© 2015 Normand Laperle, Maurice Migneault, Gaétan Charland, Gilles Brien, Réal Boucher, Réal Demers
© 2015 Urantia Association of Quebec
Normand Laperle
Editor of Réflectivité
The members of the AUQ Board of Directors, — as well as all the volunteers who have worked closely or from afar to serve you during this exceptional year — especially because of the Sherbrooke International Congress — join me in offering you our best wishes for joy and health.
May this year inspire you to reveal God’s love to everyone who crosses your path.
To serve is to love,
God…loves you.
“The existence of God is utterly beyond all possibility of demonstration except for the contact between the God-consciousness of the human mind and the God-presence . . .” (UB 1:2.8)
Maurice Migneault
AUQ President
The year 2016 is already knocking at our doors. For beings anchored in eternity this matters little, but for us, creatures of time and space, it is a reality.
It is customary at the beginning of the year to make resolutions. I am here to share mine with you! Always keep a positive attitude. We do not have a great influence on the fatality of events, however, through our attitude, we have a lot on the influence that these events have on us.
The blind man might say that the obstacle in his path prevents him from moving forward, but this obstacle is in fact a landmark. If there were none, he would never be able to find his way. For us who are often spiritually blind, our anxieties, our doubts and our afflictions are those obstacles that slowly help us to find the Light. It is up to us, through our attitude, to make them landmarks.
I leave you with these three quotes about attitude and wish you a 2016 full of landmarks to guide your path.
“Attitude is the paintbrush of the mind. It colors every situation.” - Alexander Lockhart
“Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference.” — Winston Churchill
“Wherever you go, whatever the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” — Anthony D’Angelo.
Committee of Members of the Association
Urantia International (UIA)
The Urantia Association International Membership Committee is seeking an individual, a UAI member, who could join our committee to assist us in the following tasks:
We would like you to join us. Our goal is to build a strong network of Membership Coordinators, to inspire membership; to inspire more readers to become members and members to serve readers.
You will be required to dedicate a reasonable portion of your time to this task and will be willing to participate in our monthly online Membership Committee meeting.
For information or to join this committee, contact Anton Miroshnichenko at this address: anton.mnko@urantia.org.ua
Yours sincerely
“Of all the dangers which beset man’s mortal nature and jeopardize his spiritual integrity, pride is the greatest.” (UB 111:6.9)
Gaetan Charland
— Chairman of the Study Group Committee for the UAI
In March 2015, I was elected to the position of Chair of the Study Group Committee for Urantia Association International (UAI). My task during my four-year term will be to coordinate the activities of similar committees that are part of different national associations within UAI. During the first year of my term, I will be looking for volunteers (3 or 4) to serve on my committee and together we will work to promote study groups around the world and support their influence in their respective communities in many ways.
We will also need to find ways to help them train leaders and teachers as specified in the publication mandate. Of course, the study groups are autonomous and we will be very respectful of their non-political nature. Our work will mainly consist of providing them with educational tools, training, didactic aids for study and seeing to the improvement of the Study Group Directory.
Recently, an invitation letter was sent to all UAI members to encourage study group hosts to register their groups in the directory. To date, we have received 25 new registrations, bringing the total number of registered groups to 420 groups. Of these, 44 are virtual, allowing remote readers to participate in a group of their choice. The directory is available in 5 languages, and soon 3 new translations will be incorporated, allowing more study groups around the world to be listed and made available to more readers.
If you have not already done so, I invite study group hosts to register their group in the Study Group Directory; to do so, visit our website at Urantia-Quebec.org and consult the activities page, you will find the link to the directory. I also invite all readers to participate in a study group. Your participation will not only help other students to progress in their understanding, but will also help you to progress in yours.
Gaétan G. Charland
Technical support
Some of you may want to know how to subscribe to the association’s email distribution list. Nothing could be simpler, just visit the Urantia Association of Quebec website (www.urantia-quebec.ca) go to the publications page and click on the Réflectivité tab. You will find on the left of the page a blue button with the words “Subscribe” you just have to click on the button and fill out the form. You will receive a confirmation message by email that you will have to validate in order to subscribe, this methodology gives you the assurance that it is you who is subscribing to this service.
Another thing to consider is checking your spam folder to make sure that emails sent by the association are not ending up there. You can also include the mailing list address in your address book, this may help prevent messages from the association from ending up in spam.
