© 2012 Jean Annet
© 2012 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Urantia Book readers in Belgium gathered to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Every year, we gather to share our common passion and discuss the Urantia Book. This year, we also had the pleasure of welcoming Dominique and Anne-Marie Ronfet who had traveled north to participate in the meeting. Fortunately, the sun was out. They didn’t feel too out of place.
Everyone brought a dish or a drink that we shared in a friendly atmosphere. It was also an opportunity to explore a message from Jesus on the positive side of his religion (“If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn the other!”). Everyone was able to express concretely how they lived this teaching, without getting into big ideas or mentalizing.
It was very rich, very deep and very practical. This is perhaps due to the fact, as Dominique pointed out, that our readership is essentially female. Women are often closer to reality than men (and I include myself in this), who tend to be too cerebral. So thank you to all the ladies.
Everyone left enriched by this meeting which continued in small groups throughout the evening.
Jean Annet