Machiventa soon became known throughout Palestine as the priest of El Elyon, the Most High, and as the wise man of Salem. Among some of the surrounding tribes he was often called the sheikh or king of Salem. UB 93:2.4
When the Master gave up his life, less than thirty people were present. There were only the thirteen Roman soldiers and a group of about fifteen believers. These believers were all women except two, Jude, the brother of Jesus, and John Zebedee, who had returned to the scene just before the Master’s last breath. UB 187:5.1
Shortly after one o’clock in the afternoon, in the growing darkness of the violent sandstorm, Jesus began to lose his human consciousness. He had spoken his last words of mercy, forgiveness, and exhortation. His last wish—concerning the care of his mother. UB 187:5.2
When Joseph and Nicodemus arrived at Golgotha, they found the soldiers taking Jesus down from the cross, and the representatives of the Sanhedrin present to ensure that none of his disciples would prevent the body of Jesus from being thrown into the common grave of criminals. When Joseph presented the order concerning the body of the Master to the centurion, the Jews raised a tumult and shouted for the right to dispose of it. In their frenzy, they sought to seize the body by force. Seeing this, the centurion called to him four soldiers who stood with their swords drawn, stepping over the body of the Master lying there on the ground. UB 188:1.1
While all these operations were in progress, the women were hidden nearby, so that they saw everything and observed the place where the Master had been laid. They had thus hidden themselves because it was not permitted for women to associate with men at such times. These women judged that the body of Jesus had not been properly prepared for burial. They agreed to return to Joseph’s house, rest there until the day after the Sabbath, prepare spices and ointments, and return on Sunday morning to embalm the body of the Master as was fitting for mortuary repose. P 2013 — §6
This morontia-material edifice is known as the “Michael Memorial Monument” now bearing the seal of Gabriel. This memorial was established shortly after Michael left this world, and it bears the following inscription: “In commemoration of the human transit of Jesus of Nazareth to Urantia.” UB 188:3.11
Moses taught the dignity and justice of a Creator God, but Jesus portrayed the love and mercy of a Heavenly Father. P 2016 — §9. The idea of God as a true loving Father is the only concept Jesus ever taught. UB 188:4.8
There must be an immediate and logical abandonment of all primitive notions of God as an offended monarch, a severe and all-powerful sovereign whose chief pleasure is to detect his subjects in wrongdoing and to see that they are suitably punished. The whole idea of ransom and atonement is incompatible with the concept of God as taught and exemplified by Jesus of Nazareth. God’s infinite love holds first place in the divine nature. UB 188:4.8
At the time of the Master’s resurrection, Gabriel had not called together the celestial personalities. These assembled sons of the local universe, creatures of Michael, were acting on their own responsibility. By midnight they had come to the conclusion that there was nothing the creature could do to facilitate the resurrection of the Creator. A Creator Son has within himself the power to bestow himself in the likeness of any of his created sons; he has within himself the power to lay down his observable life and take it up again. He has this power because of the direct command of the Paradise Father, and I know whereof I speak." (This is Jesus’ Adjuster speaking.) UB 189:0.3
The Master emerged from the tomb of Joseph in the exact similitude of the morontia personalities of those who emerge, as resurrected morontia ascenders, from the resurrection halls of the first mansion world of the local system of Satania. UB 189:1.9
At the time of the resurrection of Jesus, at Nicodemus’ house, there were gathered, with David Zebedee and Joseph of Arimathea, twelve to fifteen disciples of Jesus among the most prominent in Jerusalem. UB 189:4.2
It was Mary Magdalene who ventured around the smaller of the two stones and dared to enter the open sepulcher. UB 189:4.6
It was to Mary Magdalene that the Master appeared again, saying: “Do not remain in doubt; have the courage to believe what you have seen and heard. Return to my apostles and tell them again that I am risen, that I will appear to them and that soon I will precede them into Galilee as I promised them.” UB 189:5.4
The second morontia appearance to the apostles took place at the Marks’ house. It was about nine o’clock in the evening, Saturday, April 15. They were taking their evening meal a little after six o’clock, with Thomas seated between Peter and Nathanael. While they were thus seated at supper, and the doors were carefully closed and bolted, the Master in his morontia form suddenly appeared in the horseshoe of the table. UB 191:5.1-2 — UB 191:5.3. The eleven apostles were now fully convinced that Jesus had risen from the dead, and very early the next morning, before daybreak, they set out for Galilee. UB 191:5.7
As man progresses up the ladder of intelligence and spiritual perception, seven higher influences of spirit eventually come to hover over him and dwell within him. These seven spirits of the progressing worlds are:
The bestowed spirit of the Universal Father—the Thought Adjuster.