If you want to unsubscribe or change your contact information from the list, nothing could be simpler; at the bottom of each message sent, you will find the link to unsubscribe or change your contact information. Another way to do this is to fill out the registration form again as previously indicated at the top of this message, when you have filled out the form and clicked on the subscribe button, you will see a message displayed at the bottom of the page telling you that you are already subscribed to the list and a link that will invite you to update your profile. When you click on this button, you will receive an email to confirm your changes. By validating this email, you will be redirected to the change preferences page and from there you can either change your contact information or unsubscribe.
Gilles Brien
Once again this year, readers of The Urantia Book gathered to celebrate the holiday season together. Although Jesus was born in the summer, on August 21, rather than in the winter, on December 25, members of the Urantia Association of Quebec traditionally enjoy the opportunity to fellowship with each other in the spirit of Christmas.
There were about twenty of them, coming from all over Montreal, the South Shore and Lévis. The event was held in the Saint-Jérôme region on Sunday, December 13. The lively meeting was marked by the joyful songs of Anne Lapierre, which did not fail to attract the attention of the clientele of the hotel where the lunch was held. Accompanied by Philippe Millette on the accordion, Anne shared with her father, Gilles Lapierre, 86, many holiday tunes that delighted and moved the people present at the meeting. In conclusion, Gaétan Charland was able to find the inspiring and comforting words to salute the progress and work of the association over the year. The organization of the Urantia Association International conference, held in Sherbrooke this summer, was the result of tremendous teamwork and an example of what readers can accomplish together in a common goal of service and brotherly love.
Real Boucher,
Since last August, I have started reading or resuming reading, “The Urantia Book”. The book had been sleeping on a shelf in my library for many years, perhaps even since 1999 if I decipher the invoice left on I no longer know which page. A teacher of transcendental meditation, Roger Périgny, told me during one of the meetings to verify my way of meditating that this book was a bedside book for him. This reminded me that I owned this book. Then my curiosity was piqued and I began to reread “The Urantia Book” in good Cartesian spirit!
I quickly understood why I had to abandon my first attempt at reading suggested by a camping colleague (at the beginning of the summer of 2000), who had also invited me, at the time, to share with him and his group (???) this universe to which the path was opening for us, this “Urantia Book”. I remember telling him at the time that I had difficulty understanding and grasping. The Cartesian mind was very confused, just as it was and still is since August 2015. But this time my determination to read the entire 196 fascicles was welded to my proud mind. “I was going to read it all” I confirmed, on more than one occasion, to my teacher of transcendental meditation (to which I was returning after 40 years).
Moreover, Maurice, the president of AUQ, following a reply to an article in Réflectivité, invited me to read more with my heart than with my disconcerted Cartesian mind. Which gave me the “kick” to read “The Urantia Book” from a completely different approach, “the heart more than reason”.
So I continued from issue to issue until this beginning of December when I reached issue 196. Phew! What a labyrinth! What twists and turns. What imbroglios of the mortal on the way to the morontial before arriving at the spiritual, one day on the island of paradise, after having climbed the worlds of mansions, the universes, Orvonton, Havona and others… Jesus in passing. Fourth part of the Urantia Book, a world that I thought I knew at the beginning, but quickly subjected to the effusion of Michael, last effusion, new gospel, that a Thought Adjuster will soon come to teach me, to direct me there, to revive me in this new understanding of a cosmic consciousness leading to the Whole, to the Ultimate.
Throughout my reading, I would have liked to have a “reading key”. I thought I would get it in issue 99, but that was not the case. I would have liked to know about reading groups. There were hardly any in Mauricie. The references given no longer exercised the mandate. I sometimes started listening to the readings of the issue on the Internet. It was already becoming more accessible.
Today I still come away influenced by the gospel of Jesus: God is Father and we are all sons and daughters of God. Hence the invitation to follow Jesus’ invitation: “Love one another as I have loved you.”
Our divine filiation will lead us to the island of Paradise, in a cosmic consciousness, from the Unique to the Trinitarian, to the Sevenfold to merge us in the Ultimate. The kingdom of God is to live the will of the Father and then recognize our filiation, we are his sons and daughters.
