feel when she caresses our world… I’m sure that our Real life will begin after giving birth…