We know that a jubilee is a privileged year which occurs every fifty years among the Hebrews but, for ascending mortals, when exactly do these 7 jubilees take place?
The UB tells us that there are 28,011 Architects of the Master Universe and that the 28,012th attempt failed. Why did this attempt fail?
The Infinite Spirit procreates seraphim, classified into 7 groups. Which ones?
Local Universe
Who are the personalities who jointly administer the educational system of Nebadon?
During their second embrace by the Mother Spirit, under what qualification do the cherubim and the sanobim stand out?
At the birth of Michael, who announced to the worlds: “Glory to God in Havona and, on earth, peace and good will among men”?
What was the representative symbol of the rebel leaders, Caligastia, Beelzebub and Abaddon?
What was the representative symbol of the rebel leaders, Caligastia, Beelzebub and Abaddon?
In all of Satania, how many worlds are similar to Urantia?
The history of Urantia spans 5 major eras, which ones?
Where does the traditional halo around the heads of supposedly pious and holy people come from?
Who was Adamson’s second wife?
After the disappearance of Machiventa, what name was the town of Salem known by?
On their first trip to Jerusalem, a family invited the family from Nazareth to their home to rest. A friendship was born between Jesus and Mary, Martha and Lazarus, but what was the name of the father of Mary, Martha and Lazarus?
During his stay in Rome, Jesus made contact with 32 religious leaders, only 2 of whom were sterile. Why did Jesus increase these contacts?
James and Judas, the two Alpheus twins were also named, Thaddeus and Lebbaeus. What do these names mean?
In the year 28, in the city of Iron, Jesus worked while his apostles preached. For a Creator Son, this work was quite special, what was this work?
On Mount Hermon, the transfiguration had a very specific meaning, which one?
Rodan also listed the essential factors of temporal life, as he saw them. Do you know what these factors were?
Come on, a question for humor, asked by our friend Jean Royer. What is the song that Cain sang to his wife?