I know that I will have to come back and read through “The Urantia Book” again, find a sharing group, sign up for the various internet sessions to become fully aware of my “cosmic consciousness”. But probably, like many other readers, I feel alone, solitary, even if I now know that I am evolving in ascension with my Urantian brothers and sisters who would like to become united in daily sharing. There are many meetings here and there of “members”, at parties and occasions. But the lonely ones, lost in their booklets, do not know how to join what is hardly in church, denomination, sect, religion. They do not know how to join what is only “cosmic consciousness”. This consciousness must be recognized and tasted only at the very end, an end which beginning readers do not or cannot grasp, unless the initiates, in the presence of their Thought Adjuster, become “reading keys,” “gatekeepers to the universe of universes.”
As a lonely reader, so often helpless, but having reached the final point of issue 196, I confess once again my interest in “The Urantia Book”, my need for greater knowledge, for a rereading even more cemented to Michael, this Jesus delivering his Gospel to us: “God is our Father, therefore we are all brothers and sisters”.
But I am still a fresh novice and would not know what to say or do to add and support the beginner readers or the future readers. The initiated must know. So I leave it to them and I remain “on hold”…
2. Few persons live up to the faith which they really have. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul. (UB 48:7.4)
Real Demers
As you must be beginning to notice, I come back periodically to talk to you about my favorite subject, to talk to you about the one I affectionately call “My Father who is in heaven and deep within me” the paternal expression of the I AM, the great Source of all things.
Without him, no reality is possible, because he is the first cause, the maintenance in existence and the ultimate goal. Indeed, all reality has a link with him. On the one hand, the living, active, organized, replicable reality, using the non-living reality as a substrate and on the other hand, the non-living, passive, unorganized, non-replicable reality. Thus, the living and the non-living find their reality in the Source of all things, because this source is without antecedent, without beyond, without exterior, of an infinite and absolute reality.
Furthermore, to say that the Source of all things is of absolute reality, this means that his will which presides over the organization of the Universe of universes is also absolute, consequently, primordial and without sharing. It should not be forgotten that at the absolute level, the multiplicity of people having the same characteristics is impossible, because sharing entails the loss of absolute control. This is to say that the absolute will of the I AM is the only one which is absolute and that everything that this will decides cannot be undone. We have here the guarantee of the sustainability of any decision coming from it, which ensures the stability of reality and allows us to have confidence in a future of growth in response to the exhortation coming from God the Father to “become perfect like him”.
The first reality is absolute and infinite, it is the reality of the Source of all things, a reality that is at the origin of all other reality, whether absolute or subabsolute. But, in the order of things, the absolute reality expresses itself completely before considering the other levels of reality. Thus, the I AM exhausts the level of absolute expression, where similar beings having the same definition are in great number. It must be remembered that at the absolute level, only one being can have a definition that he cannot share. It is well understood that the absolute Father is the only Father, because this is true in our spatio-temporal world, but it is only at the absolute level that only one being can be the Son of the Father and that only one Spirit can be the expression of the Father-Son union. Having no exterior, these absolute beings are distinct from one another, not in a space that is proper to each of them, but in a personal definition of their respective role within a unity incomprehensible to us. Indeed, it must be known that, on the absolute level, there is no distinction, neither space nor time. The Deity of Paradise is therefore, at the same time, one in the great Source of all things and triune in its persons.
It is time to approach the level of subabsolute reality. From the outset, this level is not unique, because, on the one hand, the first age of the Universe of universes is characterized by the advent of existential beings, having neither beginning nor end, beings always perfect and in full possession of their means and, on the other hand, the second age is that of experiential worlds, having had a beginning and slowly being realized where each of us is susceptible to eternal growth in search of a level of perfection comparable to that of the living of the 1st age.
During the development of the Universe of universes, we can see that an age begins with the action of a creative tandem allowing the emergence of a new deity in symbiosis with a creative expression and ends with the effective recognition of this deity which takes place through the formation of a trinity when the creation which accompanies it has reached its ultimate objectives.
Moreover, even if there are differences to be observed in the emergence of a deity in symbiosis with the creative expression that accompanies it, there are also similarities that show its kinship and its “modus operandi”. It must be added that the characteristics of a given age are no longer found in the following age where the pattern of organization of life is done in a new and unprecedented way.
In the 1st age of creative expression, we approach a sub-absolute universe, a world where the living are also sub-absolute, therefore limited, necessarily having an interior that they do not share and an exterior where all the others are located. But, as soon as we speak of an interior without sharing and an exterior where all the others are located, we speak of space, a reality that is also sub-absolute which, according to the expansion needs of a creative action, extends more and more (we move away its limits, because there are always some) to allow the organization of life. We thus have in the central Universe, called Havona, a stellar organization allowing the proper functioning of a billion inhabited planets.
