© 2015 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Merging with the adjuster is a subject rather avoided by readers because it is considered a little too ambitious in the state of advancement of our civilization.
However, too much modesty sometimes prevents us from achieving our goals. So I will try to present to you a particular point of view on our constitution and our possibilities of drawing closer to our Adjuster.
Of course, the goal is to get involved in the game to make people want to study within the groups. Also, I will only give ideas and links and keep in mind that my comments may be wrong.
First of all, the Adjuster is GOD in his most primordial sense, preceding everything and source of everything, it seems that his status of existence is similar to the Source Center, which makes him very difficult to approach for our little consciousness.(UB fasc :107 ch 1 entier page:1178)
Then, we must analyze its work on our being:
This last chapter reveals the fact of our mind and its evolution.
Let us keep in mind that our goal is to become pure spirit. Every spirit has a mind. But we cannot get there without going through the morontia stage, and this morontia stage is the soul.
If we look closely at everything that concerns the soul, we perceive that it is not something like an external bubble that develops independently of oneself, but a part of us that gradually grows and gradually replaces our operating plan.
Let me explain:
our mind works more and more at the level of our values and less and less at the automatic level of adjutant mental spirits and this unconsciously under the impulses of the Adjuster and other influences of higher personalities but we will talk about it again.
It is the crossing of psychic circles.
Of course, our material environment challenges us and disturbs our mind, but our control by our personality becomes more effective over time.
It is therefore through the soul that we perceive our Adjuster (UB fasc :5 introduction 1). This booklet affirms that spiritual evolution is independent of the being and its environment but depends solely on its motives. In particular, chapter 2.5 clearly shows that it is the consciousness of this soul which grows in man which allows us to discern the higher spiritual activities of the Adjuster.
Now let us look at the problem of aids to spiritualization.
Above all, this spiritualization is a conscious and voluntary act of the personality. The search for values and the understanding of the universe require a constant activity of research through experience and studies.
This being acquired, in response to our efforts, certain influences can come into action:
But all this, once again, is only done through our experiential discoveries, social actions, services rendered.
Likewise, an essential factor seems to be righteousness which is characterized by the constancy in applying perceived values in all circumstances with maximum discernment (truth, beauty, goodness).
Our morontia life begins here below, by letting our soul speak, and greatness of soul is not an empty qualifier.
I will leave it there to let you immerse yourself in this journey and I encourage you to explore the life of Jesus before his baptism to discover what experiences he went through to reach the state of fusion.