The spirit presence of the Eternal Son—the spirit gravity of the universe of universes and the certain channel of all spiritual communion.
The spirit presence of the Infinite Spirit—the universal mind-spirit of all creation, the spiritual source of the intellectual kinship of all progressive intelligences.
The spirit of the Universal Father and Creator Son—the Spirit of Truth, generally regarded as the spirit of the Universe Son.
The spirit of the Infinite Spirit and the Mother Spirit of the Universe — the Holy Spirit, generally considered to be the spirit of the Spirit of the Universe.
The mind-spirit of the Universe Mother Spirit — the seven adjutant mind-spirits of the local universe.
The spirit of the Father, Sons, and Spirits—the newly named spirit of ascending mortals of the realms after the fusion of the spirit-born human soul with the Paradise Thought Adjuster, and after such ascenders have subsequently attained divinity and the glorification of the status of the Paradise Corps of the Finality.
Thus the outpouring of the Spirit of Truth brought to the world and its peoples the final endowment of spirit intended to aid them in the upward search for God. UB 194:2.13-20
Stephen and his Greek associate began to preach sermons more in line with Jesus’ teaching, which led to immediate conflict with the Jewish leaders. During a public sermon, when Stephen reached the part of his speech that was deemed objectionable, they dispensed with all legal formalities and stoned him to death on the spot. Stephen, leader of the Greek colony of believers in Jesus in Jerusalem, thus became the first martyr of the new faith and the specific cause of the official organization of the early Christian Church. UB 194:4.11-12
(The Spirit of Truth was bestowed on Thursday, May 18, A.D. 30.) AT ABOUT one o’clock in the afternoon, while the one hundred and twenty believers were in prayer, they all became aware of a strange presence in the hall. At the same time, all these disciples became conscious of a new and profound sense of spiritual joy, security, and confidence. This new consciousness of spiritual strength was immediately followed by a powerful impulse to go out and publicly proclaim the gospel of the kingdom and the good news that Jesus had risen from the dead. Peter stood up and declared that this must be the coming of the Spirit of Truth which the Master had promised them. UB 194:0.1-2
The first act of Jesus upon emerging from the tomb was to greet Gabriel and to invite him to continue to assume administrative responsibility for the affairs of his universe under the supervision of Immanuel. He then requested the chief of the Melchizedeks to convey his personal greetings to Immanuel. Next, he requested the Most High of Edentia to certify the Ancients of Days concerning his mortal transit. Then he turned to the assembled morontia groups of the seven mansion worlds, there gathered to greet their Creator and to welcome him as a creature of their order. UB 189:1.10
At the time of Jesus’ resurrection, the ten apostles were staying at the home of Elijah and Mary Mark, where they were sleeping in the upper room, resting on the same couches where they had lain during the last supper with their Master. This Sunday morning, they were all gathered there, except Thomas. UB 189:4.1
Whenever a man makes a thoughtful moral choice, he immediately experiences a new divine invasion of his soul. Moral choice constitutes religion as a motive for inner reaction to external conditions. But this real religion is not a purely subjective experience. It means that the subjective whole of the individual is engaged in a meaningful and intelligent reaction to total objectivity—to the universe and its Author.(UB 196:3.20).
If man does not choose to survive, then the surviving Adjuster retains those realities born of love and nurtured in service. And all these things are part of the Universal Father. The Father is living love, and that life of the Father is in his Sons. And the spirit of the Father is in the sons of his Sons—mortal men. When all is said and done, the idea of Father still remains the highest human concept of God. UB 196:3.35
During his resurrection, Jesus appeared first to the women so that the news would spread more quickly. (Not recorded in The Urantia Book.)