This organization is distinguished from the deity associated with it because everything found in it is subasolved, while this Deity, the Infinite Spirit, is of an absolute level. There is, however, one striking resemblance: for like the Infinite Spirit, all creation accompanying it had no beginning, will have no end, and dwells in a state of innate perfection without having passed through a period of progress.
Thus, the 1st Age begins with the Father-Son creative tandem and ends with the arrival of the Infinite Spirit and the establishment of Havona, the eternal reality organization occupying a wheel-shaped space around its center, Paradise and its paradisiacal satellites. Finally, the Paradise Trinity, an organism representing the three absolute deities, comes to seal the organization of existential reality and announce the beginning of a new creative expression, our spatio-temporal reality.
Then begins the 2nd age of the Universe of universes. After the existential reality of Havona, we move on to the experiential reality where all skills must be acquired through experience and thus reach the level of perfection of the inhabitants of Paradise. Thus, we are born perfectible and only time allows us to acquire divine perfection, the ultimate goal of every human person. Another consequence of our state of imperfection is that we cannot have always existed. Indeed, we cannot, to explain our present situation, go back into a past where our capacities would be less and less efficient without arriving at a time when nothingness would be our lot. This is why the experiential level of life is accompanied by a necessary beginning and a spatio-temporal environment offering time to develop.
As much as the deities of Paradise are existential, the divine help at work in our spatio-temporal age is experiential. Like us, it works to build a universe under construction whose objective is to equal by experience the grandeur of the central Universe. Let us add that the tandem of deities who preside over the organization of the Universe of universes during its 2nd age is no longer the Father-Son association, but a new Son-Spirit tandem. It is not a question of two absolute beings either, but of a multitude of sub-absolute couples formed of a Creator Son issued from the Father-Son paradisiacal union, and of a Creative Spirit, issued from the Infinite Spirit. There are thus 700 thousand Son-Spirit couples who work to organize, in a portion of the great Universe, 10 million inhabited planets like our earth. Which means that the 2nd age of the Universe of universes will end up having 7000 billion inhabited planets scattered in a wheel-shaped space in the same age as Havona which is also its center.
Studying the inherent limits of each member of the creative tandem Son-Spirit allows us to better understand our own limits both in our experience and in our capacity to understand. The tandem Son-Spirit forms a complementary couple, because, while the creative Son is, from the beginning, highly personalized and in full possession of his means, the Mother Spirit who accompanies him (often called divine Minister or Creative Daughter) seems to develop as the evolutionary needs of the local universe where she has settled. It must be added that their joint action Son-Spirit, despite the respective limits of each of the two, makes them able to free themselves from the spatio-temporal constraints imposed on the universe they organize.
The Mother Spirit who accompanies the Creator Son is subject to space constraints: in fact, while she occupies all the space allocated to her, she cannot be present in any other place in the Universe of universes. Furthermore, in the space she occupies, she is present everywhere at once, but cannot be contacted personally. Finally, she is subject to time in the same way as each of us.
As for the Creator Son who accompanies him, he can only be in one place at a time and can communicate his presence there. But, moreover, he can escape from space in such a way that, no matter the distances, he can instantly pass from one place to another, leave his universe to go to the Father or to go anywhere in the Universe of universes.
Thus, the temporal limits imposed on the Son-Spirit tandem in the organization of our life, result for each of us, in limitations, on the one hand temporal where we are caught in the present moment in the manner of our Mother Spirit and on the other hand spatial where we can only occupy one place at a time in the manner of our Creator Son. Let us add that the movements of our Creator Son are instantaneous because he has no space constraint, but this is not possible for us because we are constrained, both by space and by time, a constraint that we call spatio-temporal.
In each age of the Universe of universes, we witness the work of organization done by a divine tandem and the emergence of a Deity that functions in symbiosis with the evolution of the present creative work. I remind you that because of this symbiosis, knowing the characteristics of the emerging Deity of the first age, the Infinite Spirit, we are able to say that Havona is an existential universe where perfection is innate. In the same way, knowing our world where perfection is obtained through experience, we can say that the emerging deity, God the Supreme, the Deity in symbiosis with the life that develops in the 2nd age of the Universe of universes is an experiential deity, moreover, since our development is not complete, this God is also growing and his level of incompleteness is equal to our experiential evolution.
