© 2010 Lino Olivetta
© 2010 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
1st World: dent removal and mota
Care provided for biological deficiencies.
Elementary education of Mota.
2nd World: mental harmony — community
Nursery for those who have not raised their children well or at all. Elimination of intellectual conflicts and healing of mental disharmonies. Development comparable to the intellectual status of the culture which follows the coming of a Magisterial Son to the ideal evolutionary worlds.
3rd World: cosmic vision — culture
Actual beginning of progressive morontia culture. Development comparable to the post-bestowal age of a Son on a normal inhabited planet. Habit of thinking in terms of the cosmic vision, the universal viewpoint.
4th World: universal language — new social order
Ascenders consciously seek to know God, to reveal him, to seek him, and to find him. We master the language of the local universe of Nebadon, we perfect the language of Uversa to become accomplished bilinguals.
5th World: cosmic consciousness — language of Uversa
A taste of the life of Jerusem. The culture of this mansion world generally corresponds to that of the primitive period of light and life on the planets whose evolution progresses normally. The ascending mortal becomes personally familiar with the various groups of divine filiation such as Melchizedeks, Vorondadeks, Lanonandeks, Life Carriers etc. We begin to think in terms of universes. This is a period of expansion of horizons. We begin to learn about the study worlds of the Constellations.
6th World: merger and real name + retirement
Initial instruction in the technique of universe administration begins. The great business on this world will be for most of us the achievement of fusion with our Mystery Monitor. Our new Self, the Mystery Monitor, is now an integral part of our personality. Spiritual retreat and choice of road options for Havona.
7th World: citizenship of Jerusalem — group -fiesta
This is the crowning achievement of the career that immediately follows death. The great affair on this world will be the training by classes where one qualifies for the citizenship of Jerusem. The group of which we will be a part will doubtless be destined to remain united for quite some time, not only on Jerusem but also for Edentia and Salvington.
Lino Olivetta