© 2007 Michel Rouanet
© 2007 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 39 — Summer 2007 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 39 — Summer 2007 | Spiritual Wisdom and Genetic Knowledge |
A revelation is a communication, a message, a teaching. For the one who receives it, it is a discovery of the truth, a knowledge, a new experience to live and manifest in one’s being. Rarely collective (five times in history), it can be more frequently individual. The cycle of revelations is permanent. How could it be otherwise? Humans and deities coexist, here and now. How could they not communicate together? How could man and woman not manifest the divine?
A revelation gives itself to be heard, it gives itself to be seen, to be understood, to be loved, to be manifested in one’s being. It is good, it is beautiful, it is true.
We are collectively touched by the teachings of the UB. Perhaps we will be individually touched by the words of another. Le Lien is your quarterly, seasonal newsletter. It offers you the opportunity to express yourself, react, testify, share your understanding of the teachings of the UB.
Perhaps you will touch a reader through your writing. Who knows? You might also have a revelation while writing. Doesn’t our Thought Adjuster enlighten us on a daily basis? Doesn’t our guardian angel accompany us on the path of life? Are we not collectively bathed in the Spirit of Truth?
Writing: you just have to make a small effort of generosity, creativity, sincerity. Goodness of the message, beauty of the text, truth of the words or analysis.
This issue of Lien will be more beautiful than usual: it inaugurates a creative partnership between the AFLUB and Jean Annet, president of the ABFU (Association Belge Francophone d’Urantia) and publisher of a magazine in Belgium. Jean thus puts some of his skills at the service of our projects, as other professionals already do: Philippe Rolland, design professional and creator of our site, Pascal Coulombe, IT professional and site administrator, Jean Royer, retired English teacher, UB proofreader and translator of English articles, and many others that I cannot name here, I apologize for that.
Competent or simply volunteers, the AFLUB needs all of us, to unite readers and carry this fifth epochal revelation that we think is good, that we find beautiful, that we believe to be true. Individual or group subjectivity? Certainly. But, there are many moments when subjectivity meets divine objective reality. Act of Faith.
In addition to its aesthetic aspect, this issue also serves as a memory. For the first time, the editorial team offers you a reissue of the best texts published in the letter of the CERDH, center for study and reflection on human destiny, parent association of the AFLUB. The oldest will thus have the pleasure of rereading the writings of some well-known signatures. All readers will appreciate discovering the texts of these French-speaking precursors, from France, Belgium or Switzerland, sometimes deceased, sharing their thoughts with the following generations of UB readers. The long chain of intergenerational solidarity. History speaks to the future. Some will say that it repeats itself. I would add, “while renewing itself”. From the cyclical to the linear… ascending.
Like life, AFLUB is also a school of learning, by walking, by doing.
Give something good, create something beautiful, share something true.
All that remains for me is to wish you a wonderful summer in 2007.
Thank you all.
Michel R.
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 39 — Summer 2007 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 39 — Summer 2007 | Spiritual Wisdom and Genetic Knowledge |