Thus our finitude expresses the degree of finitude of this divine being and his own finitude allows us to grow with him until he has reached his fullness, a time which will take place at the same time as the fullness of our universe, the one being linked to the other and being able to express itself only together. While humans grow in him and, one by one, reach the divinity of Paradise, our contribution is reflected in him and makes him grow. Like us, he had a beginning and, in the manner of our surviving soul which grows in gestation in our mind and which will only be able to act during our passage into the beyond, he is presently growing and cannot act before the end of the present age. Moreover, not being able at present to have personal contact with the other Deities at work in the Grand Universe, our experiential universe, he has a spokesperson who speaks for him, the 7th Master Spirit. This admission opens the door to a further explanation. Indeed, when I spoke to you about the presence of the Son-Spirit tandem at work in our universe (The Creator Son and the Divine Minister), I did not tell you everything, because this divine creative duo is the level of divinity closest to us. But there are divine beings who exercise a higher management work in our Grand Universe, including, in particular, the seven Master Spirits. These divine beings are at the origin of the diversity of subabsolute expression of the Paradise Deities. Each of them acts on a portion of the Grand Universe, and the one who acts in the part of the universe that concerns us is indeed the 7th Master Spirit.
However, before I end the 2nd Age with the emergence of God the Supreme, I must tell you about a group of beings who predate any organization of life. These are the Architects of the Master Universe (containing Havona, our Grand Universe, and the 4 outer levels of future creative expansion) and the multitude of beings who accompany them in their work of preparing space so that stellar organization can begin and the colonization of life can follow. They have been at work since the beginning of beginnings, they were active in the Grand Universe long before any organization of life was established, and they are currently busy organizing the 4 outer levels in preparation for the arrival of the 3rd Age of the Universe of Universes.
Until the Supreme has reached the limit of divine perfection in the space-time domain, there will be humans who will grow up to the perfection of Paradise. This 2nd age of the Universe of universes will end when the God of space-time has attained his stature as a perfect deity and will make himself known to all as God the Supreme. Then will be the establishment of the first subabsolute Trinity which will herald the end of the 2nd age of the Universe of universes.
However, unlike the Trinity of paradise, formed by the three absolute persons, the present Trinity is subabsolute and represents a large number of individuals who are distributed as follows:
This Trinity represents a total of 1,428,040 personalities. To say that this Trinity is the first subabsolute Trinity makes you understand that there will be at least one other. Indeed, at the end of the 3rd age of the Universe of universes, a third Trinity will be constituted and we can then speak of a Trinity of Trinities. But I must stop here, because the 3rd age is as mysterious to us as the 2nd age was to the citizens of Havona.
“Love is infectious, and when human devotion is intelligent and wise, love is more catching than hate. But only genuine and unselfish love is truly contagious.” (UB 100:4.6)
The AUQ will hold its next Annual General Meeting on Saturday, February 6, 2016 starting at 10:00 a.m. (arrive at 9:00 a.m.) at Hôtel Le Dauphin 600 Boul. St-Joseph, Drummondville.
As readers of The Urantia Book, you can attend this meeting and see how the members of the board of directors work to make the revelation known in Quebec.
A review of 2015 activities will be presented as well as upcoming projects and activities in 2016.
In the afternoon, there will be sharing and testimonies.
Normand Laperle
Editor of Réflectivité
A big thank you to those who write articles in Réflectivité. It is greatly appreciated. This is one way you can participate in your own way.
You probably noticed that there was no Réflectivité in December. It’s the same every year. We skip December because everyone is busy preparing for the holidays. In January, we publish an 8-page Réflectivité, including an AUQ membership form (which automatically includes your UAI membership).
From now on, Réflectivité will always be published in the last week of the month preceding the Réflectivité month.
New Year 2016 Meeting in Quebec City
It has become a tradition in Quebec. Every year we invite readers of “The Urantia Book” to a sharing brunch to start the new year.
This year, it’s happening at the Bernières Hotel in Lévis. (535, rue de Bernières, Lévis), Saturday January 23, 2016, 9:30 a.m. (http://hotelbernieres.qc.ca).
It is best to book in advance with Guy Le Blanc at 418-886-2366.
