© 2016 Maurice Migneault, Gaétan G. Charland, Normand Laperle
© 2016 Urantia Association of Quebec
Maurice Migneault
AUQ President
Last year at this time, we were all caught up in the whirlwind of organizing the International Congress in Sherbrooke, but what did we individually keep from this experience?
Collaboration within a work team offers us the opportunity to discover new qualities in our brothers and in ourselves. But it is not only qualities that we discover and that others discover, there are also our weaknesses, intolerances, impatience, excessive demands, vain and costly searches for perfection, refusal to delegate and abusive control.
There has been “collateral” damage, injuries related to interactions. It is unfortunate to say, but all of these things are very real, even in activities whose purpose is spiritual progression. If man had only his human resources to help him manage these sometimes perilous situations, his progress would be very slow. But our Heavenly Father has foreseen all of these things and has given us the help necessary to emerge victorious from these human obstacles.
“True liberty is the fruit of self-control;” (UB 54:1.6)
If it is true that faith is the key that opens the door to the storehouse of God’s resources, teamwork is the key that opens the door to the storehouse of man’s resources.
“If each day or each week you achieve an understanding of one more of your fellows, and if this is the limit of your ability, then you are certainly socializing and truly spiritualizing your personality.” (UB 100:4.6)
Gaétan G. Charland
Chairman of the UAI and AUQ Study Group Committee
Have you ever felt that the study group you facilitate or participate in has become monotonous, does not satisfy your need for progress in understanding the teachings, or does not foster your desire for spiritual growth?
Many study groups have come and gone since the time of the first publication of The Urantia Book in 1955, and probably many more will be among them as well, and for many good reasons. But there are some of these groups that have disappeared because they have failed in their goals of expanding cosmic consciousness and enhancing spiritual perception. Not only have some study groups failed in both of these goals, but they have also failed in their teachings how to become better seeders of truth, how to be more involved in our spiritual emancipation through service to others, and how to better integrate the teachings into our lives.
“The world needs to see Jesus living again on earth in the experience of spirit-born mortals who effectively reveal the Master to all men.” (UB 195:10.1)
I take as an example this quote which invites us to live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus and not to preach about him as many do, in order to live as best as possible the truth of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men, which Jesus so eloquently preached not only in words, but in the living examples of his life.
“I declare that the kingdom of heaven is the realization and acknowledgment of God’s rule within the hearts of men.” (UB 141:2.1)
“This Book is given to those who are ready for it, long before the day of its world mission. Thousands of study groups are to be organized and the Book is to be translated into many languages. Then the Book will be available when man’s battle for freedom is won and the world is once more made more fertile for the religion of Jesus and for the freedom of mankind” (Source: Publication Mandate)
Why did the revelators urge us to create thousands of study groups, train leaders and teachers? Except that they had a plan in mind, a plan that may seem so simple in its application that we fail to see its true, far-reaching mission to change the spiritual framework of this world. In order to change this framework of thought, should we not transform ourselves and become the bearers of this change? Could not study groups be a place through which we could accomplish much of this mission?
How can we answer this call to create thousands of study groups and train leaders and teachers? First, by making our study groups more intellectually and spiritually stimulating. How can we do this? By formulating a plan. A wise man named Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you don’t plan, then you are planning to fail!” I believe he was right, if we don’t formulate a plan for our study groups, we are likely to fail in the mission that has been given to us.
Here’s how we can proceed if we want to make a plan.
A plan does not need to be complicated, it only requires a few basic principles, such as: setting goals, objectives and developing strategies. Make sure that everyone in your group agrees on this plan and helps in its development, this way, they will be more than willing to carry it out. The consensus of the group is very important if we want the study group to be interesting for each student. Let us remember, we are students and not just readers who participate in a group to socialize, we have an important mission to accomplish.
How does it work?
A goal is knowing where we want to go.
Goals are there to give us guidance on our path to our goal.
Strategies are actions to help us get where we want to go.
So, let’s say our goal would be this:
To make our group more intellectually and spiritually interesting to new and old readers, men and women, while gently guiding them to become good teachers.
The objectives can be:
1st year
Strategies could be:
2nd year
Evaluate progress made in the first year and readjust your goals and strategies.
Having a set of operating policies in the group will help keep everyone happy and moving in the right direction.
Jeffrey Wattles, with the help of Antonio Schefer has created a protocol for their online study group, some of these rules could very well help each of the hosts in facilitating their study group and thus ensuring that all participants benefit from an experience of intellectual and spiritual growth.
I have copied this protocol here for your benefit, take from it what is appropriate for your group’s needs. This protocol was developed for an online study group using the Zoom platform. If you are interested in starting an online study group using this platform, please contact me, I will be more than willing to help you start your group using the Zoom platform.
A few years ago for the Study Group Symposium I created a Study Group Study Aid Manual which includes many helpful articles to enhance the quality of our learning experience, please contact me if you would like to receive a copy by email.
Enjoy your study group and be an active participant in their spiritual mission to the world.
“The doing of the will of God is nothing more or less than an exhibition of creature willingness to share the inner life with God” (UB 111:5.1)
Normand Laperle
Vice-president AUQ
Sunday, May 15, 2016, we will have a theme day at the Le Dauphin Hotel in Drummondville. The theme will be: “Born from the Spirit”.
At the beginning, there will be a short presentation to help get into the subject. Then, there will be a period of sharing between us on the subject. I offer you a text from my research, on this subject.
“A child exists for about nine months before experiencing birth.
But the birth of religion [(the management of our spiritual life)] is not sudden; rather it is a gradual emergence.
