© 2007 Michel Rouanet, Chris Ragetly, Dominique Ronfet, Jean-Claude Romeuf, Chris Halvorson, Johanna Beukers, Marlène and Georges Michelson-Dupont
© 2007 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
1, rue du Temple
Journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book
1 rue du Temple
04 91 27 13 20
Publication Director
Michel Rouanet
Editor in Chief
Dominique Ronfet
Reading Committee
Jean Royer
Chris Ragetly
Anne-Marie Ronfet
Printing Help
Jean Annet
Edition of 160 copies
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation.
All rights reserved.
These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission.
Any artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription in 1998: 100 FF per year (approximately 4 issues)
No. 39 — Summer 2007
A revelation is a communication, a message, a teaching. For the one who receives it, it is a discovery of the truth, a knowledge, a new experience to live and to manifest in his being. Rarely collective (five times in history), it can be more frequently individual. The cycle of revelations is permanent. How could it be otherwise? Humans and deities coexist, here and now. How could they not communicate together? How could man and woman not manifest the divine?
A revelation gives itself to be heard, it gives itself to be seen, to be understood, to be loved, to be manifested in one’s being. It is good, it is beautiful, it is true.
Michel R.
Next national meeting in Aix les Bains from November 8 to 11, 2007 to continue the study cycle on the “Origins of the individual” and which will be the subject of a future invitation.
Why use… the technique of approaching man and his planetary problems, by undertaking the journey in space-time from the infinite, eternal and divine Paradise Source-Center of all personality reality and all cosmic existence.
Many readers or prospective readers of The Urantia Book prefer to begin their reading with the life of Jesus or with another part of the book, without starting at the beginning. The Urantia Book gives us some very good reasons to start at the beginning. Here are a few:
Chris Ragetly
A corner, like an intimate space, a place to meet friends, a space for testimony.
Everyone is invited to create their own “corner”, this section is intended to be like a paper “blog”, a writing, like a newspaper page, a sheet left to the wind of readers. Well, here I go.
A blank page is always a challenge. “Do I have something to say?”
Our society greatly restricts our creativity.
And who can aspire to a certain spirituality if he has not opened the floodgates of his own creativity?
An astonishing world then opens up, where fears intersect with aspirations for more love, a repentance that reason cannot resolve.
Dominique Ronfet
One fine day in eternity God said: “How nice it is to be at home!” But after a few billion years, he began to get bored. So, to pass the time, instead of doing crosswords, God created the circle on the first day.
God saw that the circle was splendid and that man would make a wheel of it. Later, he said, the sphere will make a nice football. God saw that the shape of the circle was perfect and added that the perfection of the circle could do without superfluity. “What’s the use,” he said to himself, “of giving it a tangent? It won’t be any more beautiful for that! Let the bird make its nest there!”
Jean-Claude Romeuf
The tulip bloomed on the soldier's helmet,
In Arabic tulip was the name of Allah.
I who had picked it from the rock of Mount Palmyra,
I mixed perfumes with my bursts of laughter.
White, the dancing dervish and the slipping dress,
Fly in the silk and turn the chalice.
Like the aroma of the wind in the air it hides,
The breath of the flower in the depths of the soul undulates.
Jean-Claude Romeuf
The Urantia Book presents an overview of the geologic history of our planet, Urantia (see Papers 57 through 61). Any systematic presentation of geologic history is constructed within the framework of a geologic time scale, a division of the entire span of geologic time into a set of hierarchical divisions related to a sequence of absolute dates. The geologic time scale implied by the Urantia Book overview is indicated in the table on the following page.
Some aspects of the division and nomenclature of geologic time scales are not universally accepted among geologists. The system used in this study is a harmonization of the Urantia Book system and of commonly used systems, and is motivated by an overriding desire for consistency. The Cryptozoic eon is often referred to simply as Precambrian time, and the Archaeozoic and Azoic eras mark the Archean and Hadean, respectively. In this table, all eons and eras are referred to by terms that take the suffix -zoic, meaning “life.” (The literal meaning of the names of eons, eras, and epochs is given in parentheses.) This choice makes the nomenclature uniform and emphasizes the fact that the universe was created for habitation. Urantia geologic time expresses the history of life on this planet.
Chris M. Halvorson
(Translation: Jean Royer)
In 1978, as the oldest readers will remember, the first French readers’ association was born, the CERDH (Center for Study and Reflection on Human Destiny).
This association will have its own publication, La Lettre.
In tribute to these authors we will publish some of these articles unknown to most of us.
We will begin with this one which appears as a sort of introduction to the spirit which will reign in this association.
In tribute to these authors we will publish some of these articles unknown to most of us.
After spending 3 days in Goult, a stay overflowing with friendship, dynamism, and reunions, I have the immense pleasure of telling you all, dear members and readers of The Urantia Book, about the great success of this national meeting which took place from May 10 to 13.
A success that is the fruit, not of chance, but of an excellent and laborious organization on the part of the president Michel Rouanet and his entire team. And then obviously, thanks to the very large participation which reached a record number rarely reached, namely forty-four people.
Alongside a core of loyal “old” members: Chris and Nicole Ragetly, Jean Royer, Jean-Claude Romeuf and Marina, as well as readers from all regions of France (Brittany: 1,100KM, Paris and Nancy) as well as from Belgium with its president Jean Annet, then François Dupont and his wife, I was delighted to meet a number of new faces.
Johanna Beukers
Dear friends,
The meeting of our association in Lumières was really very fraternal and we would like to thank not only all those who, from near or far, prepared its progress but also all the participants. The ideal weather conditions and the magic of the place also contributed to the success of this meeting.
The relatively complex and difficult themes of Ego, Self, Identity and Personality were well presented. The idea of having established a common thread for our meetings, namely the study of MAN and how he functions, is, in my opinion, excellent. It is an attempt to answer the fundamental existential questions that every human being should ask himself: who am I, where do I come from, and what is the purpose of my existence.
Marlène & Georges Michelson-Dupont