AUQ General Assembly
Mark your calendar for the AUQ General Assembly, Saturday, February 6, 2015, 10:00 a.m., at the “Le dauphin” hotel, 600 boul. St-Joseph, Drummondville.
Even if you are not a member, you can attend this meeting.
You will hear, among other things, an account of the activities and projects that took place in 2015 and those to come in 2016.
In the afternoon, there will be testimonies and sharing.
“Be merciful, even as God is merciful, and in the eternal future of the kingdom you shall be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect. (UB 140:3.16)
The Urantia Association of Quebec (U.U.Q.) is affiliated with the Urantia Association International (U.I.A.) and supports Urantia Foundation in its mandate as described in the Urantia Foundation Declaration of Trust and assists it in the dissemination of the teachings revealed in The Urantia Book. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All are elected for a two-year term at the Annual General Meeting. Membership in the Association may be as a Regular Member or a Friend Member, according to eligibility criteria specific to each.
The Urantia Association of Quebec reserves the right to revoke or refuse any application for membership if the applicant does not meet its requirements and regulations or those of Urantia Association International.
Eligibility criteria:
Benefits of being a regular member:
Eligibility criteria:
Benefits of being a friend member:
NAME : _____
FIRST NAME : _____
ADDRESS : _____
CITY : _____
PROVINCE : _____
SUCH. RES. : ( _____ ) _____ SUCH. BUR. : ( _____ ) _____
E-MAIL : _____
DATE : _____
Signature : _____
Attached: A check in the amount of $60.00
To the order of: Urantia Association of Quebec Send to: Urantia Association of Quebec, P.O. Box 304, St-Jérôme QC, J 7Z 5T9
(Updated 2015-01-02)
THIS ACTIVITY ALLOWS MULTIPLE READERS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF UNDERSTANDING to share and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications to the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important practice helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Outaouais Group
Gatineau Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maurice Migneault:
(613) 789-6833
Group : “Sans Frontière”
Hawkesbury Region
Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Yvon and Irene Belle-Isle: (613) 632-5706
Group : “Laurantia”
Petite Nation region in Outaouais
Sundays from 9:00 a.m.
Denise Charron & Jean-Claude Lafrenière Tel: (819) 983-2113
Group: “Découverte”
Laurentides Region
Mondays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre
Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Group : “Étoile du Soir”
Laurentides Region
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Carmen Charland: (450) 553-3601
Group : “Vers les Sommets”
Ormstown & Valleyfield Regions
Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Louise Sauvé: (450) 829-3631
Group: “Fraternité-Urantia”
Lanaudière region
Wednesdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Richard Landry & Gisèle Boisjoly Tel: (450) 589-6922
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Montreal Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Ms. Diane Labrecque: (514) 277-2308
Group : “Le Pont”
Montreal South Shore Region
Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Guy Vachon: (450) 465-7049
Group: “At Maisonia”
Quebec Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud:
(418) 871-4564
Group: “The Ascendants”
Quebec South Shore Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Guy Le Blanc: (418) 886-2366
Sherbrooke Group
Sherbrooke region
Every 2 weeks: Tuesdays or Wednesdays (to be confirmed) from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Hélène Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Group: “Readers of Mauricie”
Trois-Rivières Region
Mondays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Roger Périgny: (819) 379-5768
Group : “Les Débonnaires”
Terrebonne Region
Every 2 weeks: Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Julien Audet: (514) 315-9871
Group: “The Agondontarians”
Quebec Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 13 h 00 to 4:00 p.m.
Guy & Rolande L. Martin: (418) 651-3851
Responsible: Normand Laperle
Assisted by: Gilles Bertrand.
(418) 835-1809 (Normand Laperle)
(418) 871-4564 (Gilles Bertrand)
Publication (monthly)
In the first week of the month.
To send us your articles and/or contact us:
Add: Your name and city of residence.
Warning :
All submissions of articles or otherwise become the property of the journal and none will be returned.
We do not guarantee that all articles in our possession will be published in the next Réflectivité.
For the sake of fairness, we operate on a first-come, first-published basis. There is one exception to this rule: if I receive an article that discusses recent, past, or future events, it will be given priority over all others.
We reserve the right to edit articles for the benefit of the readership. However, in certain specific cases, these changes will be submitted to the author concerned for final approval before publication.
Any interpretation, opinion, conclusion or artistic representation, stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion and views of the UAI or national and local level associations.