Nevertheless, sooner or later there is a day of birth. One does not enter the kingdom of heaven without being “born again” — born of the Spirit. ” UB 103:2.1
I understand that “born again” and “born of the Spirit” are the same thing. I also understand that “entering the kingdom” presupposes that the person is already “born of the Spirit.” One does not exist without the other.
Is this the world after death? The beyond? The morontia world? The time after fusion with the Adjuster?
In Jesus’ day, “kingdom” was a common expression. It is certain that if the Bible or the Gospel had been written in our time, we would not use this word, today outmoded.
The Antidote dictionary defines “kingdom” as: “State governed by a king”. In the “Urantia Book” the word “kingdom” is used to designate a place or a political entity.
But in Parts I, II, and III of The Urantia Book, “kingdom” is also used as the word “domain” would be used today, in the sense of “identifying a whole.” For example, we find the expressions: “the kingdom of good” UB 2:5.12, “the kingdom of current spiritual values” UB 7:1.10, “the scientific kingdom of logical uniformity” UB 16:6.6, “kingdom of the spirit” UB 34:7.6, etc.
In Part IV of “The Urantia Book” Jesus tried to get people out of the geographical and political sense of this word. He said: “The kingdom of my Father does not concern things that are visible and material. […] This kingdom is already now among you, for where the spirit of God teaches, where it guides the soul of man, there in reality is the kingdom.” UB 137:8.8
“The Spirit of God” that “teaches” and “guides the soul”? That’s the Adjuster!
I understand that when we speak of the “kingdom” we are not referring to a place, but rather to the inner contact with the “spirit of God”: the Adjuster.
It is clearly understood from the following quotes:
“Jesus said [to Nicodeme]: “Nevertheless, I declare to you, except a man be born of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”” (UB 142:6.5)
“ Nicodemus then said: But how can I begin to grasp this spirit which must recreate me in preparing me to enter the kingdom?
Jesus answered: The spirit of the Father who is in heaven already dwells in you.“ Therefore, the word ”spirit“ in ”born of the spirit" designates the Adjuster.
Jesus adds: “If you want to let yourself be led by this spirit from above, you will very soon begin to see with the eyes of the spirit”. Which implies that we already have faith. Therefore, “to be born of the spirit”, is not to have faith for the first time. We understand that faith is a prerequisite before being able to “be born of the spirit”.
Jesus continues: “then, if you choose with all your heart the government of the spirit, you will be born of spirit, because the only purpose of your life will be to do the will of your Father who is in heaven.” UB 142:6.7
Here we are. The person has just been “born of the spirit”. One might think that “born of the spirit” is the same as “doing the will of your Father”. But no. There is more…
There are two key words in “being of the spirit”: “born” and “spirit.” We have defined “spirit.” I will now focus on the word “born.” Why specifically use this word? Is there a particular connotation to consider? I come to the conclusion that yes. “Born” refers to the precise moment of birth. The moment we are “born again.” The “very beginning” of the “doing the will” of the father. This is why in the previous quote Jesus mentions “if you choose.”
I come to the conclusion that by “born of the spirit” we must understand: “choose to do the will of the father.” That is what “born of the spirit” is.
One might wonder why create an expression specifically to mark this event? It is because it is a moment that marks a spiritual life in a significant way. A tipping point to which one will want to refer. Why? “For the sole purpose of your life is to do the will of your Father who is in heaven.”
Come discuss it with us on May 15 in Drummondville to listen and share.
Come with your ideas. Here are some ideas for inspiration:
Working on “being” and “doing”.
The influence of “being” on “doing”.
The influence of “doing” on “being”.
Throw it all away…
Sunday May 15 2016 (10:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.), you are invited to Drummondville for a theme on “Birth of the Spirit”.
Looking forward to meeting you in large numbers.
Hotel le Dauphin, 600 Boulevard Saint-Joseph, Drummondville, QC
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to share and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications of the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important practice helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Outaouais Group
Gatineau Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maurice Migneault:
(613) 789-6833
Group : “Étoile du Soir”
Laurentides Region
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Carmen Charland: (450) 553-3601
Group : “Le Pont”
Montreal South Shore Region
Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Guy Vachon: (450) 465-7049
Sherbrooke Group
Sherbrooke region
Every 2 weeks: Tuesdays or Wednesdays (to be confirmed) from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Hélène Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Group : “Laurantia”
Petite Nation region in Outaouais
Sundays from 9:00 a.m.
Denise Charron & Jean-Claude Lafrenière Tel: (819) 983-2113
Group: “Fraternité-Urantia”
Lanaudière region
Wednesdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Richard Landry & Gisèle Boisjoly Tel: (450) 589-6922
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Montreal Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Ms. Diane Labrecque: (514) 277-2308
Group : “Les Débonnaires”
Terrebonne Region
Every 2 weeks: Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Julien Audet: (514) 315-9871
Group: “Découverte”
Laurentides Region
Mondays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre
Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Group : “Vers les Sommets”
Ormstown & Valleyfield Regions
Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Louise Sauvé: (450) 829-3631
Group: “Readers of Mauricie”
Trois-Rivières Region
Mondays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Roger Périgny: (819) 379-5768
Group: “At Maisonia”
Quebec Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud:
(418) 871-4564
Responsible: Normand Laperle
Assisted by: Gilles Bertrand.
(418) 835-1809 (Normand Laperle)
(418) 871-4564 (Gilles Bertrand)
Publication (monthly)
In the first week of the month.
To send us your articles and/or contact us:
Add: Your name and city of residence.