The search for knowledge, scientific logic.(UB 16:9.10)
The search for moral values, the sense of duty. UB 16:9.11
The search for spiritual values, religious experience.(UB 16:9.12)
The search for personality values, the ability to recognize the reality of God as personality and the simultaneous realization of our fraternal relationships with the personalities of our fellow men.(UB 16:9.13)
Many faithful seraphic guardians of mortals are permitted to traverse the ascending career with their human wards, and many of these guardian angels, after fusion with the Father, join with their subjects in taking the finaliter oath of eternity and in accepting forever the destiny of their mortal associates. Angels who pass through the ascending experience of mortal beings may share in the destiny of human nature; they may be equally and eternally enrolled in this Corps of the Finality. Many of the adopted and glorified seraphim are attached to the various nonmortal finaliter corps.(UB 31:4.1)
Any celestial personality assigned to serve a finaliter corps is referred to as an evangel of Light.(UB 31:7.2) On the mansion worlds, the seraphic evangels will help you choose wisely among the optional routes to Edentia, Salvington, Uversa, and Havona.(UB 48:6.5)
Umajor the fifth, seat of Splandon, your major sector, is surrounded by the seventy spheres of higher intellectual learning of the superuniverses.(UB 15:7.9) The minor sector of Ensa is composed of one hundred local universes, and has a capital called Uminor the third. This minor sector is number 3 in the major sector of Splandon.(UB 15:14.7)
The Life Carriers are the descendants of three pre-existent personalities: the Creator Son, the Universe Mother Spirit, and, by designation, one of the three Ancients of Days presiding over the destinies of the superuniverse concerned.(UB 36:1.1).
Andovontia is the name of the tertiary Supervisor of the Universal Circuits: it was he who isolated Urantia at the time when Caligastia betrayed the planet.(UB 37:8.3)
Univitatias are the permanent citizens of Edentia and its associated worlds. These children of the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit are projected onto a plane of existence intermediate between the material and the spiritual, but are not morontia creatures.(UB 43:7.1)
The entire process requires ten to twenty-eight days of Urantia time. The unconsciousness of deep seraphic sleep persists throughout this period of reconstruction. UB 51:2.4
Since the Satania system has existed, thirteen Planetary Adams have been lost through rebellion or misconduct, and 681,204 in subordinate positions of trust. Most of these defections occurred at the time of the Lucifer rebellion.
The Mansion World Educators are a body of abandoned but glorified cherubim and sanobim. (UB 48:5.1)
Sixteen male babies died in one day in Bethlehem of Judea. P. 1354.2.
It was about the middle of February, in the year 7, in his thirteenth year, that Jesus acquired human certainty that he was destined to fulfill a mission on earth to enlighten humanity and reveal God to them. Capital decisions coupled with far-reaching plans were taking shape in the mind of this young man, while his outward appearance was that of an average young Jew from Nazareth. Intelligent beings throughout Nebadon observed, with fascination and amazement, the beginnings of this development in the thought and actions of the now adolescent son of the carpenter.(UB 124:5.3)
This temple of religion was built by a rich merchant named Cymboyton and his three sons.(UB 134:3.2)
Jesus hired a boy named Tiglath, they built a stone niche in which Tiglath was to place food twice a week.(UB 134:8.1).
Jesus answered: “There is only one commandment, which is the greatest of all and which commands: The Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. ’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is similar to it; in truth, it flows directly from the first and commands: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 'There are none other greater than these._” (UB 174:4.2).